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File metadata and controls

162 lines (116 loc) · 5.23 KB

How to Build a New Catalogue

Step 1: Add a catalogue

You need to add your new Catalogue to the

There are now different CatalogueService for different servers the catalogue is deployed on. Decide which server your catalogue will be deployed on, probably EIDC.

In the function eidCatalogue you will see return new InMemoryCatalogueService

Add a new Catalogue (keep in alphabetical order) e.g.

  .title("Your Title")
  • id
    • identifies the search page of this catalogue e.g. http://location:8080/your-id/documents
  • title
    • self-explanatory
  • url
    • URL to a project website
  • facetKey
    • you can have a chain of these e.g. .facetKey("keyA").facetKey("keyB")
    • the values live here SolrIndex and have a look in
    • these are filters in your search page
  • documentType
    • a list of documents you can create and edit (see documents below)
    • you can have a chain of these e.g. .documentType(documentTypeA).documentType(documentTypeB)
  • fileUpload

Search facets

There are many fields already indexed in Solr that can be used as search facets.

  • resourceType type of metadata e.g. Dataset, Service, Model, Activity, Facility
  • licence is the metadata Open Government licenced

New search facets

If the existing index fields are not suitable a new index field can be added.

The content of a search facet needs to come from a vocabulary, CEH Vocabularies is a good home. The metadata records need to be tagged with the keywords.

The facetKey needs to be added to the Solr schema and the SolrIndex

The documents need to be indexed for each document type in the catalogue e.g. SolrIndexGeminiDocumentGenerator for Gemini documents and SolrIndexImpDocumentGenerator for models / model applications.

  • Add the url of the vocabulary
  • Set the newly added field of the SolrIndex

The new facet needs to be added to HardcodedFacetFactory

Vocabularies for search facets

The url structure of vocabulary keywords should follow this format:

vocabulary base url / facet identifier / keyword identifier


See SolrIndexGeminiDocumentGenerator for how this is used.

Step 2: Add Users & Groups

You need to create some new roles for development.

First, in DevelopmentUserStoreConfig add two roles, an editor and a publisher

at the top of this file add

public static final String YOUR_CATALOGUE_EDITOR = "role_yourCatalogue_editor";
public static final String YOUR_CATALOGUE_PUBLISHER = "role_yourCatalogue_publisher";

Second, you need a new user, add something like this

public void yourCataloguePublisher() throws UsernameAlreadyTakenException {
  val user =new CatalogueUser()
  userStore().addUser(user, "password");

You also need to add the new groups to the group store in groupStore, using the title from Step 1: CatalogueServiceConfig


Now when you go to http://location:8080/your-id/documents you can add the header Remote-User=yourCatalogue-publisher and they can read/write/edit files. Use a browser plugin like ModHeaders to modify the headers.

Step 3: Add style

In the Gruntfile.js you need to add the following in the less task

less: {
  youId: {
    files: {
      'src/css/style-youId.css': 'src/less/style-youId.less'

and in the cssmin task

cssmin: {
  youId: {
    files: {
      'src/css/style-youId.css': 'src/css/style-youId.css'

You need to create the file src/less/style-youId.less

your less files will look like this

@import "style-ceh";

but if you want your own colors you can add something like this

@brand-success: #3498DB;
@header-text: #ECF0F1;
.text-red {color:#E74C3C;}

Step 4: Adding new DocumentTypes

N.B. This step is only needed if adding a new documentType, if re-using existing documentTypes this step can be ignored.

See creating a new document type for details.