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MODULE ensemble_manager_mod


Manages storage and a number of operations for multiple copies of a vector. The most obvious use is to manage ensembles of model state vectors. In this case, the number of copies stored for each state vector element is the ensemble size plus one or more additional copies like the mean, variance, associated inflation values, etc. The ensemble_manager provides routines to compute the mean and variance of a subset of the copies, to track the time associated with the copies, and to write and read restart files. Most importantly, it provides a capability to do transposes between two storage representations of an ensemble. In one representation, each process stores all copies of a subset of the state variables while in the other, each process stores all of the state variables for a subset of copies. The ensemble manager is also used to manage ensembles of observation priors and quality control and ensembles of forward observation operator error status.

The ensemble manager interacts strongly with the multiple process capability of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) libraries. It is used to partition the data so each MPI process stores only a subset of the copies and variables, dividing the data as evenly as possible across the processes. At no time during the execution does any one process have to store the entire dataset for all ensemble members (unless running in serial mode without MPI, or if running with 1 MPI task).

The ensemble manager is set of general purpose data management routines. For run-time efficiency, the derived type information is not marked private which means other modules can directly manipulate the data arrays. However it means much care must be taken to access the most recently updated representation of the data, either the copies or variables arrays.

A set of sanity check routines have been added to track the last modified version of the data: the copies array or the vars array. Before directly reading or writing these arrays call one of the 'prepare' routines to indicate what kind of data access you are about to make. If the most recently updated data is not as expected an error message will occur. After the direct access if the following operations detect that the data they are operating on is not the most recently updated they will print an error message. Routines inside the ensemble manager that alter the copies or vars will set the state automatically so these routines are only necessary to call if you are directly accessing the copies or vars arrays from outside the ensemble manager.


This namelist is read from the file input.nml. Namelists start with an ampersand '&' and terminate with a slash '/'. Character strings that contain a '/' must be enclosed in quotes to prevent them from prematurely terminating the namelist.

   layout                      = 1
   tasks_per_node              = 1
   communication_configuration = 1
   debug                       = .false.
Item Type Description
layout integer Determines the logical process (PE) layout across MPI tasks. 1 is PE = MPI task. 2 is a round-robin layout around the nodes. Layout 2 results in a more even usage of memory across nodes. This may allow you to run with a larger state vector without hitting the memory limit of the node. It may give a slight (5%) increase in performance, but this is machine dependent. It has no effect on serial runs.
tasks_per_node integer The number of MPI tasks per hardware node is generally fixed when a batch job is submitted. This namelist item tells the ensemble manager what the user selected at that time. Once a program is running the code has no control to change how MPI tasks are assigned to physical CPUs. This number is used only if layout = 2, and it allows the code spread high-memory-use PEs to different hardware nodes by assigning them in a round-robin order. The job will still run if this number does not match the real "tasks_per_node" at the hardware level, but it may run out of memory if the mismatch causes multiple high-memory-use tasks to be run on the same node.
communication_configuration integer For most users, the default value of 1 is the best choice. However there are multiple strategies for the internal MPI communication patterns (see *Note below). Values from 1 to 4 select different options; try the various options to see if one might be faster than the others.
debug logical If true print debugging information.
*Note about MPI communication flags:
The communication_configuration flags select various combinations of the internal settings for use_copy2var_send_loop and use_var2copy_rec_loop. These flags change the order of the MPI send and MPI receives in the the routines all_copies_to_all_vars and all_vars_to_all_copies. The figures below show the data transferred between tasks for an 80 member ensemble. The left figure is using 96 tasks, the right figure is using 512 tasks. As the number of tasks increases, the 'all to all' data transfer becomes a 'some to all, all to some' transfer and the order of MPI send and MPI receives becomes increasingly important. The default values give a performance advantage as the number of tasks becomes much greater than the the ensemble size. However, for small numbers of tasks, i.e. less than the ensemble size, changing the default values may improve performance.
communication pattern communication pattern 2

Other modules used


Public interfaces

use ensemble_manager_mod, only : init_ensemble_manager

A note about documentation style. Optional arguments are enclosed in brackets [like this].

