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File metadata and controls

378 lines (302 loc) · 18.8 KB

Program convert_amsu_L1


Before you begin: Installing the libraries needed to read these files can be fairly troublesome. The NASA Earthdata Data Access Services website is the download site for the necessary libraries. An example build script (AIRS/ is intended to provide some guidance.


There is a little bit of confusing history to be aware of for AMSU/A:

AMSU/A was flown on NOAA 15-17. It is also on the Aqua satellite (that also houses AIRS) as well as the European MetOp. It has been replaced by ATMS on NOAA-20.

The datset of interest is: “AIRS/Aqua L1B AMSU (A1/A2) geolocated and calibrated brightness temperatures V005 (AIRABRAD) at GES DISC” The short name for this dataset is ‘AIRABRAD’

The introductory paragraph for the dataset is:

Version 5 is the current version of the data set.tmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) is a grating spectrometer (R = 1200) aboard the second Earth Observing System (EOS) polar-orbiting platform, EOS Aqua. In combination with the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) and the Humidity Sounder for Brazil (HSB), AIRS constitutes an innovative atmospheric sounding group of visible, infrared, and microwave sensors. The AMSU-A instrument is co-aligned with AIRS so that successive blocks of 3 x 3 AIRS footprints are contained within one AMSU-A footprint. AMSU-A is primarily a temperature sounder that provides atmospheric information in the presence of clouds, which can be used to correct the AIRS infrared measurements for the effects of clouds. This is possible because non-precipitating clouds are for the most part transparent to microwave radiation, in contrast to visible and infrared radiation which are strongly scattered and absorbed by clouds. AMSU-A1 has 13 channels from 50 - 90 GHz and AMSU-A2 has 2 channels from 23 - 32 GHz. The AIRABRAD_005 products are stored in files (often referred to as “granules”) that contain 6 minutes of data, 30 footprints across track by 45 lines along track.

The citation information for this dataset is:

Title: AIRS/Aqua L1B AMSU (A1/A2) geolocated and calibrated brightness temperatures V005 Version: 005 Creator: AIRS project Publisher: Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC) Release Date: 2007-07-26T00:00:00.000Z Linkage:

NASA provides a README.AIRABRAD.pdf through the Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center.


convert_amsua_L1 converts the L1B AMSU-A Brightness Temperatures in netCDF format to the DART observation sequence file format. The native HDF-EOS2 format files must be converted to netCDF. The conversion from HDF-EOS2 to netCDF is easily performed by the h4tonccf_nc4 converter.

As you can imagine, you need to download each satellite’s data in a different way. Also, just for your information, AMSU/B has been replaced on newer satellites by MHS and HSB, but especially MHS is almost identical.


DARTs design structure has the support for radiance observations (like brightness temperatures) provided by the :doc:`../../forward_operators/obs_def_rttov_mod` which depends on HDF5 libraries. Consequently, the obs_def_rttov_mod_nml namelist must appear in the input.nml. However, only two options are used when converting the observations: use_zeeman and rttov_sensor_db_file.

Be aware that if the RTTOV namelist option use_zeeman = .true. certain metadata must be available in the observation. This is not fully implemented in the AMSU-A observation converter. For more information, please see GitHub Issue 99 “AIRS AMSUA observation converter … Zeeman coefficients and channels

Namelists are read in a file called input.nml. We adhere to the F90 standard of starting a namelist with an ampersand '&' and terminating with a slash '/' for all our namelist input. Character strings that contain a '/' must be enclosed in quotes to prevent them from prematurely terminating the namelist. The default values are shown below. More realistic values are provided in AIRS/work/input.nml

