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cam-old works with versions of DART before Manhattan (9.x.x) and has yet to be updated. If you are interested in using cam-old with more recent versions of DART, contact DAReS staff to assess the feasibility of an update. Until that time, you should consider this documentation as out-of-date.


The DART system supports data assimilation into the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) which is the atmospheric component of the Community Earth System Model (CESM). This DART interface is being used by graduate students, post-graduates, and scientists at universities and research labs to conduct data assimilation reseearch. Others are using the products of data assimilation (analyses), which were produced here at NCAR using CESM+DART, to conduct related research. The variety of research can be sampled on the DART Publications page.

"CAM" refers to a family of related atmospheric components, which can be built with two independent main characteristics. CESM labels these as:


where resolution refers to both the horizontal resolution of the grid (rather than the vertical resolution) and the dynamical core run on the specified grid. The dynamical core refers to the fluid dynamical equations run on the specified grid.


where compset refers to the vertical grid and the parameterizations -- the formulation of the subgridscale physics. These parameterizations encompass the equations describing physical processes such as convection, radiation, chemistry.

  • The vertical grid is determined by the needs of the chosen parameterizations, thus the vertical spacing and the top level of the model domain, specified by a variable known as ptop, vary.
  • The combinations of parameterizations and vertical grids are named: CAM3.5, CAM5, CAM#, ... WACCM, WACCM#, WACCM-X, CAM-Chem.

There are minor characteristics choices within each of these, but only chemistry choices in WACCM and CAM-Chem have an impact on DART. As of April 2015, all of these variants are handled by the same model_mod.f90, namelist, and build scripts, with differences in the assimilation set up described in Setup Variations.

This DART+CAM interface has the following features.

  • Assimilate within the CESM software framework by using the multi-instance capability of CESM1.1.1 (and later). This enables assimilation of suitable observations into multiple CESM components. The ability to assimilate in the previous mode, where DART called 'stand-alone' CAMs when needed, is not being actively supported for these CESM versions.
  • Use either the eulerian, finite-volume (FV), or spectral-element (SE) dynamical core.
  • Use any resolution of CAM, including refined mesh grids in CAM-SE. As of April, 2015 this is limited by the ability of the memory of a node of your hardware to contain the state vector of a single ensemble member. Work is under way to relax this restriction.
  • Assimilate a variety of observations; to date the observations successfully assimilated include the NCEP reanalysis BUFR obs (T,U,V,Q), Global Positioning System radio occultation obs, and MOPITT carbon monoxide (when a chemistry model is incorporated into CAM-FV). Research has also explored assimilating surface observations, cloud liquid water, and aerosols. SABER and AURA observations have been assimilated into WACCM.
  • Specify, via namelist entries, the CAM (initial file) variables which will be directly affected by the observations, that is, the state vector. This allows users to change the model state without recompiling (but other restrictions remain).
  • Generate analyses on the CAM grid which have only CAM model error in them, rather than another model's.
  • Generate such analyses with as few as 20 ensemble members.

In addition to the standard DART package there are ensembles of initial condition files at the large file website that are helpful for interfacing CAM with DART. In the current (2015) mode, CESM+DART can easily be started from a single model state, which is perturbed to create an ensemble of the desired size. A spin-up period is then required to allow the ensemble members to diverge.

Sample sets of observations, which can be used with CESM+DART assimilations, can be found at of which the NCEP BUFR observations are the most widely used.

Experience on a variety of machines has shown that it is a very good idea to make sure your run-time environment has the following:

limit stacksize unlimited
limit datasize unlimited

This page contains the documentation for the DART interface module for the CAM and WACCM models, using the dynamical cores listed above. This implementation uses the CAM initial files (not restart files) for transferring the model state to/from the filter. This may change in future versions, but probably only for CAM-SE. The reasons for this include:

  1. The contents of the restart files vary depending on both the model release version and the physics packages selected.
  2. There is no metadata describing the variables in the restart files. Some information can be tracked down in the atm.log file, but not all of it.
  3. The restart files (for non-chemistry model versions) are much larger than the initial files (and we need to deal with an ensemble of them).
  4. The temperature on the restart files is virtual equivalent potential temperature, which requires (at least) surface pressure, specific humidity, and sensible temperature to calculate.
  5. CAM does not call the initialization routines when restart files are used, so fields which are not modified by DART may be inconsistent with fields which are.
  6. If DART modifies the contents of the .r. restart file, it might also need to modify the contents of the .rs. restart file, which has similar characteristics (1-3 above) to the .r. file.

