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WRF/DART Tutorial Materials for the Manhattan Release.


This document will describe how to get started with your own Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) data assimilation experiments using DART and only covers only the WRF-specific aspects of integrating with DART. It is not wise to try to run WRF/DART if you have no experience with WRF and/or no experience with DART.

This tutorial was assembled to be compatible with ~WRF V3.9.1 and the DART Manhattan release. Other releases of WRF may or may not be backwards or forwards compatible with this tutorial.

You must already be comfortable running the WRF system (WPS, real_em build of WRF). If not, work through the WRF model tutorial first before trying to link WRF and DART together. Check the WRF user guide or the WRFHELP forum for WRF-specific assistance.

If you are new to DART, we recommend that you become familiar with DART by working through the ../../../theory/readme and then understanding the DART getting started <../../../README> documentation.

before attempting the WRF/DART tutorial as you will find many helpful resources for learning the base DART configuration.

We do not claim that this is a “turnkey” or “black box” system. Be mentally prepared to invest a reasonable amount of time on the learning curve. There are many outstanding research issues which have no easy answers. This is not a one week/grad student/naive user system. Even after you get the code up and running, you have to be able to interpret the results, which requires developing specific skills. There are a lot of ways to alter how the system works – localization, inflation, which variables and observations are assimilated, the assimilation window time, the model resolution, etc, etc. This is both good and bad - you have many ways of improving your results, but you have to take care on how you leave all the settings of these inputs. Getting a set of scripts that runs doesn’t mean the system is running well, or producing useful results. So - if you’re still reading: Let the adventure begin!

This tutorial introduces a “canned” WRF/DART experiment involving an ensemble of 50 members that will be initialized from GFS initial conditions at 2017/04/27 00:00 UTC using a domain of the continental United States. The data included in the tutorial lasts until 2017/04/30 18:00 UTC. During this period, there was a strong rain and wind event that affected a large portion of the United States, causing record rains, localized flooding, and numerous tornadoes. For more information on the physical account of this case, see

By default, the tutorial case will only cover 12 hours of this event starting at 2017/04/27 00:00 UTC. The WRF model will be “spun-up” for six hours to generate a prior distribution. An assimilation of PREPBUFR observations will then be performed at 06:00 UTC, at which time analysis files will be generated to begin a new ensemble forecast. The WRF model will be advanced for 6 hours and a final assimilation cycle will be performed at 12:00 UTC. This process could then continue in order to investigate the strong rain and wind event. For what it’s worth, on NCAR’s Cheyenne under the default test configuration for this case, it can take an hour to complete a forecast/assimilation cycle. Since the tutorial runs for two cycles, it can take twice as long.

The goals of this tutorial are to demonstrate how WRF/DART works. After running this tutorial, you will be able to understand the major steps involved in setting up your own data assimilation (DA) experiments. However, you will need to do additional work before you can expect to have a fully functional WRF/DART system, as some of the steps involved in this tutorial (in particular, the perturbation bank and the observation sequence files) are provided for you in order to simplify the process. Furthermore, if you are not running on the UCAR/NCAR Cheyenne supercomputing system, you will likely need to customize the assimilation scripts to match the details of your particular system.

Step 1: Setup

There are several dependencies for the executables and scripting components. On Cheyennne, users have reported success building WRF, WPS, WRFDA, and DART with the default module environment including Intel compilers, MPT, and netCDF4. In addition, you'll need to load the nco and ncl modules to run the set of scripts that accompany the tutorial.

There are multiple phases for the setup: building the DART executables, getting the initial WRF boundary conditions etc., building (or using existing) WRF executables, and configuring and staging the scripting needed to perform an experiment.

Build the DART executables.

If you have not already, see Getting Started <../../../README> to download the DART software package. Set an environment variable DART_DIR to point to your base DART directory. How to do this will depend on which shell you are using.

shell command
tcsh setenv DART_DIR <path_to_your_dart_installation>
bash export DART_DIR=<path_to_your_dart_installation>

In either case, you will replace <path_to_your_dart_installation> with the actual path to your DART installation. If you are using another shell, refer to your shell-specific documentation on how to set an environment variable.

