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VegasFlow is a python library that provides a number of functions to perform Monte Carlo integration of some functions. In this guide we do our best to explain the steps to follow in order to perform a successful calculation with VegasFlow. If, after reading this, you have any doubts, questions (or ideas for improvements!) please, don't hesitate to contact us by opening an issue on GitHub.

Basic usage

Integrating a function with VegasFlow is done in three basic steps:

  1. Instantiating an integrator: At the time of instantiation it is necessary to provide a number of dimensions and a number of calls per iteration. The reason for giving this information beforehand is to allow for optimization.
from vegasflow import VegasFlow

dims = 3
n_calls = int(1e7)
vegas_instance = VegasFlow(dims, n_calls)

2. Compiling the integrand: The integrand needs to be given to the integrator for compilation. Compilation serves a dual purposes, it first registers the integrand and then it compiles it using the tf.function decorator.

import tensorflow as tf

def example_integrand(xarr, weight=None):
  s = tf.reduce_sum(xarr, axis=1)
  result = tf.pow(0.1/s, 2)
  return result

  1. Running the integration: Once everything is in place, we just need to inform the integrator of the number of iterations we want.
n_iter = 5
result = vegas_instance.run_integration(n_iter)

Constructing the integrand

Constructing an integrand for VegasFlow is similar to constructing an integrand for any other algorithm with a small difference: the output of the integrand should be a tensor of results instead of just one number. While most integration algorithms will take a function and then evaluate said function n number of times (to calculate n events) VegasFlow takes the approach of evaluating as many events as possible at once. As such the input random array (xarr) is a tensor of shape ((n_events, n_dim)) instead of the usual ((n_dim,)) and, suitably, the output result is not a scalar bur rather a tensor of shape ((n_events)).

Note that the example_integrand contains only TensorFlow function and method and operations between TensorFlow variables:

def example_integrand(xarr, weight=None):
  s = tf.reduce_sum(xarr, axis=1)
  result = tf.pow(0.1/s, 2)
  return result

By making VegasFlow integrand depend only on python and TensorFlow primitives the code can be understood by TenosrFlow and be compiled to run on CPU, GPU or other hardware accelerators as well as to apply optimizations based on XLA.

It is possible, however (and often useful when prototyping) to integrate functions not based on TensorFlow, by passing the compilable flag at compile time. This will spare the compilation of the integrand (while maintaining the compilation of the integration algorithm).

import numpy as np

def example_integrand(xarr, weight=None):
  s = np.sum(xarr, axis=1)
  result = np.square(0.1/s)
  return result

vegas_instance.compile(example_integrand, compilable=False)


Integrands must always accept as first argument the random number (xarr) and can also accept the keyword argument weight. The compile method of the integration will try to find the most adequate signature in each situation.

It is also possible to completely avoid compilation, by leveraging TensorFlow's eager execution as explained at :ref:`eager-label`.

Integrating vector functions

It is also possible to integrate vector-valued functions with most algorithms included in VegasFlow while simply modifying the integrand to return a vector of values per event instead of a scalar (in other words, the output shape of the result should be ((n_events, n_outputs)).

def test_function(xarr):
    res = tf.square((xarr - 1.0) ** 2)
    return tf.exp(-res)

For adaptative algorithms however only one of the dimensions is taken into account to adapt the grid (by default it will be the first output). In VegasFlow it is possible to modify this beahaviour with the main_dimension keyword argument.

vegas = VegasFlow(dim, ncalls, main_dimension=1)

VegasFlow will automatically (by trying to evaluate the integrand with a small number of events) try to discover whether the functon is vector-valued and will check a) whether the algorithm can integrate vector-valued integrals and b) whether the main_dimension index is contained in the dimensionality of the output.


Remember that python lists and arrays are 0-indexed and such for an output with 2 components the index of the last dimension is 1 and not 2!

