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The Manhattan-compliant version of the NOAH (technically NOAH-MP) supports NOAH-MP V3.6 and was largely updated in support of the data assimilation efforts with wrf_hydro. Experiments to perform data assimilation strictly with the NOAH-MP model have been run at the University of Texas at Austin by Jingjing Liang. We know other people are using DART and NOAH-MP. however, we have not had the chance to update the documentation for the Manhattan release. Consequently, we readily welcome any advice on how to improve the documentation and heartily encourage participation.

The NOAH Land Surface Model and Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART) may now be used for assimilation experiments. The Classic or Lanai version should be considered an 'alpha' release -- the code has only been tested for a single column configuration of NOAH.

Any of the variables in the NOAH restart file are available to be adjusted by the assimilation. The list of variables is set though a simple namelist interface. Since we are testing in a column configuration, there is no practical reason not to include all the variables necessary for a bit-for-bit restart: SOIL_T, SOIL_M, SOIL_W, SKINTEMP, SNODEP, WEASD, CANWAT, and QFX. These variables are then adjusted to be consistent with real observations and stuffed back into the same netCDF restart files. Since DART is an ensemble algorithm there are multiple restart files for a single restart time; one for each ensemble member. Creating the initial ensemble of land surface states is an area of active research. At present, it may be sufficient to use a climatological ensemble; e.g., using the restarts for '1 January 00Z' from 50 consecutive years.

There is reason to believe that the ensemble system will benefit from having unique atmospheric forcing for each ensemble member. A reasonable ensemble size is 50 or 80 or so.

DART reads the NOAH namelist &NOAHLSM_OFFLINE from a file called namelist.hrldas for several pieces of information. DART is responsible for starting/stopping NOAH; the restart information is conveyed through the NOAH namelist. Unpleasant Reality #1 : managing the tremendous number of hourly forcing files for every ensemble member is tedious. To facilitate matters, the DART/NOAH system uses a single netCDF file for each ensemble member that contains ALL of the forcing for that ensemble member.

dart_to_noah.f90 updates some or all of a NOAH restart file with the posterior DART state vector. There is the ability to selectively avoid updating the NOAH variables. This allows one to include NOAH variables in the DART state vector to aid in the application of observation operators, etc., without having to modify those variables in the NOAH restart file. [dart_to_noah.html]

Running a "Perfect Model" experiment ... OSSE

The example requires a basic knowledge of running NOAH. Four scripts are provided to demonstrate how to set up and run a perfect model experiment for a single site - with one caveat. You must provide your own initial ensemble for the experiment. The scripts are not intended to be black boxes. You are expected to read them and modify them to your own purpose.

The scripts assume the directory containing the DART executables is ${DARTDIR}/work, and assume that the directory containing the NOAH executables is ${NOAHDIR}/Run.

  1. shell_scripts/setup_pmo.csh
This script stages the run of :doc:`../../assimilation_code/programs/perfect_model_obs/perfect_model_obs`. The directory where you run the script is called CENTRALDIR and will be the working directory for the experiment. The required input observation sequence file must be created in the normal DART way. This file must exist before running this script. All the necessary data files and exectuables for a perfect model experiment get copied to CENTRALDIR so that you may run multiple experiments at the same time - in separate CENTRALDIRs.
  1. shell_scripts/run_pmo.csh
very simply - it advances NOAH and applies the observation operator to put the "perfect" observations in an observation sequence file that can then be used for an assimilation.
  1. shell_scripts/setup_filter.csh
builds upon the work of setup_pmo.csh and stages a PRE-EXISTING initial ensemble.
  1. shell_scripts/run_filter.csh
Actually runs the filtering (assimilation) experiment.

Generating the initial ensemble

Creating the initial ensemble of soil moisture states is an area of active research. The ensemble must come from 'somewhere else'. At present, it may be sufficient to use a climatological ensemble; e.g., using the NOAH restarts for '1 January 00Z' from 50 consecutive years from a hindcast experiment. It may also be sufficient to take a single model state, replicate it N times and force each of the N instances with different atmospheric conditions for 'a long time'.

By The Way

Experience has shown that having a paired (unique) atmospheric forcing maintains the ensemble spread during an assimilation better than simply forcing all the ensemble members with one single atmospheric state.

