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🚧 Warning: This library has recently undergone a major refactor. 🚧

If this is not your first time using bos-workspace, read the migration guide. The legacy documentation for v0.0.1-alpha.6 can be found here.

bos-workspace is a comprehensive toolset designed to simplify the development and deployment of NEAR components and applications. With support for hot reload, TypeScript, and multi-app management, it caters to developers looking for an efficient and scalable developer environment.


To begin, either:

  • Use the template repository with quickstart app, preconfigured git workflows, and playwright test suite

  • Use the init command for an empty workspace:

npx bos-workspace init
  • Clone widgets from an existing account:
npx bos-workspace clone [accountId] [dest]
npx bos-workspace dev [dest | accountId]
  • Or install bos-workspace within an existing project:
yarn add -D bos-workspace

and ensure the proper workspace structure and usage.


bos-workspace supports both multi and single app development because of Apps and Workspaces:

  • App: which belong to an Account, described by a bos.config.json. A structure may look like this:
├── widget/
│   └── example.jsx
└── bos.config.json

where the content of bos.config.json is (at least):

  "account": "app.near"
  • Workspace: may hold multiple apps, described by a bos.workspace.json
├── app1.near/
│   ├── widget/
│   │   └── example.jsx
│   └── bos.config.json
├── app2.near/
│   ├── widget/
│   │   └── example.jsx
│   └── bos.config.json

where the content of bos.workspace.json is:

  "apps": ["/apps/*"]

Note: The "app name" is not required to end in .near, and apps don't necessarily have to be stored in a directory named /apps. What's important is that the bos.config.json is located at the same level as directories such as /widget, and that bos.workspace.json specifies the directory it resides in.


The bos.config.json file serves as the configuration file for managing various settings and options related to the workspace.

A fully featured config may look like this:

  "account": "quickstart.near",
  "aliases": ["./aliases.mainnet.json"],
  "index": "quickstart.near/widget/home",
  "overrides": {
    "testnet": {
      "account": "quickstart.testnet",
      "aliases": ["./aliases.testnet.json"],
      "index": "quickstart.testnet/widget/home"
  "accounts": {
    "deploy": "quickstart.near",
    "signer": "devs.near",
  "format": true,
  "ipfs": {
    "gateway": "",
    "uploadApi": "",
    "uploadApiHeaders": {},

Base Configuration

The bos.config.json file consists of a base configuration that defines default values and settings for the BOS environment.

  • account: (Optional) Specifies the default account to serve widgets from. If not provided, the default value is set to "bos.workspace".
  • accounts: (Optional) Defines account configuration options for the deploy command.
    • deploy: Specifies the account to deploy widgets to.
    • signer: Specifies the account to sign the transaction.
  • ipfs: (Optional) Configures IPFS settings for uploading and using local assets.
    • gateway: IPFS gateway to use for accessing files. Default value is "".
    • uploadApi: IPFS API endpoint to upload to. Default value is "".
    • uploadApiHeaders: Any additional headers to send with IPFS upload API requests.
  • format: (Optional) Indicates whether to format code on build. Default value is true.
  • aliases: (Optional) Provides a list of alias files to use for replacing network-specific values with correct overrides.
  • index: (Optional) Default widget src to use when using a custom gateway dist.

Network Overrides

The bos.config.json file supports network configuration overrides of this base configuration, allowing developers to specify different settings for specific networks (e.g., mainnet, testnet).

  • overrides: (Optional) Defines overrides for network-specific configurations. These values are used via the -n flag in commands, respectivly:
    • mainnet
    • testnet


When working with values that differ accross different networks, developers can define aliases in separate JSON files according to environment. These aliases are replaced during build.

  • Account: Defines the "owner" of the widgets in the workspace, according to network.
    • Pattern: {config_account}
  • Aliases: Defines patterns for replacing other account and contract references. These are particularly useful for widget sources accross environments, such as using mob.near for mainnet, and mike.testnet for testnet.
    • Pattern: ${alias_key}

    • Example:

        "account": "[MAINNET_ACCOUNT_ID]",
        "aliases": ["./aliases.mainnet.json"],
        "overrides": {
          "testnet": {
            "account": "[TESTNET_ACCOUNT_ID]",
            "aliases": ["./aliases.testnet.json"]

      with accompaning jsons:


        "devs": "devs.near",
        "mob": "mob.near",


        "devs": "neardevs.testnet",
        "mob": "mike.testnet"

Customizing the Gateway

Running the bos-workspace dev server will start a local gateway with a standard near-social-vm installed unless the --no-gateway flag is provided in your dev command:

bw dev --no-gateway

However, there is an option to override this default gateway with a custom /dist. This is helpful when building widgets that utilize custom VM elements. To use this feature, use the -g flag with a path to the local custom distribution:

bw dev -g path/to/dist

This will automatically start the local gateway, but using the provided dist.