Building the DART executables for the tutorial follows the same process as building any of the DART executables. Configure the mkmf.template file for your system, configure the input.nml for the model you want to compile, and run (which is not necessarily quick, but it is quicker than doing it by hand) to compile all the programs you might need for an experiment with that model.

  1. It is assumed you have successfully configured the $DART_DIR/build_templates/mkmf.template file for your system. If not, you will need to do so now. See the Getting Started <../../../README> for more detail, if necessary.
  2. [OPTIONAL] Modify the DART code to use 32bit reals. Most WRF/DART users run both the WRF model and the DART assimilation code using 32bit reals. This is not the default for the DART code. Make this single code change before building the DART executables to compile all reals as 32bit reals.

    Edit $DART_DIR/assimilation_code/modules/utilities/types_mod.f90 with your favorite editor. Change

    ! real precision:
    ! TO RUN WITH REDUCED PRECISION REALS (and use correspondingly less memory)
    ! comment OUT the r8 definition below and use the second one:
    integer, parameter :: r4 = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(6,30)
    integer, parameter :: r8 = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(12)   ! 8 byte reals
    !integer, parameter :: r8 = r4                      ! alias r8 to r4


    ! real precision:
    ! TO RUN WITH REDUCED PRECISION REALS (and use correspondingly less memory)
    ! comment OUT the r8 definition below and use the second one:
    integer, parameter :: r4 = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(6,30)
    ! integer, parameter :: r8 = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(12)   ! 8 byte reals
    integer, parameter :: r8 = r4                      ! alias r8 to r4
  3. Copy the tutorial DART namelist from $DART_DIR/models/wrf/tutorial/template/input.nml.template to $DART_DIR/models/wrf/work/input.nml.

    cd $DART_DIR/models/wrf
    cp tutorial/template/input.nml.template work/input.nml
  4. Build the WRF/DART executables:

    cd $DART_DIR/models/wrf/work

    Many executables are built, the following executables are needed for the tutorial and will be copied to the right place by the setup.csh script in a subsequent step:


Preparing the experiment directory.

Approximately 100Gb of space is needed to run the tutorial. Create a "work" directory someplace with a lot of free space. The rest of the instructions assume you have an environment variable called BASE_DIR that points to this directory.

shell command
tcsh setenv BASE_DIR <path_to_your_working_directory>
bash export BASE_DIR=<path_to_your_working_directory>
  1. The WRF boundary conditions and perturbations required to make a viable ensemble are available in a 15 GB tar file. Put this file in your $BASE_DIR. Since this is a large file, we suggest using 'wget' to download the file directly to your local system:

    cd $BASE_DIR
    tar -xzvf wrf_dart_tutorial_23May2018_v3.tar.gz

    After untarring the file you should see the following directories: icbc, output, perts, and template. The directory names (case sensitive) are important, as the scripts rely on these local paths and file names.

  2. You will need template WRF namelists from the $DART_DIR/models/wrf/tutorial/template directory:

    cp $DART_DIR/models/wrf/tutorial/template/namelist.input.meso   $BASE_DIR/template/.
    cp $DART_DIR/models/wrf/tutorial/template/namelist.wps.template $BASE_DIR/template/.
  3. You will also need scripting to run a WRF/DART experiment. Copy the contents of $DART_DIR/models/wrf/shell_scripts to the $BASE_DIR/scripts directory.

    mkdir $BASE_DIR/scripts
    cp -R $DART_DIR/models/wrf/shell_scripts/* $BASE_DIR/scripts

Build or locate WRF executables.

The WRFDA package is needed to generate a set of perturbed initial ensemble member files and also to generate perturbed boundary condition files. Since the tutorial provides a perturbation bank for a specific case, it is not required to actually run da_wrfvar.exe but it needs to be in the WRF_RUN directory for the tutorial.

Build (or locate an appropriate build of) WRF, WPS and WRFDA.

WRF and WRFDA should be built with the "dmpar" option, while WPS can be built "serial"ly. See the WRF/WRFDA documentation for more information about building these packages.


For consistency and to avoid errors, you should build WRF, WPS, WRFDA, and DART with the same compiler you use for NetCDF. Likewise MPI should use the same compiler. You will need the location of the WRF and WRFDA builds to customize the params.csh script in the next step.

