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File metadata and controls

144 lines (92 loc) · 3.56 KB


A Sink can be implemented for any file, local, and/or remote store to which a graph can be written to. A Sink is responsible for writing nodes and edges from a graph.

A Sink must subclass kgx.sink.sink.Sink class and must implement the following methods:

  • __init__
  • write_nodes
  • write_edges
  • finalize

__init__ method

The __init__ method is used to instantiate a Sink with configurations required for writing to a store.

  • In the case of files, the __init__ method will take the filename and format as arguments
  • In the case of a graph store like Neo4j, the __init__ method will take the uri, username, and password as arguments.

The __init__ method also has an optional kwargs argument which can be used to supply variable number of arguments to this method, depending on the requirements for the store for which the Sink is being implemented.

write_nodes method

  • Responsible for receiving a node record and writing to a file/store

write_edges method

  • Responsible for receiving an edge record and writing to a file/store

finalize method

Any operation that needs to be performed after writing all the nodes and edges to a file/store must be defined in this method.

For example,

  • kgx.source.tsv_source.TsvSource has a finalize method that closes the file handles and creates an archive, if compression is desired
  • kgx.source.neo_sink.NeoSink has a finalize method that writes any cached node and edge records


Base class for all Sinks in KGX.

.. automodule:: kgx.sink.sink


GraphSink is responsible for writing to an instance of kgx.graph.base_graph.BaseGraph and must use only the methods exposed by BaseGraph to access the graph.

.. automodule:: kgx.sink.graph_sink


TsvSink is responsible for writing a KGX formatted CSV or TSV using Pandas.

KGX writes two separate files - one for nodes and another for edges.

.. automodule:: kgx.sink.tsv_sink


JsonSink is responsible for writing a KGX formatted JSON using the jsonstreams library, which allows for streaming records to the file.

.. automodule:: kgx.sink.json_sink


JsonlSink is responsible for writing a KGX formatted JSON Lines using the jsonlines library.

KGX writes two separate JSON Lines files - one for nodes and another for edges.

.. automodule:: kgx.sink.jsonl_sink


TrapiSink has yet to be implemented.

In principle, TrapiSink is responsible for writing a Translator Reasoner API formatted JSON.

.. automodule:: kgx.sink.trapi_sink


NeoSink is responsible for writing data to a local or remote Neo4j instance.

.. automodule:: kgx.sink.neo_sink


RdfSink is responsible for writing data as RDF N-Triples.

.. automodule:: kgx.sink.rdf_sink