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NFTMart Node



This repository contains code for NFTMart Mainnet, Staging and Dev network. These networks share the same nftmart-node binary. You can switch between different networks by specifying the correct chain spec when starting your node.


You can connect to NFTMart Mainnet using the following public addresses

  • wss://

Or you can start a node locally and sync with the Mainnet

docker-compose up mainnet

# If you prefer using your own binary, try this instead
./target/release/nftmart-node --chain=/specs/mainnetRaw.json

Staging Network

You can connect to NFTMart Staging Network using the following public addresses

  • wss://

Alternatively, you can start a node locally and sync with the Staging Network

docker-compose up staging

# If you prefer using your own binary, try this instead
./target/release/nftmart-node --chain=/specs/stagingRaw.json

Dev Network

To start a Dev Network, you must run your own node:

docker-compose up dev

# If you prefer using your own binary, try this instead
./target/release/nftmart-node --dev --alice

then connect to it from the following rpc endpoints:

  • ws://

Build From Source

Prepare Toolchain

Please follow this link to prepare an development environment.

Remember to set your nightly toolchain version to nightly-2021-09-01, later versions may fail to compile.

rustup install $NIGHTLY
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain $NIGHTLY
rustup default $NIGHTLY

Compile And Run

cargo build --release -p node-cli

./target/release/nftmart-node --dev --alice --rpc-cors=all --rpc-methods=Unsafe --unsafe-ws-external

Use Node.js to access nftmart blockchain

git clone
cd nftmart-node/nodejs-demo
yarn install

# Create a class(ID: 0) by Alice with local testing node.
node nft-apis.mjs --ws ws:// create-class //Alice

# Add a new class administrator to the class, ID: 0
node nft-apis.mjs --ws ws:// add-class-admin //Bob

# Create an another class(ID: 1) managed by Alice.
node nft-apis.mjs --ws ws:// create-class //Alice

# List all classes
node nft-apis.mjs --ws ws:// show-class-info

# Mint three nft tokens to Bob in the class which ID is 0.
node nft-apis.mjs --ws ws:// mint-nft //Bob 0

# List all nfts in the class, `ID:0`
node nft-apis.mjs --ws ws:// show-all-nfts 0