type ensemble_type
   integer :: num_copies
   integer :: num_vars
   integer :: my_num_copies
   integer :: my_num_vars
   integer, pointer :: my_copies(:)
   integer, pointer :: my_vars(:)
   ! Storage in next line is to be used when each PE has all copies of subset of vars
   real(r8), pointer :: copies(:, :)  ! Dimensioned (num_copies, my_num_vars)
   ! Storage on next line is used when each PE has subset of copies of all vars
   real(r8), pointer :: vars(:, :)    ! Dimensioned (num_vars, my_num_copies)
   ! Time is only related to var complete
   type(time_type), pointer :: time(:)
   integer :: distribution_type
   integer :: valid     ! copies modified last, vars modified last, both same
   integer :: id_num
   integer, allocatable :: task_to_pe_list(:) ! List of tasks
   integer, allocatable :: pe_to_task_list(:) ! List of tasks
   ! Flexible my_pe, layout_type which allows different task layouts for different ensemble handles
   integer :: my_pe
   integer :: layout_type
end type ensemble_type

Provides a handle for an ensemble that manages copies of a vector. For efficiency, the type internals are not private and direct access to the storage arrays is used throughout DART.

Component Description
num_copies Global number of copies of the vector.
num_vars Global number of elements (variables) in the vector.
my_num_copies Number of copies stored by this process.
my_num_vars Number of variables stored by this process.
my_copies Dimensioned to size my_num_copies. Contains a list of the global indices of copies stored by this process.
my_vars Dimensioned to size my_num_vars. Contains a list of the global indices of variables stored by this process.
copies Dimensioned (num_copies, my_num_vars). Storage for all copies of variables stored by this process.
vars Dimensioned (num_vars, my_num_copies). Storage for all variables of copies stored by this process.
time Dimensioned my_num_copies. A time_type that stores time associated with a given copy of the vector.
distribution_type Does nothing at present. Can be used for future releases to control the layout of different copies and variables in storage.
valid Flag to track whether the copies array has the most recently updated data, the vars array is most recently modified, or if both the arrays have identical data, like after a transpose.
id_num Internal number unique to each ensemble handle, used for debugging purposes.
task_to_pe_list Mapping from MPI task number to logical Processing Element (PE) number. Enables different assignment of MPI tasks to PEs. If the number of MPI tasks is larger than the number of copies of the vector, when the ensemble is var complete then the first N MPI tasks have allocated 'vars' arrays and the remaining ones do not. Assigning the MPI tasks round-robin to multi-processor nodes can make the memory usage more uniform across nodes, which may allow more MPI tasks per node than the standard layout.
pe_to_task_list Logical PE to MPI task mapping. See above for more description.
my_pe The logical PE number for the MPI task.
layout_type Controls the mapping type between MPI tasks and PEs. Currently type 1 is the standard layout (one-to-one mapping) and type 2 is a round-robin mapping where each node gets a task in turn before assigning a second task to each node, until all tasks are assigned.

call init_ensemble_manager(ens_handle, num_copies, num_vars [, distribution_type_in] [, layout_type]) :

type(ensemble_type), intent(out) :: ens_handle
integer,             intent(in)  :: num_copies
integer,             intent(in)  :: num_vars
integer, optional,   intent(in)  :: distribution_type_in
integer, optional,   intent(in)  :: layout_type

Initializes an instance of an ensemble. Storage is allocated and the size descriptions in the ensemble_type are initialized.

ens_handle Handle for the ensemble being initialized
num_copies Number of copies of vector.
num_vars Number of variables in the vector.
distribution_type_in Controls layout of storage on PEs. Currently only option 1 is supported.
layout_type Controls layout of MPI tasks on PEs. Type 1 is the default, where MPI tasks are assigned to PEs on a one-to-one basis. Type 2 is a round-robin assignment where each node gets one task before the nodes are assigned a second task. If running with more MPI tasks than num_copies, this can result in a more uniform usage of memory across the nodes.

call read_ensemble_restart(ens_handle, start_copy, end_copy, start_from_restart, file_name [, init_time] [, force_single_file]) :

type(ensemble_type),       intent(inout) :: ens_handle
integer,                   intent(in)    :: start_copy
integer,                   intent(in)    :: end_copy
logical,                   intent(in)    :: start_from_restart
character(len=*),          intent(in)    :: file_name
type(time_type), optional, intent(in)    :: init_time
logical, optional,         intent(in)    :: force_single_file

