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628 lines (425 loc) · 20.4 KB


File metadata and controls

628 lines (425 loc) · 20.4 KB

MODULE (1D) location_mod


The DART framework needs to be able to compute distances between locations, to pass location information to and from the model interface code (in model_mod.f90), and to be able to read and write location information to files. DART isolates all this location information into separate modules so that the main algorithms can operate with the same code independent of whether the model uses latitude/longitude/height, one-d unit sphere coordinates, cylindrical coordinates, etc. DART provides about half a dozen possible coordinate systems, and others can be added.

This locations module provides a representation of a physical location on a periodic 1D domain with location values between 0 and 1. A type that abstracts the location is provided along with operators to set, get, read, write, and compute distances between locations. This is a member of a class of similar location modules that provide the same abstraction for different represenations of physical space.

All types of location modules define the same module name location_mod. Therefore, the DART framework and any user code should include a Fortran 90 use statement of location_mod. The selection of which location module will be compiled into the program is controlled by the LOCATION variable in

The model-specific model_mod.f90 files need to define four get_close routines, but in most cases they can simply put a use statement at the top which uses the routines in the locations module, and they do not have to provide any additional code.

However, if the model interface code wants to intercept and alter the default behavior of the get_close routines, they are able to. The correct usage of the get_close routines is as follows:

call get_close_maxdist_init()  ! must be called before get_close_obs_init()
call get_close_obs_init()
call get_close_obs()           ! many, many times
call get_close_obs_destroy()

Regardless of the fact that the names include the string 'obs', they are intended for use with any group of locations in the system, frequently state vector items or observations, but any location is acceptable.


This version of the locations module does not have any namelist input.

Other modules used


Public interfaces

use location_mod, only : location_type

There is currently no namelist interface for the 1D location module.

A note about documentation style. Optional arguments are enclosed in brackets [like this].

type location_type

   real(r8) :: x
end type location_type

Provides an abstract representation of physical location on a one-dimensional periodic domain.

Component Description
x Location has range 0 to 1

type get_close_type

   integer  :: num
   real(r8) :: maxdist
end type get_close_type

Provides a structure for doing efficient computation of close locations. Doesn't do anything in the 1D implementation except provide appropriate stubs.

Component Description
num Number of locations in list
maxdist Threshhold distance. Anything closer is close.

var = get_location(loc)

real(r8)                        :: get_location
type(location_type), intent(in) :: loc

Extracts the real location value, range 0 to 1, from a location type.

get_location The real value for a location
loc A location derived type

var = set_location(x)

type(location_type)   :: set_location
real(r8), intent(in)  :: x

Returns a location type with the location x.

set_location A location derived type
x Location value in the range 0. to 1.

call write_location(locfile, loc [, fform, charstring])

integer,               intent(in)       ::  locfile
type(location_type),   intent(in)       ::  loc
character(len=*), optional, intent(in)  ::  fform
character(len=*), optional, intent(out) ::  charstring

Given an integer IO channel of an open file and a location, writes the location to this file. The fform argument controls whether write is "FORMATTED" or "UNFORMATTED" with default being formatted. If the final charstring argument is specified, the formatted location information is written to the character string only, and the locfile argument is ignored.

locfile the unit number of an open file.
loc location type to be written.
fform Format specifier ("FORMATTED" or "UNFORMATTED"). Default is "FORMATTED" if not specified.
charstring Character buffer where formatted location string is written if present, and no output is written to the file unit.

var = read_location(locfile [, fform])

type(location_type)                    :: read_location
integer, intent(in)                    :: locfile
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: fform

Reads a location_type from a file open on channel locfile using format fform (default is formatted).

read_location Returned location type read from file
locfile Integer channel opened to a file to be read
fform Optional format specifier ("FORMATTED" or "UNFORMATTED"). Default "FORMATTED".

call interactive_location(location [, set_to_default])

type(location_type), intent(out) :: location
logical, optional, intent(in)    :: set_to_default

Use standard input to define a location type. With set_to_default true get one with all elements set to 0.

location Location created from standard input
set_to_default If true, sets all elements of location type to 0

var = query_location(loc [, attr])

real(r8)                               :: query_location
type(location_type), intent(in)        :: loc
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: attr

Returns the location value if attr = 'X' or if attr is not passed.

query_location Returns value of x.
loc A location type
attr Selects 'X'

var = set_location_missing()

type(location_type) :: set_location_missing

Returns a location with location set to missing value from types_mod.

set_location_missing A location set to missing value

call get_close_maxdist_init(gc,maxdist , [maxdist_list])

type(get_close_type), intent(inout) :: gc
real(r8), intent(in)                :: maxdist
real(r8), intent(in), optional      :: maxdist_list(:)

Sets the threshhold distance. Anything closer than this is deemed to be close. This routine must be called first, before the other get_close routines. It allocates space so it is necessary to call get_close_obs_destroy when completely done with getting distances between locations.

gc Data for efficiently finding close locations.
maxdist Anything closer than this distance is a close location.
maxdist_list Ignored for this location type.

call get_close_obs_init(gc, num, obs)

type(get_close_type),             intent(inout) :: gc
integer,                          intent(in)    :: num
type(location_type), dimension(:) intent(in)    :: obs