   l1_files           = ''
   l1_file_list       = ''
   outputfile         = ''
   append_output      = .false.
   channel_list       = 'null'
   along_track_thin   = 0
   cross_track_thin   = 0
   lon1               =   0.0
   lon2               = 360.0
   lat1               = -90.0
   lat2               =  90.0
   verbose            = 0
Contents Type Description
l1_files character(len=256), dimension(512) A list of one or more names of the netCDF file(s) to read.
l1_file_list character(len=256) The name of an ascii text file which contains one filename per line. Each file will be read and the observations converted into a single output file. Only one of 'l1_files' and 'l1_file_list' can be specified. The other must be ' ' (empty).
outputfile character(len=256) The name of the output observation sequence file.
append_output logical If the output observation sequence file exists it is possible to add to it. The observations are added consistent with the paradigm that the observation linked list will be traversed in temporally-ascending fashion, no matter the physical location of the observation in the file. .true. adds the new observations to the existing file, .false. will cause an existing output file to be overwritten.
channel_list character(len=8), dimension(15) The AMSU channels desired. See the table below for valid input.
along_track_thin integer provides ability to thin the data by keeping every Nth data value in the along-track scan. [0,45] e.g. 4 == keep only every 4th row. 0 is no thinning.
cross_track_thin integer provides ability to thin the data by keeping every Nth data value in the cross-track scan. [0,30] e.g. 3 == keep every third value. 0 is no thinning.
lon1 real(r8) the West-most longitude of interest in degrees. [0.0, 360]
lon2 real(r8) the East-most longitude of interest in degrees. [0.0, 360]
lat1 real(r8) the South-most latitude of interest in degrees. [-90.0,90.0]
lat2 real(r8) the North-most latitude of interest in degrees. [-90.0,90.0]
verbose integer Controls the amount of run-time output. 0 == bare minimum. 3 is very verbose. Only use 3 if converting one or two files for testing.

Channel Specification

"AMSU-A primarily provides temperature soundings. It is a 15-channel microwave temperature sounder implemented as two independently operated modules. Module 1 (AMSU-A1) has 12 channels in the 50-58 GHz oxygen absorption band which provide the primary temperature sounding capabilities and 1 channel at 89 GHz which provides surface and moisture information. Module 2 (AMSU-A2) has 2 channels: one at 23.8 GHz and one at 31.4 GHz which provide surface and moisture information (total precipitable water and cloud liquid water)."

To facilitate the selection of channels, either the 'Integer' or 'String' values may be used to specify channel_list. The 'Documentation' and 'netCDF' values are provided for reference only. The 'Documentation' values are from the README.AIRABRAD.pdf document.

Integer String Documentation Frequency netCDF center_freq
Module 2 - surface and moisture information
1 'A2-1' 23.8 23.8
2 'A2-2' 31.4 31.4
Module 1 - primary temperature sounding capability
3 'A1-1' 50.3 50.3
4 'A1-2' 52.8 52.8
5 'A1-3' 53.596 53.596
6 'A1-4' 54.4 54.4
7 'A1-5' 54.94 54.94
8 'A1-6' 55.5 55.5
9 'A1-7' 57.29034 57.29034
10 'A1-8'   57.29034
11 'A1-9'   57.29034
12 'A1-10'   57.29034
13 'A1-11'   57.29034
14 'A1-12'   57.29034
15 'A1-13' 89 89

Known Bugs


Future Plans


Instructions to download the AIRABRAD dataset

  1. Go to
  2. Log in (or create an account if necessary)
  3. Search for AIRABRAD
  4. Scroll down past datasets to “Matching results.”
  • Follow the link to “AIRS/Aqua L1B AMSU (A1/A2) geolocated and calibrated brightness temperatures V005 (AIRABRAD) at GES DISC”
  1. You should now be at ‘’ (unless they’ve changed the site).
  • Select the ‘Download data’ tab
  • Select ‘Earthdata search’
  • Select the AIRS link under ‘Matching datasets’ (I have not tested the NRT products)
  1. You can now select ‘Granule filters’ to choose your start and end dates.
  2. Select the granules you want, then click ‘download all’ and 'download data’
  3. Click download access script
  4. Follow the instructions on that page to download the data.
Each granule is about 560K and has names like


See the :doc:`Dependencies Section<./README>` of the AIRS/README.