Read in a set of copies of a vector from file file_name. The copies read are place into global copies start_copy:end_copy in the ens_handle. If start_from_restart is false, then only a single copy of the vector is read from the file and then it is perturbed using routines in assim_model_mod to generate the required number of copies. The read can be from a single file that contains all needed copies or from a different file for each copy. This choice is controlled by the namelist entry single_restart_file_in. However, the optional argument force_single_file forces the read to be from a single file if it is present and true. This is used for ensembles that contain the inflation values for state space inflation. If multiple files are to be read, the file names are generated by appending integers to the input file_name. If the input is a single file all reads are done sequentially by process 0 and then shipped to the PE that stores that copy. If the input is multiple files each MPI task reads the copies it stores directly and independently.

ens_handle Handle of ensemble.
start_copy Global index of first of continguous set of copies to be read.
end_copy Global index of last of contiguous set of copies to be read, copies(start_copy:end_copy).
start_from_restart If true, read all copies from file. If false, read one copy and perturb to get required number.
file_name Name of file from which to read.
init_time If present, set time of all copies read to this value.
force_single_file If present and true, force the read to be from a single file which contains all copies.

call write_ensemble_restart(ens_handle, file_name, start_copy, end_copy [, force_single_file]) :

type(ensemble_type), intent(inout) :: ens_handle
character(len=*),    intent(in)    :: file_name
integer,             intent(in)    :: start_copy
integer,             intent(in)    :: end_copy
logical, optional,   intent(in)    :: force_single_file

Writes a set of copies of a vector to file file_name. The copies written are from global copies start_copy:end_copy in the ens_handle. The write can be to a single file or to a different file for each copy. This choice is controlled by the namelist entry single_restart_file_out. However, the optional argument force_single_file forces the write to be to a single file if it is present and true. This is used for ensembles that contain the inflation values for state space inflation. If multiple files are to be written, the file names are generated by appending integers to the input file_name. If the output is a single file all copies are shipped from the PE that stores that copy to process 0, and then written out sequentially. If the output is to multiple files each MPI task writes the copies it stores directly and independently.

ens_handle Handle of ensemble.
file_name Name of file from which to read.
start_copy Global index of first of continguous set of copies to be written.
end_copy Global index of last of contiguous set of copies to be written, copies(start_copy:end_copy).
force_single_file If present and true, force the write to be to a single file which contains all copies.

call get_copy(receiving_pe, ens_handle, copy, vars [, mtime]) :

integer,                   intent(in)  :: receiving_pe
type(ensemble_type),       intent(in)  :: ens_handle
integer,                   intent(in)  :: copy
real(r8), dimension(:),    intent(out) :: vars
type(time_type), optional, intent(out) :: mtime

Retrieves a copy of the state vector, indexed by the global index copy. The process that is to receive the copy is receiving_pe and the copy is returned in the one dimensional array vars. The time of the copy is also returned if mtime is present. This is generally used for operations, like IO, that require a single processor to do things with the entire state vector. Data is only returned in vars on the receiving PE; vars on all other PEs is unset.

receiving_pe This process ends up with the requested copy of the state vector.
ens_handle Handle for ensemble.
copy The global index of the copy of the state vector that is to be retrieved.
vars One dimensional array in which the requested copy of the state vector is returned. Data is only returned in vars on the receiving PE; vars on all other PEs is unset.
mtime If present returns the time of the requested copy.

call put_copy(sending_pe, ens_handle, copy, vars [, mtime]) :

integer,                   intent(in)    :: sending_pe
type(ensemble_type),       intent(inout) :: ens_handle
integer,                   intent(in)    :: copy
real(r8), dimension(:),    intent(in)    :: vars
type(time_type), optional, intent(in)    :: mtime

Sends a state vector, in vars, from the given process to the process storing the global index copy. The time of the copy is also sent if mtime is present. This is generally used for operations, like IO, that require a single processor to do things with the entire state vector. For instance, if a single process reads in a state vector, it can be shipped to the storing process by this subroutine. Only the data in vars on the sending PE is processed; vars on all other PEs is ignored.