Configure $BASE_DIR/scripts/param.csh with proper paths, info, etc.

This is a script that sets variables which will be read by other WRF/DART scripts. There are some specific parameters for either the Cheyenne supercomputing system using the PBS queueing system or the (decommissioned) Yellowstone system which used the LSF queueing system. If you are not using Cheyenne, you may still want to use this script to set your queueing-system specific parameters.


All variables that are marked 'set this appropriately #%%%#' need to be set. This list is intended to provide some guidance on what needs to be set, but it is not an exhaustive list.

Script variable Description
module load mpt The Environment Modules MPI compiler to use (here the HPE MPI) compiler). Note that on Cheyenne the default compiler is Intel.
module load nco The nco package.
module load ncl/6.6.2 The ncl package.
BASE_DIR The directory containing icbc, output, perts, etc.
DART_DIR The DART directory.
WRF_DM_SRC_DIR The directory of the WRF dmpar installation.
WPS_SRC_DIR The directory of the WPS installation.
VAR_SRC_DIR The directory of the WRFDA installation.
GEO_FILES_DIR The root directory of the WPS_GEOG files. NOTE: on Cheyenne these are available in the /glade/u/home/wrfhelp/WPS_GEOG directory
GRIB_DATA_DIR The root directory of the GRIB data input into ungrib.exe. For this tutorial the grib files are included, so use ${ICBC_DIR}/grib_data
GRIB_SRC The type of GRIB data (e.g. <Vtable.TYPE>) to use with ungrib.exe to copy the appropriate Vtable file. For the tutorial, the value should be 'GFS'.
COMPUTER_CHARGE_ACCOUNT The project account for supercomputing charges. See your supercomputing project administrator for more information.
EMAIL The e-mail address used by the queueing system to send job summary information.

Run the setup.csh script to create the proper directory structure and move executables to proper locations.

cd $BASE_DIR/scripts
./setup.csh param.csh

So far, your $BASE_DIR should contain the following directories:


Your $BASE_DIR/rundir directory should contain the following:



  • WRFIN (empty)
  • WRFOUT (empty)
  • WRF_RUN (wrf executables and support files)


  • add_bank_perts.ncl
  • new_advance_model.csh

support data:


Check to make sure your $BASE_DIR/rundir/WRF_RUN directory contains:

contents of your WRF build run/ directory (support data files for WRF)


Be aware that the setup.csh script is designed to remove $BASE_DIR/rundir/WRF_RUN/namelist.input. Subsequent scripting will modify $BASE_DIR/template/namlist.input.meso to create the namelist.input for the experiment.

For this tutorial, we are providing you with a specified WRF domain. To make your own, you would need to define your own wps namelist and use WPS to make your own geogrid files. See the WRF site for help with building and running those tools as needed. You would also need to get the appropriate grib files to generate initial and boundary condition files for the full period you plan to cycle. In this tutorial we have provided you with geogrid files, a small set of grib files, and a namelist to generate series of analyses for several days covering a North American region.

Let's now look inside the $BASE_DIR/scripts directory. You should find the following scripts:

Script name Description
add_bank_perts.ncl Adds perturbations to each member.
assim_advance.csh Advances 1 WRF ensemble member to the next analysis time.
assimilate.csh Runs filter ... i.e. the assimilation.
diagnostics_obs.csh Computes observation-space diagnostics and the model-space mean analysis increment.
driver.csh Primary script for running the cycled analysis system.
first_advance.csh Advances 1 WRF ensemble member (on the first time).
gen_pert_bank.csh Saves the perturbations generated by WRFDA CV3.
gen_retro_icbc.csh Generates the wrfinput and wrfbdy files.
init_ensemble_var.csh Creates the perturbed initial conditions from the WRF-VAR system.
mean_increment.ncl Computes the mean state-space increment, which can be used for plotting.
new_advance_model.csh advances the WRF model after running DART in a cycling context.
param.csh Contains most of the key settings to run the WRF/DART system.
prep_ic.csh Prepares the initial conditions for a single ensemble member.
real.csh Runs the WRF real.exe program.
setup.csh Creates the proper directory structure and place executables/scripts in proper locations.