DART has routines to perturb a single NOAH state and generate its own ensemble (typically done with pert_model_state), but this produces model states that are incompatible with NOAH. We are interested in adopting/adapting strategies to create sensible initial conditions for NOAH.

If you have an algorithm you believe will be useful, please contact us!


Some novel observations come from the Cosmic-ray Soil Moisture Observing System: COSMOS and are processed by DART routines in the $DARTROOT/observations/COSMOS directory.

DART has a very object-oriented approach to observation support. All observations that are intended to be supported must be preprocessed (see $DARTROOT/preprocess/ into a single obs_def_mod.f90 and obs_kind_mod.f90 in the standard DART way.

Exploring the Output

There are Matlab® scripts for exploring the performance of the assimilation in observation-space (after running obs_diag). See $DARTROOT/diagnostics/threed_sphere/obs_diag.html to explore the file) - use the scripts starting with plot_, i.e. $DARTROOT/diagnostics/matlab/plot_*.m*. As always, there are some model-specific items Matlab® will need to know about in $DARTROOT/models/NOAH/matlab.

The and (and possibly netCDF files have the model prognostic variables before and after the assimilation. The ./matlab scripts for NOAH are under development.

It is also worthwhile to convert your file to a netCDF format obs_sequence file with obs_seq_to_netcdf. See $DARTROOT/obs_sequence/obs_seq_to_netcdf.html and use any of the standard plots. Be aware that the COSMOS site-specific metadata will not get conveyed to the netCDF file.


The &model_nml namelist is read from the input.nml file. Namelists start with an ampersand & and terminate with a slash /. Character strings that contain a / must be enclosed in quotes to prevent them from prematurely terminating the namelist. The standard values are shown below:

   lsm_model_choice             = 'noahMP_36'
   domain_shapefiles            = 'RESTART.2003051600_DOMAIN1_01'
   assimilation_period_days     =    0
   assimilation_period_seconds  = 3600
   model_perturbation_amplitude = 0.2
   perturb_distribution         = 'gaussian'
   debug                        = 0
   polar                        = .false.
   periodic_x                   = .false.
   periodic_y                   = .false.
   lsm_variables = 'SOIL_T',   'QTY_SOIL_TEMPERATURE',   '0.0',  'NA', 'UPDATE',
                   'SMC',      'QTY_SOIL_MOISTURE',      '0.0', '1.0', 'UPDATE',
                   'WA',       'QTY_AQUIFER_WATER',      '0.0',  'NA', 'UPDATE',
                   'SNEQV',    'QTY_SNOW_WATER',         '0.0',  'NA', 'UPDATE',
                   'FSNO',     'QTY_SNOWCOVER_FRAC',     '0.0', '1.0', 'UPDATE'

This namelist is read from a file called input.nml. This namelist provides control over the assimilation period for the model. All observations within (+/-) half of the assimilation period are assimilated. The assimilation period is the minimum amount of time the model can be advanced, and checks are performed to ensure that the assimilation window is a multiple of the NOAH model dynamical timestep.

Item Type Description
lsm_model_choice character(len=256) The version of the NOAH namelist to read
domain_shapefiles an array of character(len=256) The name of the NOAH RESTART files to use to specify the shape of the variables and geographic metadata. One per domain.
assimilation_period_days integer The number of days to advance the model for each assimilation.
assimilation_period_seconds integer In addition to assimilation_period_days, the number of seconds to advance the model for each assimilation.
model_perturbation_amplitude real(r8) The amount of noise to add when trying to perturb a single state vector to create an ensemble. Only used when input.nml is set with &filter_nml:start_from_restart = .false.. See also Generating the initial ensemble. units: standard deviation of the specified distribution the mean at the value of the state vector element.
perturb_distribution character(len=256) The switch to determine the distribution of the perturbations used to create an initial ensemble from a single model state. Valid values are : lognormal or gaussian
periodic_x logical Switch to determine if the configuration has periodicity in the X direction.
periodic_y logical Switch to determine if the configuration has periodicity in the Y direction.
lsm_variables character(len=32):: dimension(5,40) The list of variable names in the NOAH restart file to use to create the DART state vector and their corresponding DART kind. [default: see example below]

The columns of lsm_variables needs some explanation. Starting with the column 5, UPDATE denotes whether or not to replace the variable with the Posterior (i.e. assimilated) value. Columns 3 and 4 denote lower and upper bounds that should be enforced when writing to the files used to restart the model. These limits are not enforced for the DART diagnostic files. Column 2 specifies the relationship between the netCDF variable name for the model and the corresponding DART QUANTITY.

