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File metadata and controls

364 lines (321 loc) · 26.2 KB

program model_mod_check


model_mod_check tests some of the more fundamental routines in any model_mod. This is intended to be used when adding a new model to DART - test the pieces as they are written. As such, this program is meant to be hacked up and customized to your own purpose. Right now, it reads in model netCDF file(s) - one per domain/nest/whatever - and writes out files, queries the metdata, etc. It also exercises static_init_model(), which is the first routine to get right ...


This namelist is read from the file input.nml. Namelists start with an ampersand '&' and terminate with a slash '/'. Character strings that contain a '/' must be enclosed in quotes to prevent them from prematurely terminating the namelist.

   num_ens               = 1
   single_file           = .FALSE.
   input_state_files     = 'null'
   output_state_files    = 'null'
   all_metadata_file     = 'metadata.txt'

   test1thru             = 7
   run_tests             = -1

   x_ind                 = -1
   loc_of_interest       = -1.0, -1.0, -1.0
   quantity_of_interest  = 'NONE'

   interp_test_dlon      = 10.0
   interp_test_dlat      = 10.0
   interp_test_dvert     = 10.0

   interp_test_lonrange  = 0.0, 120.0
   interp_test_latrange  = 0.0, 120.0
   interp_test_vertrange = 0.0, 100.0

   interp_test_dx        = -888888.0
   interp_test_dy        = -888888.0
   interp_test_dz        = -888888.0

   interp_test_xrange    = -888888.0, -888888.0
   interp_test_yrange    = -888888.0, -888888.0
   interp_test_zrange    = -888888.0, -888888.0

   interp_test_vertcoord = 'VERTISHEIGHT'
   verbose               = .FALSE.

Item Type Description
num_ens integer Provided for future use. Must be 1. Ultimately, The number of ensemble members you would like to read in for testing.
single_file logical If .TRUE. all members are stored in a single restart file.
input_state_files(:) character(len=256) The name(s) of the NetCDF file(s) containing the model states, one per domain. If num_ens > 1 and not single_file, specify a filename for each ensemble member (num_ens). If you have both multiple ensemble members in separate files AND multiple domains, specify all the ensemble member filenames for domain 1, then all the ensemble member filenames for domain 2, etc.
output_state_files(:) character(len=256) The name(s) of the output NetCDF file(s) for testing IO, one per domain. If num_ens > 1 and not single_file, specify a filename for each ensemble member (num_ens). If you have both multiple ensemble members in separate files AND multiple domains, specify all the ensemble member filenames for domain 1, then all the ensemble member filenames for domain 2, etc.
all_metadata_file character(len=256) Test 6 produces an exhaustive list of metadata for EVERY element in the DART state vector. The metadata get written to this file name.
x_ind integer(i8) An integer index into the DART state vector. This will be used to test the metadata routines. Answers questions about location, what variable type is stored there, etc.
loc_of_interest real(r8), dimension(3) The lat/lon/level for a particular location. Used in Test 4, the single-point interpolation test. Indirectly tests the routine to find the closest gridpoint.
quantity_of_interest character(len=32) Specifies the QUANTITY of the model state to use in Tests 4, 5, and 7.
interp_test_dlon real(r8) The distance (measured in degrees) on the longitude interpolation grid. Ignored if interpolating with cartesian coordinates. Used in Test 5.
interp_test_dlat real(r8) The distance (measured in degrees) on the latitude interpolation grid. Ignored if interpolating with cartesian coordinates. Used in Test 5.
interp_test_dvert real(r8) The distance (measured in interp_vertcoord) on the vertical interpolation grid. Ignored if interpolating with cartesian coordinates. Used in Test 5.
interp_test_lonrange real(r8) The range of y to be tested with model_interpolate, with spacing interp_test_dlon. Ignored if interpolating with cartesian coordinates. Used in Test 5.
interp_test_latrange real(r8) The range of y to be tested with model_interpolate, with spacing interp_test_dlat. Ignored if interpolating with cartesian coordinates. Used in Test 5.
interp_test_vertrange real(r8) The range in the vertical direction to be tested with model_interpolate, with spacing interp_test_dvert. Ignored if interpolating with cartesian coordinates. Used in Test 5.
interp_test_dx real(r8) The interval on the x axis of the interpolation grid. This is used in Test 5 for models with threed_cartesian coordinates.
interp_test_dy real(r8) The interval on the y axis of the interpolation grid. This is used in Test 5 for models with threed_cartesian coordinates.
interp_test_dz real(r8) The interval on the z axis of the interpolation grid. This is used in Test 5 for models with threed_cartesian coordinates.
interp_test_xrange real(r8) The range of x to be tested with model_interpolate in Test 5, with spacing interp_test_dx.
interp_test_yrange real(r8) The range of y to be tested with model_interpolate in Test 5, with spacing interp_test_dy.
interp_test_zrange real(r8) The range in the vertical direction to be tested with model_interpolate in Test 5, with spacing interp_test_dz.
interp_test_vertcoord character(len=32) Specifies the vertical coordinate system to use during the interpolation tests. Valid values are: 'VERTISHEIGHT', 'VERTISPRESSURE', 'VERTISLEVEL', and 'VERTISSCALEHEIGHT'.
test1thru integer