sending_pe This process sends the copy of the state vector.
ens_handle Handle for ensemble.
copy The global index of the copy of the state vector that is to be sent.
vars One dimensional array in which the requested copy of the state vector is located. Only the data in vars on the sending PE is processed; vars on all other PEs is ignored.
mtime If present send the time of the copy.

call broadcast_copy(ens_handle, copy, arraydata) :

type(ensemble_type),    intent(in)   :: ens_handle
integer,                intent(in)   :: copy
real(r8), dimension(:), intent(out)  :: arraydata

Finds which PE has the global index copy and broadcasts that copy to all PEs. arraydata is an output on all PEs, even on the PE which is the owner if it is separate storage from the vars array in the ensemble handle. This is a collective routine, which means it must be called by all processes in the job.

ens_handle Handle for ensemble.
copy The global index of the copy of the state vector that is to be sent.
arraydata One dimensional array into which the requested copy of the state vector will be copied on all PEs, including the sending PE.

call set_ensemble_time(ens_handle, indx, mtime) :

type(ensemble_type), intent(inout) :: ens_handle
integer,             intent(in)    :: indx
type(time_type),     intent(in)    :: mtime

Set the time of a copy to the given value. indx in this case is the local copy number for a specific task. get_copy_owner_index() can be called to see if you are the owning task for a given global copy number, and to get the local index number for that copy.

ens_handle Handle for ensemble.
indx The local index of the copy of the state vector that is to be set.
mtime The time to set for this copy.

call get_ensemble_time(ens_handle, indx, mtime) :

type(ensemble_type), intent(in)   :: ens_handle
integer,             intent(in)   :: indx
type(time_type),     intent(out)  :: mtime

Get the time associated with a copy. indx in this case is the local copy number for a specific task. get_copy_owner_index() can be called to see if you are the owning task for a given global copy number, and to get the local index number for that copy.

ens_handle Handle for ensemble.
indx The local index of the copy to retrieve the time from.
mtime The returned time value.

call end_ensemble_manager(ens_handle) :

type(ensemble_type), intent(in)  :: ens_handle

Frees up storage associated with an ensemble.

ens_handle Handle for an ensemble.

call duplicate_ens(ens1, ens2, duplicate_time) :

type(ensemble_type), intent(in)    :: ens1
type(ensemble_type), intent(inout) :: ens2
logical, intent(in)                :: duplicate_time

Copies the contents of the vars array from ens1 into ens2. If the num_copies and num_vars are not consistent or if the distribution_type is not consistent, fails with an error. If duplicate_time is true, the times from ens1 are copied over the times of ens2. Only the vars array data is copied from the source to the destination. Transpose the data after duplication if you want to access the copies.

ens1 Ensemble handle of ensemble to be copies into ens2. Data from the vars array will be replicated.
ens2 Ensemble handle of ensemble into which ens1 vars data will be copied.
duplicate_time If true, copy the times from ens1 into ens2, else leave ens2 times unchanged.

var = get_my_num_copies(ens_handle) :

integer                          :: get_my_num_copies
type(ensemble_type), intent(in)  :: ens_handle

Returns number of copies stored by this process when storing all variables for a subset of copies. Same as num_copies if running with only a single process.

var Returns the number of copies stored by this process when storing all variables for a subset of copies.
ens_handle Handle for an ensemble.

var = get_my_num_vars(ens_handle) :

integer                         :: get_my_num_vars
type(ensemble_type), intent(in) :: ens_handle

Returns number of variables stored by this process when storing all copies of a subset of variables. Same as num_vars if running with only a single process.

var Returns the number of vars stored by this process when storing all copies of a subset of variables.
ens_handle Handle for an ensemble.

call get_my_copies(ens_handle, copies) :

type(ensemble_type), intent(in) :: ens_handle
integer, intent(out)            :: copies(:)

Returns a list of the global copy numbers stored on this process when storing subset of copies of all variables.

ens_handle Handle for an ensemble.
copies List of all copies stored by this process when storing subset of copies of all variables.

call get_my_vars(ens_handle, vars) :

type(ensemble_type), intent(in) :: ens_handle
integer, intent(out)            :: vars(:)

Returns a list of the global variable numbers stored on this process when storing all copies of a subset of variables.