The DART interfaces to CAM and many of the other CESM components have been integrated with the CESM set-up and run scripts.

Setup Scripts

Unlike previous versions of DART-CAM, CESM runs using its normal scripts, then stops and calls a DART script, which runs a single assimilation step, then returns to the CESM run script to continue the model advances. See the CESM interface documentation in $DARTROOT/models/CESM for more information on running DART with CESM. Due to the complexity of the CESM software environment, the versions of CESM which can be used for assimilation are more restricted than previously. Each supported CESM version has similar, but unique, sets of set-up scripts and CESM SourceMods. Those generally do not affect the cam-fv/model_mod.f90 interface. Current (April, 2015) set-up scripts are:

  • CESM1_2_1_setup_pmo: sets up a perfect_model_mod experiment, which creates synthetic observations from a free model run, based on the user's somewhat restricted choice of model, dates, etc. The restrictions are made in order to streamline the script, which will shorten the learning curve for new users.
  • CESM1_2_1_setup_pmo_advanced: same as CESM1_2_1_setup_pmo, but can handle more advanced set-ups: recent dates (non-default forcing files), refined-grid CAM-SE, etc.
  • CESM1_2_1_setup_hybrid: streamlined script (see CESM1_2_1_setup_pmo) which sets up an ensemble assimilation using CESM's multi-instance capability.
  • CESM1_2_1_setup_advanced: like CESM1_2_1_setup_pmo_advanced, but for setting up an assimilation.

The DART state vector should include all prognostic variables in the CAM initial files which cannot be calculated directly from other prognostic variables. In practice the state vector sometimes contains derived quantities to enable DART to compute forward operators (expected observation values) efficiently. The derived quantities are often overwritten when the model runs the next timestep, so the work DART does to update them is wasted work.

Expected observation values on pressure, scale height, height or model levels can be requested from model_interpolate. Surface observations can not yet be interpolated, due to the difference between the model surface and the earth's surface where the observations are made. Model_interpolate can be queried for any (non-surface) variable in the state vector (which are variables native to CAM) plus pressure on height levels. The default state vector is PS, T, U, V, Q, CLDLIQ, CLDICE and any tracers or chemicals needed for a given study. Variables which are not in the initial file can be added (see the ./doc directory but minor modifications to model_mod.f90 and CAM may be necessary.

The 19 public interfaces in model_mod are standardized for all DART compliant models. These interfaces allow DART to get the model state and metadata describing this state, find state variables that are close to a given location, and do spatial interpolation for a variety of variables required by observational operators.


The &model_nml namelist is read from the input.nml file. Namelists start with an ampersand & and terminate with a slash /. Character strings that contain a / must be enclosed in quotes to prevent them from prematurely terminating the namelist.

   cam_template_filename               = ''
   cam_phis_filename                   = ''
   vertical_localization_coord         = 'PRESSURE'
   use_log_vertical_scale              = .false.
   no_normalization_of_scale_heights   = .true.
   no_obs_assim_above_level            = -1,
   model_damping_ends_at_level         = -1,
   state_variables                     = ''
   assimilation_period_days            = 0
   assimilation_period_seconds         = 21600
   suppress_grid_info_in_output        = .false.
   custom_routine_to_generate_ensemble = .true.
   fields_to_perturb                   = ''
   perturbation_amplitude              = 0.0_r8
   using_chemistry                     = .false.
   use_variable_mean_mass              = .false.
   debug_level                         = 0

The names of the fields to put into the state vector must match the CAM initial NetCDF file variable names.

