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中文新秀榜 > 软件类 > TypeScript

数据更新: 2022-04-10   /   温馨提示:中文项目泛指「文档母语为中文」OR「含有中文翻译」的项目,通常在项目的「readme/wiki/官网」可以找到

# Repository Description Stars Updated Created
1 TuSimple/naive-ui A Vue 3 Component Library. Fairly Complete. Customizable Themes. Uses TypeScript. Not too Slow. 8415 2022-04-09 2021-06-04
2 liupan1890/aliyunpan 阿里云盘小白羊版 阿里云盘PC版 aliyundriver 6460 2022-03-23 2021-04-22
3 DouyinFE/semi-design A modern, comprehensive, flexible design system and React UI library 5644 2022-04-08 2021-10-25
4 alibaba/lowcode-engine An enterprise-class low-code technology stack with scale-out design / 一套面向扩展设计的企业级低代码技术体系 4686 2022-04-08 2021-12-20
5 imcuttle/mometa 🛠 [Beta] 面向研发的低代码元编程,代码可视编辑,辅助编码工具 2717 2022-02-22 2021-11-22
6 modern-js-dev/modern.js The meta-framework suite designed from scratch for frontend-focused modern web development. 2546 2022-04-09 2021-07-02
7 cwackerfuss/react-wordle A fun Wordle clone made using React, Typescript, and Tailwind 2049 2022-04-05 2022-01-08
8 aidenybai/million Virtual DOM into the future! 💥🦁✨ 1871 2022-04-01 2021-05-29
9 yaklang/yakit Cyber Security ALL-IN-ONE Platform 1754 2022-04-01 2021-10-12
10 H5-Dooring/dooringx 快速高效搭建可视化拖拽平台 1531 2022-04-01 2021-07-08
11 Mayandev/notion-avatar 🪄 An online tool for making notion-style avatars. 1434 2022-04-02 2021-09-24
12 buqiyuan/vite-vue3-lowcode vue3.x + vite2.x + vant + element-plus H5移动端低代码平台 lowcode 可视化拖拽 可视化编辑器 visual editor 类似易企秀的H5制作、建站工具、可视化搭建工具 1315 2022-01-16 2021-04-19
13 opensumi/core 🚀 A framework helps you quickly build Cloud or Desktop IDE products. 1011 2022-04-04 2021-11-17
14 triggerjs/trigger A library for creating scroll-based animation with HTML attributes and CSS variables. 956 2021-11-15 2021-10-19
15 stevenlei/spacingjs A JavaScript utility for measuring the spacing between elements on webpage. 810 2021-11-29 2021-11-09
16 chinese-chess-everywhere/type-chess 一个玩具,用 TypeScript 类型系统写的中国象棋 670 2022-03-17 2021-10-26
17 dohooo/react-native-reanimated-carousel Simple React Native carousel component,fully implemented using reanimated v2,support to iOS/Android/Web.(轮播图、swiper) 665 2022-04-03 2021-09-07
18 honghuangdc/soybean-admin soybean admin - a beautiful vue admin template, based on Vue3、Vite、Naive UI、TypeScript. 基于Vite + Vue3 + NaiveUI + TypeScript的漂亮清新的中后台管理模版 562 2022-04-04 2021-09-08
19 MakinoharaShoko/WebGAL 全新的基于 Web 的 视觉小说引擎 A brand new Visual Novel engine based on Web. 535 2022-04-05 2021-09-16
20 idrawjs/idraw A simple JavaScript framework for Drawing on the web.(一个面向Web绘图的JavaScript框架) 441 2022-02-27 2021-05-23
21 3lang3/react-vant React mobile UI Components base on Vant 429 2022-04-04 2021-07-18
22 linjc/smooth-signature H5带笔锋手写签名,支持PC端和移动端,任何前端框架均可使用 415 2022-03-25 2021-10-24
23 apptools-lab/AppToolkit 🐘 The Front-end Env Toolkit(前端环境管理工具) 408 2022-04-05 2021-04-12
24 antfu/vitesse-lite ⛺️ Lightweight version of Vitesse 392 2022-04-04 2021-07-19
25 JDFED/drip-form 基于React和JSONSchema的动态表单解决方案 386 2022-04-02 2021-11-26
26 originjs/webpack-to-vite Convert a webpack/vue-cli project to vite project. 将 webpack/vue-cli 项目转换为 vite 项目。 370 2022-03-28 2021-04-21
27 originjs/vite-plugin-federation Module Federation for vite & rollup 303 2022-04-04 2021-08-04
28 mallfoundry/taroify Taroify 是移动端组件库 Vant 的 Taro 版本,两者基于相同的视觉规范,提供一致的 API 接口,助力开发者快速搭建小程序应用。 294 2022-04-04 2021-04-15
29 zmide/ 全能搜题网页端源代码,全能搜题项目是一个基于开源社区公开贡献的永久免费搜题系统。 268 2022-02-26 2021-10-21
30 JacobLinCool/Bahamut-Automation 雲端執行、快速設定、免費開源的巴哈姆特自動化!自動簽到、自動動畫瘋答題、自動抽抽樂! 260 2022-04-03 2021-06-26
31 JDFED/leo 一个可覆盖前端开发全链路、可扩展、可定制的终端运行的脚手架工具 247 2021-12-22 2021-12-15