ens_handle Handle for an ensemble.
vars List of all variables stored on this process when storing all copies of a subset of variables.

call get_copy_owner_index(copy_number, owner, owners_index) :

integer, intent(in)  :: copy_number
integer, intent(out) :: owner
integer, intent(out) :: owners_index

Given the global index of a copy number, returns the PE that stores this copy when all variables of a subset of copies are stored and the local storage index for this copy on that process.

copy_number Global index of a copy from an ensemble.
owner Process Element (PE) that stores this copy when each has all variables of a subset of copies.
owners_index Local storage index for this copy on the owning process.

call get_var_owner_index(var_number, owner, owners_index) :

integer, intent(in)  :: var_number
integer, intent(out) :: owner
integer, intent(out) :: owners_index

Given the global index of a variable in the vector, returns the PE that stores this variable when all copies of a subset of variables are stored and the local storage index for this variable on that process.

var_number Global index of a variable in the vector from an ensemble.
owner Process Element (PE) that stores this variable when each has all copies of subset of variables.
owners_index Local storage index for this variable on the owning process.

call all_vars_to_all_copies(ens_handle, label) :

type(ensemble_type), intent(inout)        :: ens_handle
character(len=*),    intent(in), optional :: label

Transposes data from a representation in which each PE has a subset of copies of all variables to one in which each has all copies of a subset of variables. In the current implementation, storage is not released so both representations are always available. However, one representation may be current while the other is out of date.

Different different numbers of copies, different lengths of the vectors, different numbers of PEs and different implementations of the MPI parallel libraries can have very different performance characteristics. The namelist item communication_configuration controls one of four possible combinations of the operation order during the transposes. If performance is an issue the various settings on this namelist item can be explored. See the namelist section for more details.

The transpose routines make both representations of the data equivalent until the next update to either the copies or the vars arrays, so either can be used as a data source.

ens_handle The handle of the ensemble being transposed.
label A character string label. If present, a timestamp with this label is printed at the start and end of the transpose.

call all_copies_to_all_vars(ens_handle, label) :

type(ensemble_type), intent(inout)        :: ens_handle
character(len=*),    intent(in), optional :: label

Transposes data from a representation in which each processor has all copies of a subset of variables to one in which each has a subset of copies of all variables. In the current implementation, storage is not released so both representations are always available. However, one representation may be current while the other is out of date.

Different different numbers of copies, different lengths of the vectors, different numbers of PEs and different implementations of the MPI parallel libraries can have very different performance characteristics. The namelist item communication_configuration controls one of four possible combinations of the operation order during the transposes. If performance is an issue the various settings on this namelist item can be explored. See the namelist section for more details.

The transpose routines make both representations of the data equivalent until the next update to either the copies or the vars arrays, so either can be used as a data source.

ens_handle The handle of the ensemble being transposed.
label A character string label. If present, a timestamp with this label is printed at the start and end of the transpose.

call compute_copy_mean(ens_handle, start_copy, end_copy, mean_copy) :

type(ensemble_type), intent(inout) :: ens_handle
integer,             intent(in)    :: start_copy
integer,             intent(in)    :: end_copy
integer,             intent(in)    :: mean_copy

Computes the mean of a contiguous subset of copies starting with global index start_copy and ending with global index ens_copy. Mean is written to global index mean_copy.

When this routine is called the ensemble must have all copies of a subset of the vars. It updates the copies array with the mean, so after this call the copies array data is more current and the vars data is stale.

ens_handle Handle for an ensemble.
start_copy Global index of first copy in mean and sd computation.
end_copy Global index of last copy in mean and sd computation.
mean_copy Global index of copy into which mean is written.

call compute_copy_mean_sd(ens_handle, start_copy, end_copy, mean_copy, sd_copy) :

type(ensemble_type), intent(inout) :: ens_handle
integer,             intent(in)    :: start_copy
integer,             intent(in)    :: end_copy
integer,             intent(in)    :: mean_copy
integer,             intent(in)    :: sd_copy

Computes the mean and standard deviation of a contiguous subset of copies starting with global index start_copy and ending with global index ens_copy. Mean is written to index mean_copy and standard deviation to index sd_copy.