Item Type Description
cam_template_file character(len=128) CAM initial file used to provide configuration information, such as the grid resolution, number of vertical levels, whether fields are staggered or not, etc.
cam_phis character(len=128) CAM topography file. Reads the "PHIS" NetCDF variable from this file. Typically this is a CAM History file because this field is not normally found in a CAM initial file.
vertical_localization_coord character(len=128) The vertical coordinate to which all vertical locations are converted in model_mod. Valid options are "pressure", "height", "scaleheight" or "level".
no_normalization_of_scale_heights logical If true the scale height is computed as the log of the pressure at the given location. If false the scale height is computed as a ratio of the log of the surface pressure and the log of the pressure aloft. In limited areas of high topography the ratio version might be advantageous, and in previous versions of filter this was the default. For global CAM the recommendation is to set this to .true. so the scale height is simply the log of the pressure at any location.
no_obs_assim_above_level integer Because the top of the model is highly damped it is recommended to NOT assimilate observations in the top model levels. The units here are CAM model level numbers. Set it to equal or below the lowest model level (the highest number) where damping is applied in the model.
model_damping_ends_at_level integer Set this to the lowest model level (the highest number) where model damping is applied. Observations below the 'no_obs_assim_above_level' cutoff but close enough to the model top to have an impact during the assimilation will have their impacts decreased smoothly to 0 at this given model level. The assimilation should make no changes to the model state above the given level.
state_variables character(len=64), dimension(100) Character string table that includes: Names of fields (NetCDF variable names) to be read into the state vector, the corresponding DART Quantity for that variable, if a bounded quantity the minimum and maximum valid values, and finally the string 'UPDATE' to indicate the updated values should be written back to the output file. 'NOUPDATE' will skip writing this field at the end of the assimilation.
assimilation_period_days integer Sets the assimilation window width, and should match the model advance time when cycling. The scripts distributed with DART always set this to 0 days, 21600 seconds (6 hours).
assimilation_period_seconds integer Sets the assimilation window width, and should match the model advance time when cycling. The scripts distributed with DART always set this to 0 days, 21600 seconds (6 hours).
suppress_grid_info_in_output logical Filter can update fields in existing files or create diagnostic/output files from scratch. By default files created from scratch include a full set of CAM grid information to make the file fully self-contained and plottable. However, to save disk space the grid variables can be suppressed in files created by filter by setting this to true.
custom_routine_to_generate_ensemble logical The default perturbation routine in filter adds gaussian noise equally to all fields in the state vector. It is recommended to set this option to true so code in the model_mod is called instead. This allows only a limited number of fields to be perturbed. For example, only perturbing the temperature field T with a small amount of noise and then running the model forward for a few days is often a recommended way to generate an ensemble from a single state.
fields_to_perturb character(len=32), dimension(100) If perturbing a single state to generate an ensemble, set 'custom_routine_to_generate_ensemble = .true.' and list list the field(s) to be perturbed here.
perturbation_amplitude real(r8), dimension(100) For each field name in the 'fields_to_perturb' list give the standard deviation for the gaussian noise to add to each field being perturbed.
pert_base_vals real(r8), dimension(100) If pert_sd is positive, this the list of values to which the field(s) listed in pert_names will be reset if filter is told to create an ensemble from a single state vector. Otherwise, it's is the list of values to use for each ensemble member when perturbing the single field named in pert_names. Unused unless pert_names is set and pert_base_vals is not the DART missing value.
using_chemistry logical If using CAM-CHEM, set this to .true.
using_variable_mean_mass logical If using any variant of WACCM with a very high model top, set this to .true.
debug_level integer Set this to increasingly larger values to print out more debugging information. Note that this can be very verbose. Use with care.