Choosing the correct types

A common pitfall when writing TensorFlow-compilable integrands is to mix different precision types. If a function is compiled with a 32-bit float input not only it won't work when called with a 64-bit float, but it will catastrophically fail. The types in VegasFlow can be controlled via :ref:`environ-label` but we also provide the float_me and int_me function in order to ensure that all variables in the program have consistent types.

These functions are wrappers around tf.cast 🔗.

from vegasflow import float_me, int_me
import tensorflow as tf

constant = float_me(0.1)

def example_integrand(xarr, weight=None):
  s = tf.reduce_sum(xarr, axis=1)
  result = tf.pow(constant/s, 2)
  return result


Integration wrappers

Although manually instantiating the integrator allows for a better fine-grained control of the integration, it is also possible to use wrappers which automatically do most of the work behind the scenes.

from vegasflow import vegas_wrapper

result = vegas_wrapper(example_integrand, dims, n_iter, n_calls, compilable=False)

The full list of integration algorithms and wrappers can be consulted at: :ref:`intalg-label`.

Changing the integration limits

By default VegasFlow provides random number only in the 0 to 1 range (and so all integrals are expected to be integrals from 0 to 1). But it is possible to choose any other ranges by passing to the initializer of the algorithm the xmin and xman variables.

Note that if any limit is to be changed all xmin and xmax must be provided:

from vegasflow import VegasFlow

dimensions = 2
vegas_instance = VegasFlow(dimensions, n_calls, xmin=[0, -4], xmax=[1, 10])

Seeding the random number generator

Seeding operations in TensorFlow is not always trivial. We include in all integrators the method set_seed which is a wrapper to TensorFlow's own seed method.

from vegasflow import VegasFlow

vegas_instance = VegasFlow(dimensions, n_calls)

This is equivalent to:

from vegasflow import VegasFlow
import tensorflow as tf

vegas_instance = VegasFlow(dimensions, n_calls)

This seed is what TensorFlow calls a global seed and is then used to generate operation-level seeds. In graph mode (see :ref:`eager-label`) all top level tf.functions branch out of the same initial state. As a consequence, if we were to run two separate instances of VegasFlow, despite running sequentially, they would both run with the same seed. Note that this only occurs if the seed is manually set.

from vegasflow import vegas_wrapper
import tensorflow as tf

result_1 = vegas_wrapper(example_integrand, dims, n_iter, n_calls)
result_2 = vegas_wrapper(example_integrand, dims, n_iter, n_calls)
assert result_1 == result_2

The way TensorFlow seeding works can be consulted here here.


Even when using seed, reproducibility is not guaranteed between two different versions of TensorFlow.

Constructing differentiable and compilable integrations

An interface to generate integration callabales that can be used inside a TensorFlow library (for instance, inside a Neural Network) is provided through the make_differentiable method. This method will make the necessary changes to the integration, mainly such as freezing the grid and ensuring that only one device is used, and it returns a callable function that can be used as just another TensorFlow function.

In the following example, we generate a function to be integrated (which can depend on external input through the mutable variable z). Afterwards, the function is compiled (and trained) as a normal integrand, until we call make_differentiable. At that point the grid is frozen and a runner is returned which will run the integration result. The runner can now be used inside a tf.function-compiled function and gradients can be computed as shown below.

from vegasflow import VegasFlow, float_me
import tensorflow as tf

dims = 4
n_calls = int(1e4)
vegas_instance = VegasFlow(dims, n_calls, verbose=False)
z = tf.Variable(float_me(1.0))

def example_integrand(x, **kwargs):
    y = tf.reduce_sum(x, axis=1)
    return y*z

# Now we run a few iterations to train the grid, but we can bin them
_ = vegas_instance.run_integration(3)

runner = vegas_instance.make_differentiable()

def some_complicated_function(x):
    integration_result, error, _ = runner()
    return x*integration_result

my_x = float_me(4.0)
result = some_complicated_function(my_x)

def compute_and_print_gradient():
    with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
        y = some_complicated_function(my_x)

    grad = tape.gradient(y, my_x)
    print(f"Result {y.numpy():.3}, gradient: {grad.numpy():.3}")


vegasflow implements an easy interface to distributed system via the dask library. In order to enable it, it is enough to call the set_distribute method of the instantiated integrator class. This method takes a dask_jobqueue to send the jobs to.