When this routine is called the ensemble must have all copies of a subset of the vars. It updates the copies arrays with the mean and sd, so after this call the copies array data is more current and the vars data is stale.

ens_handle Handle for an ensemble.
start_copy Global index of first copy in mean and sd computation.
end_copy Global index of last copy in mean and sd computation.
mean_copy Global index of copy into which mean is written.
sd_copy Global index of copy into which standard deviation is written.

call compute_copy_mean_var(ens_handle, start_copy, end_copy, mean_copy, var_copy) :

type(ensemble_type), intent(inout) :: ens_handle
integer,             intent(in)  :: start_copy
integer,             intent(in)  :: end_copy
integer,             intent(in)  :: mean_copy
integer,             intent(in)  :: var_copy

Computes the mean and variance of a contiguous subset of copies starting with global index start_copy and ending with global index ens_copy. Mean is written to index mean_copy and variance to index var_copy.

When this routine is called the ensemble must have all copies of a subset of the vars. It updates the copies arrays with the mean and variance, so after this call the copies array data is more current and the vars data is stale.

ens_handle Handle for an ensemble.
start_copy Global index of first copy in mean and sd computation.
end_copy Global index of last copy in mean and sd computation.
mean_copy Global index of copy into which mean is written.
var_copy Global index of copy into which variance is written.

call prepare_to_update_vars(ens_handle) :

type(ensemble_type), intent(inout)  :: ens_handle

Call this routine before directly accessing the ens_handle%vars array when the data is going to be updated, and the incoming vars array should have the most current data representation.

Internally the ensemble manager tracks which of the copies or vars arrays, or both, have the most recently updated representation of the data. For example, before a transpose (all_vars_to_all_copies() or all_copies_to_all_vars()) the code checks to be sure the source array has the most recently updated representation before it does the operation. After a transpose both representations have the same update time and are both valid.

For efficiency reasons we allow the copies and vars arrays to be accessed directly from other code without going through a routine in the ensemble manager. The "prepare" routines verify that the desired array has the most recently updated representation of the data, and if needed marks which one has been updated so the internal consistency checks have an accurate accounting of the representations.

ens_handle Handle for the ensemble being accessed directly.

call prepare_to_update_copies(ens_handle) :

type(ensemble_type), intent(inout)  :: ens_handle

Call this routine before directly accessing the ens_handle%copies array when the data is going to be updated, and the incoming copies array should have the most current data representation.

Internally the ensemble manager tracks which of the copies or vars arrays, or both, have the most recently updated representation of the data. For example, before a transpose (all_vars_to_all_copies() or all_copies_to_all_vars()) the code checks to be sure the source array has the most recently updated representation before it does the operation. After a transpose both representations have the same update time and are both valid.

For efficiency reasons we allow the copies and vars arrays to be accessed directly from other code without going through a routine in the ensemble manager. The "prepare" routines verify that the desired array has the most recently updated representation of the data, and if needed marks which one has been updated so the internal consistency checks have an accurate accounting of the representations.

ens_handle Handle for the ensemble being accessed directly.

call prepare_to_read_from_vars(ens_handle) :

type(ensemble_type), intent(inout)  :: ens_handle

Call this routine before directly accessing the ens_handle%vars array for reading only, when the incoming vars array should have the most current data representation.

Internally the ensemble manager tracks which of the copies or vars arrays, or both, have the most recently updated representation of the data. For example, before a transpose (all_vars_to_all_copies() or all_copies_to_all_vars()) the code checks to be sure the source array has the most recently updated representation before it does the operation. After a transpose both representations have the same update time and are both valid.

For efficiency reasons we allow the copies and vars arrays to be accessed directly from other code without going through a routine in the ensemble manager. The "prepare" routines verify that the desired array has the most recently updated representation of the data, and if needed marks which one has been updated so the internal consistency checks have an accurate accounting of the representations.

ens_handle Handle for the ensemble being accessed directly.

call prepare_to_read_from_copies(ens_handle) :

type(ensemble_type), intent(inout)  :: ens_handle

Call this routine before directly accessing the ens_handle%copies array for reading only, when the incoming copies array should have the most current data representation.

Internally the ensemble manager tracks which of the copies or vars arrays, or both, have the most recently updated representation of the data. For example, before a transpose (all_vars_to_all_copies() or all_copies_to_all_vars()) the code checks to be sure the source array has the most recently updated representation before it does the operation. After a transpose both representations have the same update time and are both valid.

