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MODULE adaptive_inflate_mod


This module implements a variety of hierarchical Bayesian adaptive inflation algorithms for use with ensemble filters. It can provide constant valued inflation in state or observation space, consistent with previous DART releases. It can provide spatially-constant, time-varying adaptive inflation. It can provide spatially-varying, time-varying adaptive inflation and it can provide temporally-varying observation space inflation. And finally, it can provide adaptive damped inflation, which decreases inflation through time when observation density varies. Diagnostic output and restart files are available. Several papers on the NCAR DART website document the algorithms in detail. The DART/tutorial/section12 chapter has more information.

Details on controlling the inflation options are contained in the documentation for the filter. The filter_nml controls what inflation options are used.

Inflation flavor 3 (spatially-constant state space) reads and writes a restart file that is the full size of the state vector, however it takes the first value in the array and replicates that throughout the array. This allows one to switch between flavors 2 and 3. Going from inflation flavor 3 to 2 the initial value for all items in the state vector will be a constant value and will then start to adapt. Going from inflation flavor 2 to 3 whatever value is in the array at index 1 will be replicated and used for the entire rest of the state vector items.

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Public interfaces

use adaptive_inflate_mod, only : update_inflation

A note about documentation style. Optional arguments are enclosed in brackets [like this].

call update_inflation(inflate_handle, inflate, inflate_sd, prior_mean, prior_var, obs, obs_var, gamma)

type(adaptive_inflate_type), intent(in)    :: inflate_handle
real(r8),                    intent(inout) :: inflate
real(r8),                    intent(inout) :: inflate_sd
real(r8),                    intent(in)    :: prior_mean
real(r8),                    intent(in)    :: prior_var
real(r8),                    intent(in)    :: obs
real(r8),                    intent(in)    :: obs_var
real(r8),                    intent(in)    :: gamma

Updates the mean and standard deviation of an inflation distribution given the prior values, the prior observation ensemble mean and variance, and the observation and its error variance. The factor gamma is the expected impact (0 to 1) of the state variable corresponding to the inflation on the observation and is the product of the ensemble correlation plus an additional localization factor or group regression factors.

inflate_handle Handle to object that describes the inflation type and values.
inflate Prior mean value of the inflation distribution.
inflate_sd Prior standard deviation of the inflation distribution.
prior_mean Mean of the prior observation ensemble.
prior_var Variance of the prior observation ensemble.
obs The observed value.
obs_var Observational error variance.
gamma Expected impact factor, product of correlation, localization, regression factor.

call adaptive_inflate_end(inflate_handle, ens_handle, ss_inflate_index, ss_inflate_sd_index)

type(adaptive_inflate_type), intent(in)    :: inflate_handle
type(ensemble_type),         intent(inout) :: ens_handle
integer,                     intent(in)    :: ss_inflate_index
integer,                     intent(in)    :: ss_inflate_sd_index

Outputs the values of inflation to restart files using the ensemble_manager for state space inflation and file output for observation space inflation. Releases allocated storage in inflate_handle.

inflate_handle Handle for the details of the inflation being performed.
ens_handle Handle for ensemble storage that holds values of state space inflation.
ss_inflate_index Index in ensemble storage copies for state space inflation.
ss_inflate_sd_index Index in ensemble storage copies for state space inflation standard deviation.

call inflate_ens(inflate_handle, ens,mean, inflate [,var_in])

type(adaptive_inflate_type),               intent(in)  :: inflate_handle
real(r8),                    dimension(:), intent(out) :: ens
real(r8),                                  intent(in)  :: mean
real(r8),                                  intent(in)  :: inflate
real(r8),                    optional,     intent(in)  :: var_in

Given an ensemble, its mean and the covarance inflation factor, inflates the ensemble.

inflate_handle Handle for the details of the inflation being performed.
ens Values for the ensemble to be inflated
mean The mean of the ensemble.
inflate The covariance inflation factor.
var_in The variance of the ensemble.