Item Type Description
cam_template_file character(len=128) CAM initial file used to provide configuration information, such as the grid resolution, number of vertical levels, whether fields are staggered or not, etc.
cam_phis character(len=128) CAM topography file. Reads the "PHIS" NetCDF variable from this file. Typically this is a CAM History file because this field is not normally found in a CAM initial file.
vertical_localization_coord character(len=128) The vertical coordinate to which all vertical locations are converted in model_mod. Valid options are "pressure", "height", "scaleheight" or "level".
no_normalization_of_scale_heights logical If true the scale height is computed as the log of the pressure at the given location. If false the scale height is computed as a ratio of the log of the surface pressure and the log of the pressure aloft. In limited areas of high topography the ratio version might be advantageous, and in previous versions of filter this was the default. For global CAM the recommendation is to set this to .true. so the scale height is simply the log of the pressure at any location.
no_obs_assim_above_level integer Because the top of the model is highly damped it is recommended to NOT assimilate observations in the top model levels. The units here are CAM model level numbers. Set it to equal or below the lowest model level (the highest number) where damping is applied in the model.
model_damping_ends_at_level integer Set this to the lowest model level (the highest number) where model damping is applied. Observations below the 'no_obs_assim_above_level' cutoff but close enough to the model top to have an impact during the assimilation will have their impacts decreased smoothly to 0 at this given model level. The assimilation should make no changes to the model state above the given level.
state_variables character(len=64), dimension(100) Character string table that includes: Names of fields (NetCDF variable names) to be read into the state vector, the corresponding DART Quantity for that variable, if a bounded quantity the minimum and maximum valid values, and finally the string 'UPDATE' to indicate the updated values should be written back to the output file. 'NOUPDATE' will skip writing this field at the end of the assimilation.
assimilation_period_days integer Sets the assimilation window width, and should match the model advance time when cycling. The scripts distributed with DART always set this to 0 days, 21600 seconds (6 hours).
assimilation_period_seconds integer Sets the assimilation window width, and should match the model advance time when cycling. The scripts distributed with DART always set this to 0 days, 21600 seconds (6 hours).
suppress_grid_info_in_output logical Filter can update fields in existing files or create diagnostic/output files from scratch. By default files created from scratch include a full set of CAM grid information to make the file fully self-contained and plottable. However, to save disk space the grid variables can be suppressed in files created by filter by setting this to true.
custom_routine_to_generate_ensemble logical The default perturbation routine in filter adds gaussian noise equally to all fields in the state vector. It is recommended to set this option to true so code in the model_mod is called instead. This allows only a limited number of fields to be perturbed. For example, only perturbing the temperature field T with a small amount of noise and then running the model forward for a few days is often a recommended way to generate an ensemble from a single state.
fields_to_perturb character(len=32), dimension(100) If perturbing a single state to generate an ensemble, set 'custom_routine_to_generate_ensemble = .true.' and list list the field(s) to be perturbed here.
perturbation_amplitude real(r8), dimension(100) For each field name in the 'fields_to_perturb' list give the standard deviation for the gaussian noise to add to each field being perturbed.
pert_base_vals real(r8), dimension(100) If pert_sd is positive, this the list of values to which the field(s) listed in pert_names will be reset if filter is told to create an ensemble from a single state vector. Otherwise, it's is the list of values to use for each ensemble member when perturbing the single field named in pert_names. Unused unless pert_names is set and pert_base_vals is not the DART missing value.
using_chemistry logical If using CAM-CHEM, set this to .true.
using_variable_mean_mass logical If using any variant of WACCM with a very high model top, set this to .true.
debug_level integer Set this to increasingly larger values to print out more debugging information. Note that this can be very verbose. Use with care.