You will need to edit the following scripts to provide the paths to where you are running the experiment, to connect up files, and to set desired dates. Search for the string 'set this appropriately #%%%#' for locations that you need to edit.

cd $BASE_DIR/scripts
grep -r 'set this appropriately #%%%#' .

Other than param.csh, which was covered above, make the following changes:

File name Variable / value Change description
driver.csh datefnl = 2017042712 Change to the final target date; here the final date is already set correctly for this tutorial.
gen_retro_icbc.csh datefnl = 2017042712 Set to the final target date of the tutorial. However, it is possible (not necessary) to create WRF initial/boundary conditions to 2017043000. This is the latest date that files are included in the tutorial.
gen_retro_icbc.csh paramfile = <full path to param.csh> The full path to param.csh. Change this on the line after the comment. While these two files are in the same directory here, in general it is helpful to have one param.csh for each experiment.
gen_pert_bank.csh All changes As the tutorial includes a perturbation bank, you will not need to run this script for the tutorial, so you will not need to change these values. However, you should set appropriate values when you are ready to generate your own perturbation bank.

Next, move to the $BASE_DIR/perts directory. Here you will find 100 perturbation files, called a "perturbation bank." For your own case, you would need to create a perturbation bank of your own. A brief description for running the script is available inside the comments of that file. However, again, for this tutorial, this step has already been run for you. The $BASE_DIR/icbc directory contains a file (geo information for our test domain), and grib files that will be used to generate the initial and boundary condition files. The $BASE_DIR/template directory should contain namelists for WRF, WPS, and filter, along with a wrfinput file that matches what will be the analysis domain. Finally, the $BASE_DIR/output directory contains observations within each directory name. Template files will be placed here once created (done below), and as we get into the cycling the output will go in these directories.

Step 2: Initial conditions

To get an initial set of ensemble files, depending on the size of your ensemble and data available to you, you might have options to initialize the ensemble from, say, a global ensemble set of states. Here, we develop a set of flow dependent errors by starting with random perturbations and conducting a short forecast. We will use the WRFDA random CV option 3 to provide an initial set of random errors, and since this is already available in the perturbation bank developed in the setup, we can simply add these to a deterministic GFS state. Further, lateral boundary uncertainty will come from adding a random perturbation to the forecast (target) lateral boundary state, such that after the integration the lateral boundaries have random errors.

First, we need to generate a set of GFS states and boundary conditions that will be used in the cycling. Use $BASE_DIR/scripts/gen_retro_icbc.csh to create this set of files, which will be added to a subdirectory corresponding to the date of the run in the $BASE_DIR/output directory. Make sure gen_retro_icbc.csh has the appropriate path to your param.csh script. If the param.csh script also has the correct edits for paths and you have the executables placed in the rundir, etc., then running gen_retro_icbc.csh should execute a series of operations to extract the grib data, run metgrid, and then twice execute real.exe to generate a pair of WRF files and a boundary file for each analysis time.

cd $BASE_DIR/scripts


Ignore any rm: No match errors, as the script attempts to delete output files if they already exist, and they will not for the first run.

Once the script completes, inside your $BASE_DIR/output/2017042700 directory you should see these files:


These filenames include the Gregorian dates for these files, which is used by the dart software for time schedules. Similar files (with different dates) should appear in all of the date directories between the datea and datef dates set in the gen_retro_icbc.csh script. All directories with later dates will also have an observation sequence file obs_seq.out that contains observations to be assimilated at that time.

Next, we will execute the script to generate an initial ensemble of states for the first analysis. For this we run the script init_ensemble_var.csh, which takes two arguments: a date string and the location of the param.csh script.

cd $BASE_DIR/scripts
./init_ensemble_var.csh 2017042700 param.csh

This script generates 50 small scripts and submits them to the batch system. It assumes a PBS batch system and the 'qsub' command for submitting jobs. If you have a different batch system, edit this script and look near the end. You will need to modify the lines staring with #PBS and change 'qsub' to the right command for your system. You might also want to modify this script to test running a single member first — just in case you have some debugging to do.

However, be warned that to successfully complete the tutorial, including running the driver.csh script in Step 5, using a smaller ensemble (e.g. < 20 members) can lead to spurious updates during the analysis step, causing the WRF simulation to fail.