call output_inflate_diagnostics(inflate_handle, time)

type(adaptive_inflate_type), intent(in) :: inflate_handle
type(time_type),             intent(in) :: time

Outputs diagnostic record of inflation for the observation space of spatially constant state space inflation. Spatially varying state space diagnostics are in the Posterior and Prior Diagnostic netcdf files and are written with calls from filter.f90.

inflate_handle Handle for the details of the inflation being performed.
time Time of this diagnostic info.

var = do_obs_inflate(inflate_handle)

logical,               intent(out) :: do_obs_inflate
adaptive_inflate_type, intent(in)  :: inflate_handle

Returns true if observation space inflation is being done by this handle.

do_obs_inflate True if obs space inflation is being done by this handle.
inflate_handle Handle to inflation details.

var = do_varying_ss_inflate(inflate_handle)

logical,               intent(out) :: do_varying_ss_inflate
adaptive_inflate_type, intent(in)  :: inflate_handle

Returns true if spatially varying state space inflation is being done by this handle.

do_varying_ss_inflate True if spatially varying state space inflation is being done by this handle.
inflate_handle Handle to inflation details.

var = do_single_ss_inflate(inflate_handle)

logical,               intent(out) :: do_single_ss_inflate
adaptive_inflate_type, intent(in)  :: inflate_handle

Returns true if spatially fixed state space inflation is being done by this handle.

do_single_ss_inflate True if spatially fixed state space inflation is being done by this handle.
inflate_handle Handle to inflation details.

call adaptive_inflate_init(inflate_handle, inf_flavor, mean_from_restart, sd_from_restart, output_restart, deterministic, in_file_name, out_file_name, diag_file_name, inf_initial, sd_initial, inf_lower_bound, inf_upper_bound, sd_lower_bound, ens_handle, ss_inflate_index, ss_inflate_sd_index, label)

type(adaptive_inflate_type), intent(inout) :: inflate_handle
integer, intent(in)                        :: inf_flavor
logical, intent(in)                        :: mean_from_restart
logical, intent(in)                        :: sd_from_restart
logical, intent(in)                        :: output_restart
logical, intent(in)                        :: deterministic
character(len=*), intent(in)               :: in_file_name
character(len=*), intent(in)               :: out_file_name
character(len=*), intent(in)               :: diag_file_name
real(r8), intent(in)                       :: inf_initial
real(r8), intent(in)                       :: sd_initial
real(r8), intent(in)                       :: inf_lower_bound
real(r8), intent(in)                       :: inf_upper_bound
real(r8), intent(in)                       :: sd_lower_bound
type(ensemble_type), intent(inout)         :: ens_handle
integer, intent(in)                        :: ss_inflate_index
integer, intent(in)                        :: ss_inflate_sd_index
character(len=*), intent(in)               :: label

Initializes a descriptor of an inflation object.

inflate_handle Handle for the inflation descriptor being initialized.
inf_flavor Type of inflation, 1=obs_inflate, 2=varying_ss_inflate, 3=single_ss_inflate.
mean_from_restart True if inflation mean values to be read from restart file.
sd_from_restart True if inflation standard deviation values to be read from restart file.
output_restart True if an inflation restart file is to be output.
deterministic True if deterministic inflation is to be done.
in_file_name File name from which to read restart.
out_file_name File name to which to write restart.
diag_file_name File name to which to write diagnostic output; obs space inflation only .
inf_initial Initial value of inflation for start_from_restart=.false.
sd_initial Initial value of inflation standard deviation for start_from_restart=.false.
inf_lower_bound Lower bound on inflation value.
inf_upper_bound Upper bound on inflation value.
sd_lower_bound Lower bound on inflation standard deviation.
ens_handle Ensemble handle with storage for state space inflation.
ss_inflate_index Index op copy in ensemble storage for inflation value.
ss_inflate_sd_index Index of copy in ensemble storage for inflation standard deviation.
label Character label to be used in diagnostic output (e.g. 'Prior', 'Posterior').