It is easy to build and distribute a custom gateway using the near-bos-webcomponent, see "Configuring VM Custom Elements".

The bos-workspace dev server is specially configured with the near-bos-webcomponent to automatically set the rpc attribute with the proxy-rpc when provided.


You can run bw or bos-workspace to see the list of commands.

Usage: bos-workspace [options] [command]

Build decentralized apps

  -V, --version                                  output the version number
  -h, --help                                     display help for command

  dev [options] [src]                            Run the development server
  build [options] [src] [dest]                   Build the project
  workspace|ws [options] [command] [src] [dest]  Work with multiple apps
  init [options] [path]                          Initialize a new project
  clone [account] [dest]                         Clone a SocialDB repository
  pull [account]                                 Pull updates from a SocialDB repository
  deploy [options] [appName]                     Deploy the project
  upload [string]                                Upload data to SocialDB (not implemented)
  help [command]                                 display help for command

If the gateway can't fetch local components, try disabling brave shields or your adblock. If the commands don't work, try again using Node >=16


Usage (CLI)

Command: deploy

Deploys an app in the workspace via a convenient wrapper to bos-cli-rs.

bw deploy [app name] --deploy-account-id [deployAccountId] --signer-account-id [signerAccountId] --signer-public-key [signerPublicKey] --signer-private-key [signerPrivateKey]
  • [app name]: Name of the app to be deployed. Assumed to be the current app in App structure (bos.config.json), but is required when using the Workspace structure (bos.workspace.json); this should match the name of the App's directory.

  • --deploy-account-id <deployAccountId> (Optional): Account under which component code should be deployed. Defaults to config.account, or will use config.accounts.deploy if specified.

  • --signer-account-id <signerAccountId> (Optional): Account which will be used for signing deploy transactions, frequently the same as deploy-account-id. Defaults to config.account, or will use config.accounts.deploy if specified.

  • --signer-public-key <signerPublicKey> (Required): Public key for signing transactions in the format: ed25519:<public_key>.

  • --signer-private-key <signerPrivateKey> (Required): Private key in ed25519:<private_key> format for signing transactions.

  • -n, --network <network> (Optional): Network to deploy for (default: "mainnet").

Usage (Git Workflow)


  1. Must be upgraded to bos-workspace v1, see the migration guide
  2. Specify testnet overrides + aliases in bos.config.json.


  1. Create .github/workflow/release-mainnet.yml
name: Deploy Components to Mainnet
    branches: [main]
    uses: NEARBuilders/bos-workspace/.github/workflows/deploy.yml@main
      bw-legacy: false
      deploy-env: "mainnet"
      app-name: "[APP_NAME]"
      deploy-account-address: "[DEPLOY_ACCOUNT]"
      signer-account-address: "[SIGNER_ACCOUNT]"
      signer-public-key: [PUBLIC_KEY]
      SIGNER_PRIVATE_KEY: ${{ secrets.SIGNER_PRIVATE_KEY }} // then configure this in your Github/Settings/Actions


  1. Create .github/workflow/release-testnet.yml
name: Deploy Components to Testnet
    branches: [develop]
    uses: NEARBuilders/bos-workspace/.github/workflows/deploy.yml@main
      bw-legacy: false
      build-env: "testnet"
      deploy-env: "testnet"
      app-name: "[APP_NAME]"
      deploy-account-address: "[DEPLOY_ACCOUNT]" // testnet account
      signer-account-address: "[SIGNER_ACCOUNT]"
      signer-public-key: [PUBLIC_KEY] 
      SIGNER_PRIVATE_KEY: ${{ secrets.SIGNER_PRIVATE_KEY }} // then configure this in your Github/Settings/Actions

Reference: quickstart

API Endpoints

A running bos-workspace server exposes several endpoints for interacting with local data:

Gateway Frontend


-> Provides a frontend interface for viewing and interacting with widgets.

Loader API


Method: POST

-> Receive all built and served data.


URL: ws://

-> WebSocket for hot reload, delivers most updated data.

Proxy RPC


-> Proxies RPC requests, use as rpcUrl in near-api-js.