When complete for the full ensemble, you should find 50 new files in the directory output/2017042700/PRIORS with names like prior_d01.0001, prior_d01.0002, etc... You may receive an e-mail to helpfully inform you when each ensemble member has finished.

Step 3: Prepare observations [OPTIONAL]

For the tutorial exercise, observation sequence files are provided to enable you to quickly get started running a test WRF/DART system. If you want to run with the example observations, you can skip to Step 4.

However, observation processing is critical to the success of running DART and was covered in getting started <../../../README>. In brief, to add your own observations to WRF/DART you will need to understand the relationship between observation definitions and observation sequences, observation types and observation quantities, and understand how observation converters extract observations from their native formats into the DART specific format.

The observation sequence files that are provided in this tutorial come from NCEP BUFR observations from the GDAS system. These observations contain a wide array of observation types from many platforms within a single file.

If you wanted to generate your own observation sequence files from PREPBUFR for an experiment with WRF/DART, you should follow the guidance on the prepbufr page to build the bufr conversion programs, get observation files for the dates you plan to build an analysis for, and run the codes to generate an observation sequence file.

For completeness, we list here how you could generate these observation sequence files yourself.


the following steps are not necessary for the tutorial as the processed PREPBUFR observation sequence files have already been provided for you. However, these steps are provided in order to help users get started with these observations quickly for their own experiments.

To (again, optionally) reproduce the observation sequence files in the output directories, you would do the following:

  • Go into your DART prep_bufr observation converter directory and install the PREPBUFR utilities as follows:

    cd $DART_DIR/observations/obs_converters/NCEP/prep_bufr

    You may need to edit the script to match your compiler and system settings.

  • Go to the $DART_DIR/observations/obs_converters/NCEP/prep_bufr/work/ directory and run to build the DART PREPBUFR-to-intermediate-file observation processor:

    cd $DART_DIR/observations/obs_converters/NCEP/prep_bufr/work
  • Download the PREPBUFR observations for your desired time. Go to the NCAR/UCAR Research Data Archive page for the NCEP/NCAR Global Reanalysis Products. Register on the site, click on the "Data Access" tab, and follow either the instructions for external users or NCAR internal users.
  • The downloaded .tar file will often be COS-blocked. If so, the file will appear corrupted if you attempt to untar it without converting the data. See the NCAR COS-block page for more information on how to strip the COS-blocking off of your downloaded file.
  • Untar the data in your desired directory.
  • In the $DART_DIR/observations/obs_converters/NCEP/prep_bufr/work directory, edit the input.nml file. This file will control what observations will be used for your experiment, so the namelist options are worth investigating a bit here. For example, you could use the following:

       obs_window    = 1.0
       obs_window_cw = 1.5
       otype_use     = 120.0, 130.0, 131.0, 132.0, 133.0, 180.0
                       181.0, 182.0, 220.0, 221.0, 230.0, 231.0
                       232.0, 233.0, 242.0, 243.0, 245.0, 246.0
                       252.0, 253.0, 255.0, 280.0, 281.0, 282.0
       qctype_use    = 0,1,2,3,15

    This defines an observation time window of +/- 1.0 hours, while cloud motion vectors will be used over a window of +/- 1.5 hours. This will use observation types sounding temps (120), aircraft temps (130,131), dropsonde temps (132), mdcars aircraft temps, marine temp (180), land humidity (181), ship humidity (182), rawinsonde U,V (220), pibal U,V (221), Aircraft U,V (230,231,232), cloudsat winds (242,243,245), GOES water vapor (246), sat winds (252,253,255), and ship obs (280, 281, 282). Additionally, it will include observations with specified qc types only. See the prepbufr page for more available namelist controls.