var = get_sd(inflate_handle)

real(r8), intent(out)                   :: get_sd
type(adaptive_inflate_type), intent(in) :: inflate_handle

Returns value of observation space inflation standard deviation.

get_sd Returns the value of observation space inflation.
inflate_handle Handle for inflation descriptor.

var = get_inflate(inflate_handle)

real(r8), intent(out)                   :: get_inflate
type(adaptive_inflate_type), intent(in) :: inflate_handle

Returns value of observation space inflation.

get_inflate Returns the value of observation space inflation.
inflate_handle Handle for inflation descriptor.

call set_inflate(inflate_handle, inflate)

type(adaptive_inflate_type), intent(inout) :: inflate_handle
real(r8), intent(in)                       :: inflate

Set the value of observation space inflation.

inflate_handle Handle for inflation descriptor.
inflate Set observation space inflation to this value.

call set_sd(inflate_handle, sd)

type(adaptive_inflate_type), intent(inout) :: inflate_handle
real(r8), intent(in)                       :: sd

Set the value of observation space inflation standard deviation.

inflate_handle Handle for inflation descriptor.
sd Set observation space inflation standard deviation to this value.

var = deterministic_inflate(inflate_handle)

logical, intent(out)                    :: deterministic_inflate
type(adaptive_inflate_type), intent(in) :: inflate_handle

Returns true if deterministic inflation is being done.

deterministic_inflate Returns true if deterministic inflation is being done.
inflate_handle Handle for inflation descriptor.

type adaptive_inflate_type
   integer :: inflation_flavor
   integer :: obs_diag_unit
   logical :: start_from_restart
   logical :: output_restart
   logical :: deterministic
   character(len = 129) :: in_file_name
   character(len = 129) :: out_file_name
   character(len = 129) :: diag_file_name
   real(r8) :: inflate
   real(r8) :: sd
   real(r8) :: sd_lower_bound
   real(r8) :: inf_lower_bound
   real(r8) :: inf_upper_bound
   type(random_seq_type) :: ran_seq
end type adaptive_inflate_type

Provides a handle for a descriptor of inflation. Includes type of inflation, values controlling it, input and output file names, an output file descriptor for observation space inflation diagnotics, and a random sequence for doing reproducible non-determinstic inflation. There are 2 instances of this type, one for Prior and one for Posterior inflation.

Component Description
inflation_flavor Type of inflation; 0=none, 1=obs. space, 2=spatially varying, 3=spatially-fixed.
obs_diag_unit Unit descriptor for output diagnostic file.
start_from_restart True if initial inflation to be read from file.
output_restart True if final inflation values to be written to file.
deterministic True if inflation is to be done be deterministic algorithm.
in_file_name File name containing restart.
out_file_name File to contain output restart.
diag_file_name File to hold observation space diagnostics.
inflate Initial value of inflation for all types; current value for obs. space.
sd Initial value of sd for all types; current value for obs. space.
sd_lower_bound Don't allow standard deviation to get smaller than this.
inf_lower_bound Don't let inflation get smaller than this.
inf_upper_bound Don't let inflation get larger than this.
ran_seq Handle to random number sequence to allow reproducing non-deterministic inflate.


The adaptive_inflate module no longer has a namelist. Control has been moved to &filter_nml in filter.


Three files are opened from this module, but all names are passed in from the filter_nml now, and there are 2 values for each name: one for the prior and one for the posterior inflation.

  • inf_in_file_name Mean and standard deviation values read in restart file format.
  • inf_out_file_name Mean and standard deviation values written in restart file format.
  • inf_diag_file_name Contains diagnostic history of inflation values for obs space and spatially-fixed state space inflation. Diagnostics for spatially-varying state space inflation are extra fields on the Posterior and Prior diagnostic netcdf files created in filter.f90.


Private components

no discussion