Setup Variations

The variants of CAM require slight changes to the setup scripts (in $DARTROOT/models/cam-fv/shell_scripts) and in the namelists (in $DARTROOT/models/cam-fv/work/input.nml). From the DART side, assimilations can be started from a pre-existing ensemble, or an ensemble can be created from a single initial file before the first assimilation. In addition, there are setup differences between 'perfect model' runs, which are used to generate synthetic observations, and assimilation runs. Those differences are extensive enough that they've been coded into separate Setup Scripts.

Since the CESM compset and resolution, and the initial ensemble source are essentially independent of each other, changes for each of those may need to be combined to perform the desired setup.

Perturbed Ensemble

The default values in work/input.nml and shell_scripts/CESM1_2_1_setup_pmo and shell_scripts/CESM1_2_1_setup_hybrid are set up for a CAM-FV, single assimilation cycle using the default values as found in model_mod.f90 and starting from a single model state, which must be perturbed into an ensemble. The following are suggestions for setting it up for other assimilations. Namelist variables listed here might be in any namelist within input.nml.


If built with the FV dy-core, the number of model top levels with extra diffusion in CAM is controlled by div24del2flag. The recommended minium values of highest_state_pressure_Pa come from that variable, and cutoff*vert_normalization_X:

2    ("div2") -> 2 levels  -> highest_state_pressure_Pa =  9400. Pa
4,24 ("del2") -> 3 levels  -> highest_state_pressure_Pa = 10500. Pa


vert_coord          = 'pressure'
state_num_1d        = 0,
state_num_2d        = 1,
state_num_3d        = 6,
state_names_1d      = ''
state_names_2d      = 'PS'
state_names_3d      = 'T', 'US', 'VS', 'Q', 'CLDLIQ', 'CLDICE'
which_vert_1d       = 0,
which_vert_2d       = -1,
which_vert_3d       = 6*1,
highest_state_pressure_Pa = 9400. or 10500.


There's an existing ensemble, so see the Continuing after the first cycle section to start from it instead of a single state. To set up a "1-degree" CAM-SE assimilation CESM1_2_1_setup_hybrid:

setenv resolution  ne30_g16
setenv refcase     SE30_Og16
setenv refyear     2005
setenv refmon      08
setenv refday      01


approximate_distance = .FALSE.
vert_coord          = 'pressure'
state_num_1d        = 1,
state_num_2d        = 6,
state_num_3d        = 0,
state_names_1d      = 'PS'
state_names_2d      = 'T','U','V','Q','CLDLIQ','CLDICE'
state_names_3d      = ''
which_vert_1d       = -1,
which_vert_2d       = 6*1,
which_vert_3d       = 0,
highest_obs_pressure_Pa   = 1000.,
highest_state_pressure_Pa = 10500.,

Variable resolution CAM-SE

To set up a variable resolution CAM-SE assimilation (as of April 2015) there are many changes to both the CESM code tree and the DART setup scripts. This is for very advanced users, so please contact dart @ ucar dot edu or raeder @ ucar dot edu for scripts and guidance.


WACCM[#][-X] has a much higher top than the CAM versions, which requires the use of scale height as the vertical coordinate, instead of pressure, during assimilation. One impact of the high top is that the number of top model levels with extra diffusion in the FV version is different than in the low-topped CAM-FV, so the div24del2flag options lead to the following minimum values for highest_state_pressure_Pa:

2    ("div2") -> 3 levels  -> highest_state_pressure_Pa = 0.01 Pa
4,24 ("del2") -> 4 levels  -> highest_state_pressure_Pa = 0.02 Pa

The best choices of vert_normalization_scale_height, cutoff, and highest_state_pressure_Pa are still being investigated (April, 2015), and may depend on the observation distribution being assimilated.

WACCM is also typically run with coarser horizontal resolution. There's an existing 2-degree ensemble, so see the Continuing after the first cycle section to start from it, instead of a single state. If you use this, ignore any existing inflation restart file and tell DART to make its own in the first cycle in input.nml:

inf_initial_from_restart    = .false.,                 .false.,
inf_sd_initial_from_restart = .false.,                 .false.,

In any case, make the following changes (or similar) to convert from a CAM setup to a WACCM setup. CESM1_2_1_setup_hybrid:

setenv compset     F_2000_WACCM
setenv resolution  f19_f19
setenv refcase     FV1.9x2.5_WACCM4
setenv refyear     2008
setenv refmon      12
setenv refday      20

and the settings within input.nml:

vert_normalization_scale_height = 2.5
vert_coord                = 'log_invP'
highest_obs_pressure_Pa   = .001,
highest_state_pressure_Pa = .01,

If built with the SE dy-core (warning; experimental), then 4 levels will have extra diffusion, and also see the CAM-SE section.

If there are problems with instability in the WACCM foreasts, try changing some of the following parameters in either the user_nl_cam section of the setup script or input.nml.

  • The default div24del2flag in WACCM is 4. Change it in the setup script to

    echo " div24del2flag         = 2 "                       >> ${fname}

    which will use the cd_core.F90 in SourceMods, which has doubled diffusion in the top layers compared to CAM.