Initialize storage for efficient identification of locations close to a given location. The oned implementation is minimal and just records the number of locations here. Must be called after get_close_maxdist_init, and the list of locations here must be the same as the list of locations passed into get_close_obs(). If the list changes, get_close_obs_destroy() must be called, and both the initialization routines must be called again. It allocates space so it is necessary to call get_close_obs_destroy when completely done with getting distances between locations.

gc Structure that contains data to efficiently find locations close to a given location.
num The number of locations in the list.
obs The locations of each element in the list, not used in 1D implementation.

call get_close_obs(gc, base_obs_loc, base_obs_kind, obs, obs_kind, num_close, close_ind, dist)

type(get_close_type),              intent(in)  :: gc
type(location_type),               intent(in)  :: base_obs_loc
integer,                           intent(in)  :: base_obs_kind
type(location_type), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: obs
integer, dimension(:),             intent(in)  :: obs_kind
integer,                           intent(out) :: num_close
integer, dimension(:),             intent(out) :: close_ind
real(r8), dimension(:),            intent(out) :: dist

Given a single location and a list of other locations, returns the indices of all the locations close to the single one along with the number of these and the distances for the close ones. The list of locations passed in via the obs argument must be identical to the list of obs passed into the most recent call to get_close_obs_init(). If the list of locations of interest changes get_close_obs_destroy() must be called and then the two initialization routines must be called before using get_close_obs() again.

gc Structure to allow efficient identification of locations close to a given location.
base_obs_loc Single given location.
base_obs_kind Kind of the single location.
obs List of locations from which close ones are to be found.
obs_kind Kind associated with locations in obs list.
num_close Number of locations close to the given location.
close_ind Indices of those locations that are close.
dist Distance between given location and the close ones identified in close_ind.

call get_close_obs_destroy(gc)

type(get_close_type), intent(inout) :: gc

Releases memory associated with the gc derived type. Must be called whenever the list of locations changes, and then get_close_maxdist_init and get_close_obs_init must be called again with the new locations list.

gc Data for efficiently finding close locations.

var = get_dist(loc1, loc2, [, kind1, kind2])

real(r8)                        :: get_dist
type(location_type), intent(in) :: loc1
type(location_type), intent(in) :: loc2
integer, optional,   intent(in) :: kind1
integer, optional,   intent(in) :: kind2

Return the distance between 2 locations. Since this is a periodic domain, the shortest distance may wrap around.

The kind arguments are not used by the default location code, but are available to any user-supplied distance routines which want to do specialized calculations based on the kinds associated with each of the two locations.

loc1 First of two locations to compute distance between.
loc2 Second of two locations to compute distance between.
kind1 DART kind associated with location 1.
kind2 DART kind associated with location 2.
var distance between loc1 and loc2.

var = vert_is_undef(loc)

logical                         :: vert_is_undef
type(location_type), intent(in) :: loc

Always returns false; this locations module has no vertical coordinates. Provided only for compile-time compatibility with other location modules.

vert_is_undef Always returns .FALSE.
loc A location type

var = vert_is_surface(loc)

logical                         :: vert_is_surface
type(location_type), intent(in) :: loc

Always returns false; this locations module has no vertical coordinates. Provided only for compile-time compatibility with other location modules.

vert_is_surface Always returns .FALSE.
loc A location type

var = vert_is_pressure(loc)

logical                         :: vert_is_pressure
type(location_type), intent(in) :: loc

Always returns false; this locations module has no vertical coordinates. Provided only for compile-time compatibility with other location modules.

vert_is_pressure Always returns .FALSE.
loc A location type

var = vert_is_level(loc)

logical                         :: vert_is_level
type(location_type), intent(in) :: loc

Always returns false; this locations module has no vertical coordinates. Provided only for compile-time compatibility with other location modules.

vert_is_level Always returns .FALSE.
loc A location type

var = vert_is_height(loc)

logical                         :: vert_is_height
type(location_type), intent(in) :: loc

Always returns false; this locations module has no vertical coordinates. Provided only for compile-time compatibility with other location modules.

vert_is_height Always returns .FALSE.
loc A location type

var = has_vertical_localization()

logical :: has_vertical_localization

Always returns false; this locations module has no vertical coordinates. Provided only for compile-time compatibility with other location modules.

See note in threed_sphere locations module about the function name.

loc1 == loc2

type(location_type), intent(in) :: loc1, loc2
Returns true if the two location types have identical values, else false.

loc1 /= loc2

type(location_type), intent(in) :: loc1, loc2
Returns true if the two location types do NOT have identical values, else false.

integer, parameter :: VERTISUNDEF    = -2
integer, parameter :: VERTISSURFACE  = -1
integer, parameter :: VERTISLEVEL    =  1
integer, parameter :: VERTISPRESSURE =  2
integer, parameter :: VERTISHEIGHT   =  3
This locations module has no vertical coordinate, but for compatibility with other location modules, these are defined.

integer, parameter :: LocationDims = 1
This is a constant. Contains the number of real values in a location type. Useful for output routines that must deal transparently with many different location modules.

character(len=129), parameter :: LocationName = "loc1d"
This is a constant. A parameter to identify this location module in output metadata.

character(len=129), parameter :: LocationLName = "location on unit circle"
This is a constant. A parameter to identify this location module in output long name metadata.




  1. none

Private components