An example can be found in the examples/ file where a SLURM cluster is used as an example


When the distributing capabilities of dask are being useful, VegasFlow "forfeits" control of the devices in which to run, trusting TensorFlow's defaults. To run, for instance, two GPUs in one single node while using dask the user should send two separate dask jobs, each targetting a different GPU.


VegasFlow uses the internal logging capabilities of python by creating a new logger handle named vegasflow. You can modify the behavior of the logger as with any sane python library with the following lines:

import logging

log_dict = {
      "0" : logging.ERROR,
      "1" : logging.WARNING,
      "2" : logging.INFO,
      "3" : logging.DEBUG
logger_vegasflow = logging.getLogger('vegasflow')

Where the log level can be any level defined in the log_dict dictionary.

Since VegasFlow is meant to be interfaced with non-python code it is also possible to control the behaviour through the environment variable VEGASFLOW_LOG_LEVEL, in that case any of the keys in log_dict can be used. For instance:


will suppress all logger information other than WARNING and ERROR.


VegasFlow is based on TensorFlow and as such all environment variables that have an effect on TensorFlow's behavior will also have an effect on VegasFlow.

Here we describe only some of what we found to be the most useful variables. For a complete description of the variables controlling the GPU-behavior of TensorFlow please refer to the nvidia official documentation.

  • TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL: controls the TensorFlow logging level. It is set to 1 by default so that only errors are printed.
  • VEGASFLOW_LOG_LEVEL: controls the VegasFlow logging level. Set to 3 by default so that everything is printed.
  • VEGASFLOW_FLOAT: controls the VegasFlow float precision. Default is 64 for 64-bits. Accepts: 64, 32.
  • VEGASFLOW_INT: controls the VegasFlow integer precision. Default is 32 for 32-bits. Accepts: 64, 32.

Choosing integration device

The CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable will tell Tensorflow (and thus VegasFlow) on which device(s) it should run. If this variable is not set, it will default to using all available GPUs and avoid running on the CPU. In order to use the CPU you can hide the GPU by setting export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="".

If you have a set-up with more than one GPU you can select which one you want to use for the integration by setting the environment variable to the right device, e.g., export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0.

Eager Vs Graph-mode

When performing computationally expensive tasks Tensorflow's graph mode is preferred. When compiling you will notice the first iteration of the integration takes a bit longer, this is normal and it's due to the creation of the graph. Subsequent iterations will be faster.

Graph-mode, however, is not debugger friendly, as the code is read only once, when compiling the graph. You can, however, enable Tensorflow's eager execution. With eager mode the code is run sequentially as you would expect with normal python code, this will allow you, for instance, to throw in instances of pdb.set_trace(). In order to use eager execution we provide the run_eager wrapper.

from vegasflow import run_eager

run_eager() # Enable eager-mode
run_eager(False) # Disable

This is a wrapper around the following lines of code:

import tensorflow as tf

or if you are using versions of TensorFlow older than 2.3:

import tensorflow as tf

Eager mode also enables the usage of the library as a standard python library allowing you to integrate non-tensorflow integrands. These integrands, as they are not understood by TensorFlow, are not run using GPU kernels while the rest of VegasFlow will still be run on GPU if possible.

A commonly used feature in Monte Carlo calculations is the generation of histograms. In order to generate them while at the same time keeping all the features of VegasFlow, such as GPU computing, it is necessary to ensure that the histogram generation is also wrapped with the @tf.function directive.