The DART 'QTY's match what the model_mod knows how to interpolate, so you can't just add a new quantity and expect it to work. There is a complex interplay between obs_def_mod and preprocess, and model_mod that defines what QUANTITIES are supported. There is only a single QUANTITY that works with each variable and the example shows the current QUANTITYs. Support for these QUANTITYs was provided by running preprocess with the following namelist settings:

    input_obs_kind_mod_file = '../../../assimilation_code/modules/observations/DEFAULT_obs_kind_mod.F90'
   output_obs_kind_mod_file = '../../../assimilation_code/modules/observations/obs_kind_mod.f90'
     input_obs_def_mod_file = '../../../observations/forward_operators/DEFAULT_obs_def_mod.F90'
    output_obs_def_mod_file = '../../../observations/forward_operators/obs_def_mod.f90'
   input_files              = '../../../observations/forward_operators/obs_def_land_mod.f90',


   hrldas_constants_file, &
   indir, outdir,  &
   restart_filename_requested, &
   khour,  kday, &
   forcing_timestep, &
   noah_timestep,  &
   output_timestep, &
   restart_frequency_hours, &
   split_output_count, &
   nsoil, &

The remaining variables are not used by DART - but are used by NOAH. Since DART verifies namelist accuracy, any namelist entry in NOAHLSM_OFFLINE that is not in the following list will cause a FATAL DART ERROR.

zlvl, zlvl_wind, iz0tlnd, sfcdif_option, update_snow_from_forcing,
start_year, start_month, start_day, start_hour, start_min,
external_fpar_filename_template, external_lai_filename_template,
subwindow_xstart, subwindow_xend, subwindow_ystart, subwindow_yend

This namelist is read from a file called namelist.hrldas. This namelist is the same one that is used by NOAH. The values are explained in full in the NOAH documentation. Only the namelist variables of interest to DART are discussed. All other namelist variables are ignored by DART - but mean something to NOAH.

Item Type Description
hrldas_constants_file character(len=256) The name of the netCDF file containing the grid information. [default: wrfinput]
indir character(len=256) The DART/NOAH environment requires all the input files to be in the current working directory. [default: '.']
outdir character(len=256) The DART/NOAH environment requires all output files are in the current working directory. [default: '.']
restart_filename_requested character(len=256) The name of the file containing the grid information. The default value is implicitly used by the scripting examples. Change at your own risk. [default: '']
khour integer The duration (in hours) of the model integration. [default: 1]
kday integer The duration (in days) of the model integration. [default: 0]
forcing_timestep integer The timestep (in seconds) of the atmospheric forcing. [default: 3600]
noah_timestep integer The internal (dynamical) timestep (in seconds). [default: 3600]
output_timestep integer The output interval (in seconds). [default: 3600]
restart_frequency_hours integer How often the NOAH restart files get written. [default: 1]
split_output_count integer should be 1 or bad things happen. [default: 1]
nsoil integer The number of soil interfaces. As I understand it, NOAH requires this to be 4. [default: 4]
zsoil integer(NSOLDX) The depth (in meters) of the soil interfaces. [default: -0.1, -0.4, -1.0, -2.04]


Note: the FORCING_FILE_DIRECTORY line is not required by NOAH but IS required by DART - specifically in the advance_model.csh script.

FORCING_FILE_DIRECTORY = "/path/to/your/forcing/files"

   INDIR  = "."
   OUTDIR = "."
   KHOUR                   = 1
   FORCING_TIMESTEP        = 3600
   NOAH_TIMESTEP           = 3600
   OUTPUT_TIMESTEP         = 3600
   ZSOIL(1) = -0.10
   ZSOIL(2) = -0.40
   ZSOIL(3) = -1.00
   ZSOIL(4) = -2.00

Input Files

filename purpose
input.nml to read the model_mod namelist
namelist.hrldas to read the NOAHLSM_OFLINE namelist
wrfinput provides NOAH grid information
&model_nml:noah_netcdf_filename the RESTART file containing the NOAH model state.