  • Within the $DART_DIR/observations/obs_converters/NCEP/prep_bufr/work directory, edit the prepbufr.csh file and change BUFR_dir, BUFR_idir, BUFR_odir, and BUFR_in to match the locations and format of the data you downloaded. A little trial and error might be necessary to get these set correctly.
  • Copy over the executables from ../exe, and run the prepbufr.csh script for a single day at a time:

    cd $DART_DIR/observations/obs_converters/NCEP/prep_bufr/work
    cp ../exe/\*.x .
    ./prepbufr.csh \<year\> \<month\> \<day\>
  • Your PREPBUFR files have now been converted to an intermediate ASCII format. There is another observation converter to take the observations from this format and write them into the native DART format. Edit the input.nml namelist file in the DART_DIR/observations/obs_converters/NCEP/ascii_to_obs/work directory. Here is a basic example:

       year       = 2017,
       month      = 4,
       day        = 27,
       tot_days   = 3,
       max_num    = 800000,
       select_obs = 0,
       ObsBase = '<path to observations>/temp_obs.',
       daily_file = .false.,
       lat1       = 15.0,
       lat2       = 60.0,
       lon1       = 270.0,
       lon2       = 330.0

    Choosing "select_obs = 0" will select all the observations in the ASCII file. Set "ObsBase" to the directory you output the files from during the last step. If you wish to choose specific observations from the ASCII intermediate file or control other program behavior, there are many namelist options documented on the create_real_obs page.

  • It is now time to build ascii_to_obs programs. Run the following:

    cd $DART_DIR/observations/obs_converters/NCEP/ascii_to_obs/work
  • Run the create_real_obs program to create the DART observation sequence files:

    cd $DART_DIR/observations/obs_converters/NCEP/ascii_to_obs/work
  • The program create_real_obs will create observation sequence files with one file for each six hour window. For a cycled experiment, the typical approach is to put a single set of observations, associated with a single analysis step, into a separate directory. For example, within the output directory, we would create directories like 2017042700, 2017042706, 2017042712, etc. for 6-hourly cycling. Place the observation files in the appropriate directory to match the contents in the files (e.g. *obs_seq2017042706*) and rename as simply obs_seq.out (e.g. output/2017042706/obs_seq.out).
  • It is helpful to also run the wrf_dart_obs_preprocess program, which can strip away observations not in the model domain, perform superobservations of dense observations, increase observation errors near the lateral boundaries, check for surface observations far from the model terrain height, and other helpful pre-processing steps. These collectively improve system performance and simplify interpreting the observation space diagnostics. There are a number of namelist options to consider, and you must provide a wrfinput file for the program to access the analysis domain information.

Step 4: Creating the first set of adaptive inflation files

In this section we describe how to create initial adaptive inflation files. These will be used by DART to control how the ensemble is inflated during the first assimilation cycle.

It is convenient to create initial inflation files before you start an experiment. The initial inflation files may be created with fill_inflation_restart, which was built by the step. A pair of inflation files is needed for each WRF domain.

Within the $BASE_DIR/rundir directory, the input.nml file has some settings that control the behavior of fill_inflation_restart. Within this file there is the section:

   write_prior_inf = .true.
   prior_inf_mean  = 1.00
   prior_inf_sd    = 0.6

   write_post_inf  = .false.
   post_inf_mean   = 1.00
   post_inf_sd     = 0.6

   input_state_files = 'wrfinput_d01'
   single_file       = .false.
   verbose           = .false.

These settings write a prior inflation file with a inflation mean of 1.0 and a prior inflation standard deviation of 0.6. These are reasonable defaults to use. The input_state_files variable controls which file to use as a template. You can either modify this namelist value to point to one of the wrfinput_d01_XXX files under $BASE_DIR/output/<DATE>, for any given date, or you can copy one of the files to this directory. The actual contents of the file referenced by input_state_files do not matter, as this is only used as a template for the fill_inflation_restart program to write the default inflation values. Note that the number of files specified by input_state_files must match the number of domains specified in model_nml:num_domains, i.e. the program needs one template for each domain. This is a comma-separated list of strings in single 'quotes'.

After running the program, the inflation files must then be moved to the directory expected by the driver.csh script.

Run the following commands with the dates for this particular tutorial:

cd $BASE_DIR/rundir
cp ../output/2017042700/wrfinput_d01_152057_0_mean ./wrfinput_d01
mkdir ../output/2017042700/Inflation_input
mv input_priorinf_*.nc ../output/2017042700/Inflation_input/

Once these files are in the right place, the scripting should take care of renaming the output from the previous cycle as the input for the next cycle.