For efficiency reasons we allow the copies and vars arrays to be accessed directly from other code without going through a routine in the ensemble manager. The "prepare" routines verify that the desired array has the most recently updated representation of the data, and if needed marks which one has been updated so the internal consistency checks have an accurate accounting of the representations.

ens_handle Handle for the ensemble being accessed directly.

call prepare_to_write_to_vars(ens_handle) :

type(ensemble_type), intent(inout)  :: ens_handle

Call this routine before directly accessing the ens_handle%vars array for writing. This routine differs from the 'update' version in that it doesn't care what the original data state is. This routine might be used in the case where an array is being filled for the first time and consistency with the data in the copies array is not an issue.

Internally the ensemble manager tracks which of the copies or vars arrays, or both, have the most recently updated representation of the data. For example, before a transpose (all_vars_to_all_copies() or all_copies_to_all_vars()) the code checks to be sure the source array has the most recently updated representation before it does the operation. After a transpose both representations have the same update time and are both valid.

For efficiency reasons we allow the copies and vars arrays to be accessed directly from other code without going through a routine in the ensemble manager. The "prepare" routines verify that the desired array has the most recently updated representation of the data, and if needed marks which one has been updated so the internal consistency checks have an accurate accounting of the representations.

ens_handle Handle for the ensemble being accessed directly.

call prepare_to_write_to_copies(ens_handle) :

type(ensemble_type), intent(inout)  :: ens_handle

Call this routine before directly accessing the ens_handle%copies array for writing. This routine differs from the 'update' version in that it doesn't care what the original data state is. This routine might be used in the case where an array is being filled for the first time and consistency with the data in the vars array is not an issue.

Internally the ensemble manager tracks which of the copies or vars arrays, or both, have the most recently updated representation of the data. For example, before a transpose (all_vars_to_all_copies() or all_copies_to_all_vars()) the code checks to be sure the source array has the most recently updated representation before it does the operation. After a transpose both representations have the same update time and are both valid.

For efficiency reasons we allow the copies and vars arrays to be accessed directly from other code without going through a routine in the ensemble manager. The "prepare" routines verify that the desired array has the most recently updated representation of the data, and if needed marks which one has been updated so the internal consistency checks have an accurate accounting of the representations.

ens_handle Handle for the ensemble being accessed directly.

Private interfaces


var = get_max_num_copies(num_copies) :

integer              :: get_max_num_copies
integer, intent(in)  :: num_copies

Returns the largest number of copies that are on any pe when var complete. Depends on distribution_type with only option 1 currently implemented. Used to get size for creating storage to receive a list of the copies on a PE.

var Returns the largest number of copies any an individual PE when var complete.
num_copies Total number of copies in the ensemble.

var = get_max_num_vars(num_vars) :

integer              :: get_max_num_vars
integer, intent(in)  :: num_vars

Returns the largest number of vars that are on any pe when copy complete. Depends on distribution_type with only option 1 currently implemented. Used to get size for creating storage to receive a list of the vars on a PE.

var Returns the largest number of vars any an individual PE when copy complete.
num_copies Total number of vars in an ensemble vector.

call set_up_ens_distribution(ens_handle) :

type(ensemble_type), intent(inout) :: ens_handle

Figures out how to lay out the copy complete and vars complete distributions. The distribution_type identifies different options. Only distribution_type 1 is implemented. This puts every Nth var or copy on a given processor where N is the total number of processes.

ens_handle Handle for an ensemble.

call get_var_list(num_vars, pe, var_list, pes_num_vars) :

integer,   intent(in)     :: num_vars
integer,   intent(in)     :: pe
integer,   intent(out)    :: var_list(:)
integer,   intent(out)    :: pes_num_vars

Returns a list of the vars stored by process pe when copy complete and the number of these vars. var_list must be dimensioned large enough to hold all vars. Depends on distribution_type with only option 1 currently implemented.

call get_copy_list(num_copies, pe, copy_list, pes_num_copies) :

integer,   intent(in)     :: num_copies
integer,   intent(in)     :: pe
integer,   intent(out)    :: copy_list(:)
integer,   intent(out)    :: pes_num_copies