Because the data are distributed in HDF-EOS format, and the RTTOV libraries require HDF5 (incompatible with HDF-EOS) a two-step conversion is necessary. The data must be converted from HDF to netCDF (which can be done without HDF5) and then the netCDF files can be converted to DART radiance observation format - which is the part that requires obs_def_rttov_mod.f90, which is the part that requires HDF5.

The NASA Earthdata Data Access Services website is the download site, at press time, the following packages were required to build HDF-EOS Release v2.20:

  • hdf-4.2.13.tar.gz
  • HDF-EOS2.20v1.00.tar.Z
  • HDF-EOS2.20v1.00_TestDriver.tar.Z
  • HDF-EOS_REF.pdf
  • HDF-EOS_UG.pdf
  • jpegsrc.v9b.tar.gz
  • zlib-1.2.11.tar.gz

Similarly for HDF-EOS5 Release v5.1.16:

  • HDF-EOS5.1.16.tar.Z
  • HDF-EOS5_REF.pdf
  • HDF-EOS5_UG.pdf
  • hdf5-1.8.19.tar.gz
  • szip-2.1.1.tar.gz

DART provides a script DART/observations/obs_converters/AIRS/ that may help provide support for these libraries. You will have to modify it for your system, and you probably will have to iterate on that process. The script takes the stance that if you have to build HDF4, HDF-EOS, HDF5 … you might as well build HDF-EOS5 too. The HDF-EOS5 is entirely optional. The HDF5 will be needed by RTTOV.

Converting from HDF4 to netCDF

There are multiple ways to convert from HDF4 to netCDF. The HDF-EOS Tools and Information Center provides binaries for several common platforms as well as source code should you need to build your own.


The HDF-EOS Tools and Information Center provides the HDF4 CF CONVERSION TOOLKIT

The HDF4 CF (H4CF) Conversion Toolkit can access various NASA HDF4 external and HDF-EOS2 external files by following the CF conventions external. The toolkit includes a conversion library for application developers and a conversion utility for NetCDF users. We have translated the information obtained from various NASA HDF-EOS2 and HDF4 files and the corresponding product documents into the information required by CF into the conversion library. We also have implemented an HDF4-to-NetCDF (either NetCDF-3 or NetCDF-4 classic) conversion tool by using this conversion library. In this web page, we will first introduce how to build the conversion library and the tool from the source. Then, we will provide basic usage of the tool and the conversion library APIs. The information for the supported NASA HDF-EOS2 and HDF4 products and visualization screenshots of some converted NetCDF files will also be presented.

If you download a binary, it’s a good habit to verify the checksum. The download page has a link to a .pdf that has the known checksums. Here’s how to generate the checksum. Be aware that when I downloaded the file (via Chrome or ‘wget’) on an OSX system, the checksum did not match. When I downloaded the file on a linux system, the checksum did match.

If you download the source, the tar file comes with a README and an INSTALL. Please become familiar with them. DART also has a build script: AIRS/shell_scripts/Build_HDF_to_netCDF.csh that you can customize after you read the INSTALL document.

Actually converting to netCDF

While the converter creates very nice netCDF files, there are two global attributes that are exceedingly large and uninformative. Should you want to remove them, I suggest using the ncatted command from NCO.

h4tonccf_nc4 AIRS.2019.06.22.236.L1B.AMSU_Rad.v5.0.0.0.G19174110442.hdf
ncatted -a coremetadata,global,d,,, -a StructMetadata_0,global,d,,,

The DART L1_AMSUA_to_netcdf.f90 program

Before I became aware of h4tonccf_nc4, I was in the process of writing my own converter L1_AMSUA_to_netcdf.f90. It is not finished. Furthermore, at this stage, I don’t know which variables are needed to be a viable DART observation sequence file, and I don’t see the point in converting EVERYTHING.