  • Use a smaller dtime (1800 s is the default for 2-degree) in the setup script. This can also be changed in the ensemble of user_nl_cam_#### in the $CASEROOT directory.

    echo " dtime         = 600 "                             >> ${fname}
  • Increase highest_state_pressure_Pa in input.nml:

    div24del2flag = 2    ("div2") -> highest_state_pressure_Pa = 0.1 Pa
    div24del2flag = 4,24 ("del2") -> highest_state_pressure_Pa = 0.2 Pa
  • Use a larger nsplit and/or nspltvrm in the setup script:

    echo " nsplit         = 16 "                             >> ${fname}
    echo " nspltvrm       =  4 "                             >> ${fname}
  • Reduce inf_damping from the default value of 0.9 in input.nml:

    inf_damping           = 0.5,                   0,

Notes for Continuing an Integration

Continuing after the first cycle

After the first forecast+assimilation cycle, using an ensemble created from a single file, it is necessary to change to the 'continuing' mode, where CAM will not perform all of its startup procedures and DART will use the most recent ensemble. This example applies to an assimiation using prior inflation (inf_...= .true.). If posterior inflation were needed, then the 2nd column of infl_... would be set to .true... Here is an example snippet from input.nml:

start_from_restart      = .true.,
restart_in_file_name    = "filter_ics",
single_restart_file_in  = .false.,

inf_initial_from_restart    = .true.,                 .false.,
inf_sd_initial_from_restart = .true.,                 .false.,

Combining multiple cycles into one job

CESM1_2_1_setup_hybrid and CESM1_2_1_setup_pmo are set up in the default cycling mode, where each submitted job performs one model advance and one assimilation, then resubmits the next cycle as a new job. For long series of cycles, this can result in a lot of time waiting in the queue for short jobs to run. This can be prevented by using the 'cycles' scripts generated by CESM1_2_1_setup_advanced (instead of CESM1_2_1_setup_hybrid). This mode is described in $DARTROOT/models/cam-fv/doc/README_cam-fv.


Many CAM initial file variables are already handled in the model_mod. Here is a list of others, which may be used in the future. Each would need to have a DART *KIND* associated with it in model_mod.

   CLOUD:       "Cloud fraction" ;
   QCWAT:       "q associated with cloud water" ;
   TCWAT:       "T associated with cloud water" ;
   CWAT:        "Total Grid box averaged Condensate Amount (liquid + ice)" ;
   also? LCWAT

   PBLH:        "PBL height" ;
   QPERT:       "Perturbation specific humidity (eddies in PBL)" ;
   TPERT:       "Perturbation temperature (eddies in PBL)" ;

   LANDFRAC:    "Fraction of sfc area covered by land" ;
   LANDM:       "Land ocean transition mask: ocean (0), continent (1), transition (0-1)" ;
      also LANDM_COSLAT
   ICEFRAC:     "Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice" ;
   SGH:         "Standard deviation of orography" ;
   Z0FAC:       "factor relating z0 to sdv of orography" ;
   TS:          "Surface temperature (radiative)" ;
   TSOCN:       "Ocean tempertare" ;
   TSICE:       "Ice temperature" ;
   TSICERAD:    "Radiatively equivalent ice temperature" ;

Land/under surface
   SICTHK:      "Sea ice thickness" ;
   SNOWHICE:    "Water equivalent snow depth" ;
   TS1:         "subsoil temperature" ;
   TS2:         "subsoil temperature" ;
   TS3:         "subsoil temperature" ;
   TS4:         "subsoil temperature" ;

Other fields are not included because they look more CLM oriented.

Other fields which users may add to the CAM initial files are not listed here.