If test1thru > 0, specifies the last test to be performed. All tests get performed sequentially. If test1thru < 0, run_tests is used to specify the tests to perform.

test summary
0 Mandatory. Tests static_init_model() by calling static_init_assim_model(). Reads input.nml &model_nml
1 Tests get_model_size() and reports on the makeup of the DART state vector.
2 Reads and writes a restart file.
3 Tests get_state_meta_data() for a single index into the DART state. Helps determine if the state vector is constructed correctly.
4 Tests model_interpolate() for a single point.
5 Tests model_interpolate() for a range of interpolation points.
6 Long, expensive test to return the metadata for every element of the state vector. May be useful to decide on known locations for subsequent testing.
7 Find the closest gridpoint to a known location.
run_tests(:) integer Specifies a list of tests to be performed. Same test numbers as described in test1thru. There are some dependencies. Tests 4 and 5 require a valid model state - which is read by Test 2. If a required test is not specified, the required test is enabled and run. A value of -1 means that test1thru will be used.
verbose logical Print extra info about the model_mod_check run. This is only used for more reporting during Test 5. Be warned - it will generate several lines of output for each point in the test!

A more typical namelist for a single ensemble member for a model with an outer grid and a single nested grid is shown below.

   input_state_files     = '',''
   output_state_files    = '', ''
   all_metadata_file     = 'metadata.txt'
   verbose               = .TRUE.
   test1thru             = 5
   run_tests             = -1
   loc_of_interest       = 243.72386169, 52.78578186, 10.0
   x_ind                 = 12666739
   quantity_of_interest  = 'QTY_POTENTIAL_TEMPERATURE'
   interp_test_lonrange  = 144.0, 326.0
   interp_test_dlon      = 1.0
   interp_test_latrange  = -5.0, 80.0
   interp_test_dlat      = 1.0
   interp_test_vertrange = 100.0, 11000.0
   interp_test_dvert     = 200.0
   interp_test_vertcoord = 'VERTISHEIGHT'


  • input.nml is used for model_mod_check_nml
  • The "input_state_files" can either be a single file containing multiple restart files, or a single NetCDF restart file. One file per domain.
  • The "output_state_files" is the output netCDF files from Test 2. Check the attributes, values, etc.
  • and check_me_interptest.m are the result of Test 5.
  • "all_metadata_file" is the run-time output of Test 6.


Unlike other DART components, you are expected to modify model_mod_check.f90 to suit your needs as you develop your model_mod. The code is roughly divided into the following categories:

  1. Check the geometry information,
  2. Read/write a restart file,
  3. Check the construction of the state vector ... i.e. the metadata,
  4. Interpolate at a single point,
  5. Interpolate for a range of points.

Test 0. mandatory

The first test in model_mod_check reads the namelist and runs static_init_model - which generally sets the geometry of the grid, the number of state variables and their shape, etc. Virtually everything requires knowledge of the grid and state vector, so this block cannot be skipped.

Test 1. checking the geometry information

The first test in model_mod_check exercises a basic required interface get_model_size(). This also generates a report on the geometry of the grid, the number of state variables and their shape, etc. as well as the total number of elements in the DART state vector.

Test 2. read/writing a restart file

This directly reads and write state variables from the model netCDF file. This is a nice sanity check to make sure that the DART state vector is being read in properly.

Test 3. check the construction of the state vector

It is critical to return the correct metadata for any given index into the DART state vector. This code block tests the two most common features of the metadata. As a bonus, this routine is also quite useful to determine EXACTLY where to place your first test observation. If you test precisely at a grid location, you should be able to really get a handle on debugging your model_interpolate() routine.

Test 4. test interpolation on a single point

This tests your model's interpolation routine on a single point and returns the interpolated value. This requires that Test 2 works - it needs a valid model state with data. Test 2 is automatically run if this test is selected.

Test 5. test interpolation on a range of values

This tests your model's interpolation routine on a range of values returns the interpolated grid in and check_me_interptest.m which can be read in Matlab and used to visualize the result. This requires that Test 2 works - it needs a valid model state with data. Test 2 is automatically run if this test is selected.

Test 6. exhaustively test the construction of the state vector

This can be a long test, depending on the size of your state vector. This returns the same data as in Test 3 - but for every element in the state vector. The metadata are written to a file specified by all_metadata_file and check_me_interptest.m which can be read in Matlab and used to visualize the result.

Test 7. find the closest gridpoint to a test location

This is a good test to verify that get_state_meta_data() and the grid information are correct. Typically, one would put in a location that is actually on the grid and see if the correct gridpoint index is returned. Repeat the test with slightly different locations until the next gridpoint is closer. Repeat ...


  • none