Below we show one such example (how the histogram is actually generated and saved is up to the user). The first step is to create a Variable tensor which will be used to fill the histograms. This is a crucial step (and the only fixed step) as this tensor will be accumulated internally by VegasFlow.

from vegasflow.utils import consume_array_into_indices
from vegasflow.configflow import fzero, fone, int_me, DTYPE

HISTO_BINS = int_me(2)
cumulator_tensor = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(HISTO_BINS, dtype=DTYPE))

def histogram_collector(results, variables):
    """ This function will receive a tensor (result)
    and the variables corresponding to those integrand results
    In the example integrand below, these corresponds to
        `final_result` and `histogram_values` respectively.
    `current_histograms` instead is the current value of the histogram
    which will be overwritten """
    # Fill a histogram with HISTO_BINS (2) bins, (0 to 0.5, 0.5 to 1)
    # First generate the indices with TF
    indices = tf.histogram_fixed_width_bins(
        variables, [fzero, fone], nbins=HISTO_BINS
    t_indices = tf.transpose(indices)
    # Then consume the results with the utility we provide
    partial_hist = consume_array_into_indices(results, t_indices, HISTO_BINS)
    # Then update the results of current_histograms
    new_histograms = partial_hist + current_histograms

def integrand_example(xarr, weight=fone):
    # some complicated calculation that generates
    # a final_result and some histogram values:
    final_result = tf.constant(42, dtype=tf.float64)
    histogram_values = xarr
    histogram_collector(final_result * weight, histogram_values)
    return final_result

Finally we can call VegasFlow, remembering to pass down the accumulator tensor, which will be filled in with the histograms. Note that here we are only filling in one histogram and so the histogram tuple contains only one element, but any number of histograms may be filled.

histogram_tuple = (cumulator_tensor,)
results = mc_instance.run_integration(n_iter, histograms=histogram_tuple)

We include an example of an integrand which generates histograms in examples/

A very common case when integrating using Monte Carlo method is to add non trivial cuts to the integration space. It is not obvious how to implement cuts in a consistent manner on a GPU or using TensorFlow routines when we have to combine several conditions. We provide the generate_condition_function auxiliary function which generates a TensorFlow-compiled function for the necessary number of conditions.

For instance, let's take the case of a parton collision simulation, in which we want to constrain the phase space of the two final state particles to the region in which the two particles have a transverse momentum above 15 GeV, or any of them have a rapidity below 4.

We first generate the condition we want to apply using generate_condition_function.

from vegasflow.utils import generate_condition_function

f_cond = generate_condition_function(3, condition = ['and', 'or'])

Now we can use the f_cond function in our integrand. This f_cond function accepts three arguments and returns a mask of all of them and the True indices.

import tensorflow as tf
from vegasflow import vegas_wrapper

def two_particle(xarr, **kwargs):
    # Complicated calculation of phase space
    pt_jet_1 = xarr[:,0]*100 + 5
    pt_jet_2 = xarr[:,1]*100 + 5
    rapidity = xarr[:,2]*50
    # Generate the conditions
    c_1 = pt_jet_1 > 15
    c_2 = pt_jet_2 > 15
    c_3 = rapidity < 4
    mask, idx = f_cond(c_1, c_2, c_3)
    # Now we can mask away the unwanted results
    good_vals = tf.boolean_mask(xarr[:,3], mask, axis=0)
    # Perform very complicated calculation
    result = tf.square(good_vals)
    # Return a sparse tensor so that only the actual results have a value
    ret = tf.scatter_nd(idx, result, shape=c_1.shape)
    return ret

result = vegas_wrapper(two_particle, 4, 3, 100, compilable=False)

Note that we use the mask to remove the values that are not part of the phase space. If the phase space to be integrated is much smaller than the integration region, removing unwanted values can have a huge impact in the calculation from the point of view of speed and memory, so we recommend removing them instead of just zeroing them.

The resulting array, however, must have one value per event, so before returning back the array to VegasFlow we use tf.scatter_nd to create a sparse tensor where all values are set to 0 except the indices defined in idx that have the values defined by result.