Returns a list of the copies stored by process pe when var complete and the number of these copies. copy_list must be dimensioned large enough to hold all copies. Depends on distribution_type with only option 1 currently implemented.

call timestamp_message(msg [, sync] [, alltasks]) :

character(len=*), intent(in)           :: msg
logical,          intent(in), optional :: sync
logical,          intent(in), optional :: alltasks

Write current time and message to stdout and log file. If sync is present and true, sync mpi jobs before printing time. If alltasks is present and true, all tasks print the time. The default is only task 0 prints a timestamp.

msg character string to prepend to the time info
sync if present and true, execute an MPI_Barrier() to sync all MPI tasks before printing the time. this means the time will be the value of the slowest of the tasks to reach this point.
alltasks if present and true, have all tasks print out a timestamp. the default is for just task 0 to print. the usual combination is either sync=true and alltasks=false, or sync=false and alltasks=true.

call print_ens_handle(ens_handle, force, label) :

type(ensemble_type),        intent(in) :: ens_handle
logical,          optional, intent(in) :: force
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: label

For debugging use, dump the contents of an ensemble handle derived type. If the debug namelist item is true, this will print in any case. If debug is false, set force to true to force printing. The optional string label can help provide context for the output.

ens_handle The derived type to print information about.
force If the debug namelist item is false, set this to true to enable printing.
label Optional string label to print to provide context for the output.

call assign_tasks_to_pes(ens_handle, nEns_members, layout_type) :

type(ensemble_type), intent(inout)    :: ens_handle
integer,             intent(in)       :: nEns_members
integer,             intent(inout)    :: layout_type

Calulate the task layout based on the tasks per node and the total number of tasks. Allows the user to spread out the ensemble members as much as possible to balance memory usage between nodes. Possible options: 1. Standard task layout - first n tasks have the ensemble members my_pe = my_task_id() 2. Round-robin on the nodes


Handle for an ensemble.

call round_robin(ens_handle) :

type(ensemble_type), intent(inout)    :: ens_handle

Round-robin MPI task layout starting at the first node. Starting on the first node forces pe 0 = task 0. The smoother code assumes task 0 has an ensemble member. If you want to break the assumption that pe 0 = task 0, this routine is a good place to start. Test with the smoother.

ens_handle Handle for an ensemble.

call create_pe_to_task_list(ens_handle) :

type(ensemble_type), intent(inout)    :: ens_handle

Creates the ens_handle%pe_to_task_list. ens_handle%task_to_pe_list must have been assigned first, otherwise this routine will just return nonsense.

ens_handle Handle for an ensemble.

call calc_tasks_on_each_node(nodes, last_node_task_number) :

integer, intent(out)  :: last_node_task_number
integer, intent(out)  :: nodes

Finds the of number nodes and how many tasks are on the last node, given the number of tasks and the tasks_per_node (ptile). The total number of tasks is num_pes = task_count() The last node may have fewer tasks, for example, if ptile = 16 and the number of mpi tasks = 17

call simple_layout(ens_handle, n) :

type(ensemble_type), intent(inout) :: ens_handle
integer,             intent(in)    :: n

assigns the arrays task_to_pe_list and pe_to_task list for the simple layout where my_pe = my_task_id()


Handle for an ensemble.



call sort_task_list(i, idx, n) :

integer, intent(in)    :: n
integer, intent(inout) :: x(n)   ! array to be sorted
integer, intent(out)   :: idx(n) ! index of sorted array

sorts an array and returns the sorted array, and the index of the original array




array to be sorted


index of sorted array

call map_pe_to_task(ens_handle, p) :

type(ensemble_type), intent(in) :: ens_handle
integer,             intent(in) :: p

Return the physical task for my_pe

ens_handle Handle for an ensemble.
p The MPI task corresponding to the given PE number

call map_task_to_pe(ens_handle, t) :

type(ensemble_type), intent(in) :: ens_handle
integer,             intent(in) :: t

Return my_pe corresponding to the physical task

ens_handle Handle for an ensemble.
t Return the PE corresponding to the given MPI task number.


  • input.nml
  • State vector restart files, either one for all copies or one per copy.
  • State vector output files, either one for all copies or one per copy.


  1. none

Private components