Step 5: Cycled analysis system

While the DART system provides executables to perform individual tasks necessary for ensemble data assimilation, for large models such as WRF that are run on a supercomputer queueing system, an additional layer of scripts is necessary to glue all of the pieces together. A set of scripts is provided with the tutorial tarball to provide you a starting point for your own WRF/DART system. You will need to edit these scripts, perhaps extensively, to run them within your particular computing environment. If you will run on NCAR's Cheyenne environment, fewer edits may be needed, but you should familiarize yourself with running jobs on Cheyenne if necessary. A single forecast/assimilation cycle of this tutorial can take an hour on Cheyenne - longer if debug options are enabled or the shared nodes are busy - shorter if more cores or a higher optimization level is acceptable.

In this tutorial, we have previously edited the param.csh and other scripts. Throughout the WRF/DART scripts, there are many options to adjust cycling frequency, domains, ensemble size, etc., which are available when adapting this set of scripts for your own research. To become more famililar with this set of scripts and to eventually make these scripts your own, we advise commenting out all the places the script submits jobs while debugging, placing an 'exit' in the script at each job submission step. This way you will be able to understand how all of the pieces work together.

However, for this tutorial, we will only show you how the major components work. The next step in our process is the main driver.csh script, which expects a starting date (YYYYMMDDHH) and the full path of the resource file as command line arguments. In this example (which uses csh/tcsh syntax), we are also capturing the run-time output into a file named run.out and the entire command will be running in the background:

cd $BASE_DIR/scripts
./driver.csh 2017042706 param.csh >& run.out &

driver.csh will - check that the input files are present (wrfinput files, wrfbdy, observation sequence, and DART restart files), - create a job script to run filter in $BASE_DIR/rundir, - monitor that expected output from filter is created, - submit jobs to advance the ensemble to the next analysis time, - (simultaneously with the ensemble advance) compute assimilation diagnostics - archive and clean up - and continue to cycle until the final analysis time has been reached.

Step 6: Check your results

Once you have run the analysis system, it is time to check if things ran well or if there are problems that need to be addressed. DART provides analysis system diagnostics in both state and observation space.

Check to see if the analysis system actually changed the state. You should find a file in the $BASE_DIR/output/ directory called which is the change in the ensemble mean state from the background to the analysis after running filter. Use a tool, such as ncview, to look at this file. You should see spatial patterns that look something like the meteorology of the day. These should be places where the background (short ensemble forecast) was adjusted based on the set of observations provided. Please become familiar with the Diagnostics Section <../../../guide/checking-your-assimilation> of the DART Documentation.

The driver.csh script also ran the diagnostics_obs.csh which runs the obs_diag program to investigate the observation space analysis statistics. You'll find the results of this in $BASE_DIR/output/<DATE>/ There are many Matlab scripts in the $DART_DIR/diagnostics/matlab directory that help explore the effectiveness of the assimilation. Look for their examples in the Observation-Space Diagnostics <../../../guide/matlab-observation-space> section.

The additional files enable plotting the time series of recently assimilated observations once multiple cycles have been run. Be sure to check that a high percentage (> 90%) of available observations were assimilated. Low assimilation rates typically point to a problem with the background analysis, observation quality, and/or observation error specification which are important to address before using system results for science.

Additional statistics can be evaluated using the converted final observation sequence file in netcdf format from the obs_seq_to_netcdf tool. This file has a name like, where the number in the file is largest in the most recent set of observations processed. There are Matlab tools to explore where and why the observations were rejected. plot_obs_netcdf.m and link_obs.m are particularly useful.

If you encounter difficulties setting up, running, or evaluating the system performance, please consider using the GitHub Issue facility or feel free to contact us at dart(at)ucar(dot)edu.

Agenda from the 22 Jan 2014 tutorial

  • Introduction (Anderson) - DART Lab materials
  • WRF/DART basic building blocks (Romine) -slides (some material is outdated)
  • Computing environment support (Collins) -slides
  • WRF/DART application examples (Romine) -slides (some material is outdated)
  • Observation processing (Collins) -slides
  • DART diagnostics (Hoar) - observation diagnostics <../../../guide/matlab-observation-space>

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