32 open-mmlab/labelbee-client Out-of-the-box Annotation Toolbox 238 2022-01-21 2021-12-03
33 yusukebe/hono Hono[炎] - Ultrafast web framework for Cloudflare Workers. 230 2022-04-02 2021-12-14
34 qmhc/vite-plugin-dts A vite plugin for generating .d.ts files. 228 2022-04-02 2021-06-01
35 AntmJS/vantui 基于vant-weapp实现的Taro-React版及H5-React版组件库 225 2022-04-04 2021-09-15
36 leodevbro/vscode-blockman VSCode extension to highlight nested code blocks 218 2022-03-22 2021-05-12
37 mengzonefire/rapid-upload-userscript 秒传链接提取脚本, 使用typescript + webpack重构 208 2022-04-01 2021-07-22
38 MarkMindCkm/obsidian-enhancing-mindmap obsidian plugin editable mindmap,you can edit mindmap on markdown file 201 2022-03-26 2021-06-27
39 DevCloudFE/vue-devui UI components based on Vue3 and DevUI Design 199 2022-04-05 2021-09-16
40 caoxiemeihao/electron-vite-react :electron: Electron + Vite + React + Sass + boilerplate. 195 2022-03-31 2021-11-02
41 weijian-zhu/measure.js Make UI walkthroughs easier and development more precise 194 2022-03-11 2021-12-05
42 dishait/tov-template vite + vue3 + ts 开箱即用现代开发模板 193 2022-04-01 2022-01-09
43 JDFED/drip-table A tiny and powerful enterprise-class solution for building lowcode tables. 轻量、强大的企业级列表可视化搭建解决方案。 190 2022-04-02 2021-12-07
44 innocces/taro-hooks 为 Taro 而设计的 Hooks Library 189 2022-03-22 2021-06-23
45 SeeFlowerX/frida-protobuf - 185 2021-12-04 2021-06-15
46 alibaba/lowcode-demo An enterprise-class low-code technology stack with scale-out design / 一套面向扩展设计的企业级低代码技术体系 183 2022-04-01 2021-12-30
47 lblblong/nat-utools 内网穿透 - utools 插件 182 2021-11-18 2021-07-25
48 haixiangyan/nest-todo 🐱 使用 React.js + Nest.js 实现一个简单的 Todo App。 163 2022-03-23 2021-07-09
49 lgf196/JoL-player 简洁,美观,功能强大的react播放器,simple and beautiful, powerful react player 154 2021-11-05 2021-08-02
50 pengfeiw/rubiks-cube Rubik's cube(魔方游戏)— threejs 145 2022-03-26 2021-11-29
51 bytedance/syllepsis Syllepsis is an out-of-the-box rich text editor. 143 2022-03-28 2021-07-09
52 weimobGroup/WeConsole 功能全面、界面与体验对标 Chrome devtools 的可定制化的小程序开发调试面板 140 2021-10-27 2021-07-14
53 wangeditor-team/wangEditor-v5 wangEditor v5 (公测中...) 140 2022-04-05 2021-05-14
54 yuanguandong/react-dashboard-pro One-stop dashboard solution out of the box 开箱即用的一站式仪表板解决方案 130 2022-01-27 2021-08-19
55 dtysky/webgpu-renderer A simple renderer implemented by WebGPU, includes a builtin path tracing pipeline. 124 2022-03-13 2021-06-05
56 Clansty/Q2TG QQ 与 Telegram 群相互转发的 bot 120 2022-03-30 2021-07-20
57 buqiyuan/react-antd-admin 基于vite2.x + react17.x + typescript4.x + antd4.x + react-router6.x + mobx6.x编写的一款简单高效的前后端分离的权限管理系统 117 2021-12-27 2021-08-07
58 phibr0/obsidian-dictionary Dictionary - Obsidian Plugin This plugin adds a multilingual dictionary to the Obsidian note taking tool. 117 2022-03-16 2021-05-12
59 wszgrcy/angular-miniprogram 使用Angular开发小程序 113 2022-03-28 2021-09-09
60 tgbot-collection/YYeTsFE YYeTsBot 前端页面 112 2022-04-03 2021-06-07
61 funnyzak/react-native-v2ex 项目使用了 React Native 构建了一个 V2EX 移动客户端应用。主要目的是为了构建一个 React Native 快速开发脚手架。 100 2022-04-02 2022-02-18
62 babyfish-ct/graphql-ts-client Typescript DSL for GraphQL. 99 2022-03-28 2021-06-17
63 tangxiaofeng7/XScan 一款取决于用户策略的资产管理平台 96 2022-03-29 2022-03-11
64 zouhangwithsweet/vue-components-lib-seed 🌱 a vue3.0 components library template. Vue3.0 组件库的次佳实践. 91 2022-02-23 2021-07-11
65 YunYouJun/sese-engine-ui 🔍 Sese engine ui. 色色搜索引擎 UI 88 2022-03-12 2021-12-17
66 sigoden/apitest Apitest is declarative api testing tool with JSON-like DSL. 88 2022-03-11 2021-06-01
67 ykfe/viter 小而美的 Vite 中后台开发框架 86 2022-01-14 2021-04-21

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