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File metadata and controls

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This class uses WebSocket.Server to create an event-driven server.


  • options: Configuration object.


  • serverOptions: This is a passthrough object that accepts the same options as the constructor of WebSocket.Server and therefore is mostly unchanged. Except that if no "server" option is added to this object, an express instance will be run and added to this. Therefore this is not required to be set for the socket to run. This carries the port and host (previously url in Options) to generate the http server.
  • actionsPath (Default: "./actions"): String of the path in which actions will be dynamically imported. In this folder it is expected that all files use "module.exports = " for exporting a class that extends Action class.
  • actions (Default: undefined): Alternative to giving a path to the actions folder, you can also import and instantiate the actions and supply them in a structure of DataType being the string the path that will be used to call the action from the client.
  • disableAuthentication (Default: false): If set to true, this option will prevent onAuth to be executed, making the first message go directly to onMessage.

Event Options

All event options receive a "socket" object of type ClientSocket that represents the current active connection to the user that triggered the event.

The ClientSocket object is a child of the WebSocket object from the package "ws" with an added field called userData of type DataType that can be used to store any persistent user data and is expected to be initially filled during onAuth.

These options are added to the constructor together with the options object above and all have their own documentation file with more details:

  • onConnection: Executed when connection from client is stablished.
  • onAuth: Executed on the first message to prevent execution of actions before proper authentication.
  • onAuthFailure: Executed when onAuth ends with error.
  • onAuthSuccess: Executed when onAuth runs without error.
  • onClose: Executed when client closes connection.
  • onError: Executed when an unthreated exception is thrown inside any action or event.
  • onMessage: Executed on all message events after proper authentication (or disable of authentication) and before the execution of the action, this is expected to be used if any threatment to the exact data sent from the user is needed.

Public Attributes

  • server (Readonly): This will keep the http server used. If not provided within ServerOptions, this will store the Express instance created.
  • activeClients: Gets an array of all userData from the active clientSockets.

Public Methods

  • start: This starts the WebSocket with the given configurations given during the constructor.
  • restart: This closes the webSocket (not the http server) and runs start again.
  • closeSocket: This closes only the WebSocket instance without touching the http server.
  • close: This closes both the socket and the http server.
  • sendMessage (socket: ClientSocket, data: DataType | string): Sends data to clientSocket passed.
  • sendMessageById (id: string, data: DataType): Finds the clientSocket by the id in userData and then sends data to it.
  • sendMessageToAll (data: DataType, options: sendMessageToAllOptions): Sends data to all activeClients. Options:
    • exceptions (string[]): Lists ids that will be filtered out of the active clients to send the message.


// Assuming the existence of a "./actions" folder.

import { Socket } from "socket-actions/server";

const server = new Socket();


// Express listening at http://localhost:3000
// SocketActions listening at ws://localhost:3000