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feat(module:tree-select): support virtual scroll (#5760)
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hsuanxyz committed Sep 14, 2020
1 parent 602ea93 commit 1f2d816
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Showing 7 changed files with 82 additions and 6 deletions.
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions components/tree-select/demo/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
order: 6
zh-CN: 虚拟滚动
en-US: Virtual Scroll

## zh-CN

设定 `nzVirtualHeight` 开启虚拟滚动。

## en-US

Set `nzVirtualHeight` to enable virtual scroll.
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions components/tree-select/demo/virtual-scroll.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { NzTreeNodeOptions } from 'ng-zorro-antd/tree';

selector: 'nz-demo-tree-select-virtual-scroll',
template: `
style="width: 250px"
nzPlaceHolder="Please select"
export class NzDemoTreeSelectVirtualScrollComponent implements OnInit {
nodes: NzTreeNodeOptions[] = [];

ngOnInit(): void {
const dig = (path = '0', level = 3) => {
const list = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i += 1) {
const key = `${path}-${i}`;
const treeNode: NzTreeNodeOptions = {
title: key,
expanded: true,
children: [],
isLeaf: false

if (level > 0) {
treeNode.children = dig(key, level - 1);
} else {
treeNode.isLeaf = true;

return list;

this.nodes = dig();
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions components/tree-select/doc/
Expand Up @@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ import { NzTreeSelectModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/tree-select';
| `[nzMaxTagCount]` | Max tag count to show| number | - |
| `[nzMaxTagPlaceholder]` | Placeholder for not showing tags | TemplateRef<{ $implicit: NzTreeNode[] }> | - |
| `[nzTreeTemplate]` | Custom Nodes | `TemplateRef<{ $implicit: NzTreeNode }>` | - |
| `[nzVirtualHeight]` | The height of virtual scroll | `string` | `-` |
| `[nzVirtualItemSize]` | The size of the items in the list, same as [cdk itemSize]( | `number` | `28` |
| `[nzVirtualMaxBufferPx]` | The number of pixels worth of buffer to render for when rendering new items, same as [cdk maxBufferPx]( | `number` | `500` |
| `[nzVirtualMinBufferPx]` | The minimum amount of buffer rendered beyond the viewport (in pixels),same as [cdk minBufferPx]( | `number` | `28` |
| `(nzExpandChange)` | Callback function for when a treeNode is expanded or collapsed |`EventEmitter<NzFormatEmitEvent>` | - |

#### Methods
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions components/tree-select/doc/
Expand Up @@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ import { NzTreeSelectModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/tree-select';
| `[nzMaxTagCount]` | 最多显示多少个 tag | number | - |
| `[nzMaxTagPlaceholder]` | 隐藏 tag 时显示的内容 | TemplateRef<{ $implicit: NzTreeNode[] }> | - |
| `[nzTreeTemplate]` | 自定义节点 | `TemplateRef<{ $implicit: NzTreeNode }>` | - |
| `[nzVirtualHeight]` | 虚拟滚动的总高度 | `string` | `-` |
| `[nzVirtualItemSize]` | 虚拟滚动时每一列的高度,与 [cdk itemSize]( 相同 | `number` | `28` |
| `[nzVirtualMaxBufferPx]` | 缓冲区最大像素高度,与 [cdk maxBufferPx]( 相同 | `number` | `500` |
| `[nzVirtualMinBufferPx]` | 缓冲区最小像素高度,低于该值时将加载新结构,与 [cdk minBufferPx]( 相同 | `number` | `28` |
| `(nzExpandChange)` | 点击展开树节点图标调用 | `EventEmitter<NzFormatEmitEvent>` | - |