  • model_nml in input.nml
  • (CAM surface height file, often CAM's .h0. file in the CESM run environment)
  • (CAM initial file)
  • (CLM restart file)
  • (CICE restart file) by model_mod at the start of each assimilation)
  • netCDF output state diagnostics files

Nitty gritty: Efficiency possibilities

  • index_from_grid (and others?) could be more efficient by calculating and globally storing the beginning index of each cfld and/or the size of each cfld. Get_state_meta_data too. See clm/model_mod.f90.
  • Global storage of height fields? but need them on staggered grids (only sometimes) Probably not; machines going to smaller memory and more recalculation.
  • ! Some compilers can't handle passing a section of an array to a subroutine/function; I do this in nc_write_model_vars(?) and/or write_cam_init(?); replace with an exactly sized array?
  • Is the testing of resolution in read_cam_coord overkill in the line that checks the size of (resol_n - resol_1)*resol?
  • Replace some do loops with forall (constructs)
  • Subroutine write_cam_times(model_time, adv_time) is not needed in CESM+DART framework? Keep anyway?
  • Remove the code that accommodates old CAM coordinate order (lon,lev,lat).
  • Cubed sphere: Convert lon,lat refs into dim1,dim2 in more subroutines. get_val_heights is called with (column_ind,1) by CAM-SE code, and (lon_ind, lat_ind) otherwise).
  • cam_to_dart_kinds and dart_to_cam_types are dimensioned 300, regardless of the number of fields in the state vector and/or KINDs .
  • Describe:
    • The coordinate orders and translations; CAM initial file, model_mod, and
    • Motivations
      • There need to be 2 sets of arrays for dimensions and dimids;
        • one describing the caminput file (f_...)
        • and one for the state (s_...) (storage in this module).
        • Call them f_dim_Nd, f_dimid_Nd
        • s_dim_Nd, s_dimid_Nd
  • Change (private only) subroutine argument lists; structures first, regardless of in/out then output, and input variables.
  • Change declarations to have dummy argument integers used as dimensions first
  • Implement a grid_2d_type? Convert phis to a grid_2d_type? ps, and staggered ps fields could also be this type.
  • Deallocate grid_1d_arrays using end_1d_grid_instance in end_model. end_model is called by subroutines pert_model_state, nc_write_model_vars; any problem?
  • ISSUE; In P[oste] ensemble members are written out *between* the field mean/spread pair and the inflation mean/sd pair. Would it make more sense to put members after both pairs? Easy to do?
  • ISSUE?; model_interpolate assumes that obs with a vertical location have 2 horizontal locations too. The state vector may have fields for which this isn't true, but no obs we've seen so far violate this assumption. It would have to be a synthetic/perfect_model obs, like some sort of average or parameter value.
  • ISSUE; In convert_vert, if a 2D field has dimensions (lev, lat) then how is p_surf defined? Code would be needed to set the missing dimension to 1, or make different calls to coord_ind, etc.
  • ISSUE; The QTY_ list from obs_def_mod must be updated when new fields are added to state vector. This could be done by the preprocessor when it inserts the code bits corresponding to the lists of observation types, but it currently (10/06) does not. Document accordingly.
  • ISSUE: The CCM code (and Hui's packaging) for geopotentials and heights use different values of the physical constants than DART's. In one case Shea changed g from 9.81 to 9.80616, to get agreement with CCM(?...), so it may be important. Also, matching with Hui's tests may require using his values; change to DART after verifying?
  • ISSUE: It's possible to figure out the model_version from the NetCDF file itself, rather than have that be user-provided (sometimes incorrect and hard to debug) meta-data. model_version is also misnamed; it's really the model version. The actual model might be a different version(?). The problem with removing it from the namelist is that the scripts need it too, so some rewriting there would be needed.
  • ISSUE: max_neighbors is set to 6, but could be set to 4 for non-refined grids. Is there a good mechanism for this? Is it worth the file space savings?
  • ISSUE: x_planar and y_planar could be reduced in rank, if no longer needed for testing and debugging.
  • "Pobs" marks changes for providing expected obs of P break from past philosophy; P is not a native CAM variable (but is already calced here)
  • NOVERT marks modifications for fields with no vertical location, i.e. GWD parameters.

References and Acknowledgements

Ave Arellano did the first work with CAM-Chem, assimilating MOPPITT CO observations into CAM-Chem. Jerome Barre and Benjamin Gaubert took up the development work from Ave, and prompted several additions to DART, as well as model_mod.f90.

Nick Pedatella developed the first vert_coord = 'log_invP' capability to enable assimilation using WACCM and scale height vertical locations.