#### 方法
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9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions components/tree-select/tree-select.component.ts
Expand Up @@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ const TREE_SELECT_DEFAULT_CLASS = 'ant-select-dropdown ant-select-tree-dropdown'
Expand All @@ -104,6 +105,10 @@ const TREE_SELECT_DEFAULT_CLASS = 'ant-select-dropdown ant-select-tree-dropdown'
[nzSelectedKeys]="!nzCheckable ? value : []"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -231,6 +236,10 @@ export class NzTreeSelectComponent extends NzTreeBase implements ControlValueAcc
@Input() @InputBoolean() nzMultiple = false;
@Input() @InputBoolean() nzDefaultExpandAll = false;
@Input() @InputBoolean() nzCheckStrictly = false;
@Input() nzVirtualItemSize = 28;
@Input() nzVirtualMaxBufferPx = 500;
@Input() nzVirtualMinBufferPx = 28;
@Input() nzVirtualHeight: string | null = null;
@Input() nzExpandedIcon?: TemplateRef<{ $implicit: NzTreeNode; origin: NzTreeNodeOptions }>;
@Input() nzNotFoundContent?: string;
@Input() nzNodes: Array<NzTreeNode | NzTreeNodeOptions> = [];
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions components/tree/doc/
Expand Up @@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ import { NzTreeModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/tree';
| `[nzSearchFunc]` | Custom matching method, used with nzSearchValue | `(node: NzTreeNodeOptions) => boolean` | `null` |
| `[nzBeforeDrop]` | Drop before the second check, allowing the user to decide whether to allow placement | `(confirm: NzFormatBeforeDropEvent) => Observable<boolean>` | - |
| `[nzVirtualHeight]` | The height of virtual scroll | `string` | `-` |
| `[nzVirtualItemSize]` | The size of the items in the list, same as [cdk itemSize]( | `number` | `0` |
| `[nzVirtualMaxBufferPx]` | The number of pixels worth of buffer to render for when rendering new items, same as [cdk maxBufferPx]( | `number` | `200` |
| `[nzVirtualMinBufferPx]` | The minimum amount of buffer rendered beyond the viewport (in pixels),same as [cdk minBufferPx]( | `number` | `100` |
| `[nzVirtualItemSize]` | The size of the items in the list, same as [cdk itemSize]( | `number` | `28` |
| `[nzVirtualMaxBufferPx]` | The number of pixels worth of buffer to render for when rendering new items, same as [cdk maxBufferPx]( | `number` | `500` |
| `[nzVirtualMinBufferPx]` | The minimum amount of buffer rendered beyond the viewport (in pixels),same as [cdk minBufferPx]( | `number` | `28` |
| `(nzClick)` | Callback function for when the user clicks a treeNode | `EventEmitter<NzFormatEmitEvent>` | - |
| `(nzDblClick)` | Callback function for when the user double clicks a treeNode | `EventEmitter<NzFormatEmitEvent>` | - |
| `(nzContextMenu)` | Callback function for when the user right clicks a treeNode | `EventEmitter<NzFormatEmitEvent>` | - |
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions components/tree/doc/
Expand Up @@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ import { NzTreeModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/tree';
| `[nzSearchFunc]` | 自定义匹配方法,配合 nzSearchValue 使用 | `(node: NzTreeNodeOptions) => boolean` | `null` |
| `[nzBeforeDrop]` | drop前二次校验,允许用户自行决定是否允许放置 | `(confirm: NzFormatBeforeDropEvent) => Observable<boolean>` | - |
| `[nzVirtualHeight]` | 虚拟滚动的总高度 | `string` | `-` |
| `[nzVirtualItemSize]` | 虚拟滚动时每一列的高度,与 [cdk itemSize]( 相同 | `number` | `0` |
| `[nzVirtualMaxBufferPx]` | 缓冲区最大像素高度,与 [cdk maxBufferPx]( 相同 | `number` | `200` |
| `[nzVirtualMinBufferPx]` | 缓冲区最小像素高度,低于该值时将加载新结构,与 [cdk minBufferPx]( 相同 | `number` | `100` |
| `[nzVirtualItemSize]` | 虚拟滚动时每一列的高度,与 [cdk itemSize]( 相同 | `number` | `28` |
| `[nzVirtualMaxBufferPx]` | 缓冲区最大像素高度,与 [cdk maxBufferPx]( 相同 | `number` | `500` |
| `[nzVirtualMinBufferPx]` | 缓冲区最小像素高度,低于该值时将加载新结构,与 [cdk minBufferPx]( 相同 | `number` | `28` |
| `(nzClick)` | 点击树节点触发 | `EventEmitter<NzFormatEmitEvent>` | - |
| `(nzDblClick)` | 双击树节点触发 | `EventEmitter<NzFormatEmitEvent>` | - |
| `(nzContextMenu)` | 右键树节点触发 | `EventEmitter<NzFormatEmitEvent>` | - |
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