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279 lines (194 loc) · 11.3 KB


A compiled Cogent program produces many Isabelle/HOL theory files to assist in verification.


Compiled Cogent theory files have several dependencies:

Cogent theories and C refinement theories are properly linked to compiled files using the --root-dir=PATH compiler flag, which should specify the root directory of the Cogent repository.

Generated Theory Files

Compiling a program with the -A flag produces all needed verification files (among with other output files). You can optionally generate each individual file using it's relevant flag. The files are:

A proof of type correctness for the compiled program, generated with --typeproof.
The shared components of the shallow embedding, generated with either --shallow-desugar or --shallow-normal.
The compiled shallow embedding from the desugared compiler code, generated with --shallow-desugar.
The compiled shallow embedding in normal form, generated with --shallow-normal.
ShallowShared_Tuples, Shallow_Desugar_Tuples
Shallow embedding files that feature tuples instead of records, generated with --shallow-desugar-tuples.
Various value relations for each type from the compiled Cogent program, generated with --scorres-normal. Can also come in desugared and monomorphised form.
The deep embedding for the compiled file, in normal form, generated with --deep-normal. Can also come in desugared and monomorphised form.
The proof that the compiled shallow embedding is in normal form, generated with --normal-proof.
Creates a shallow embedding of the generated C code via AutoCorres, generated with --ac-install.
Various lemmas needed for the correspondence proof, generated with --corres-setup.
Creates the correspondence proof between the Cogent deep embedding and the C shallow embedding, generated with --corres-proof.
Proving the equivalence of polymorphic functions and specialised monomorphic functions, generated with --mono-proof.
The final proof that shows the generated C code is a refinement of the generated shallow embedding, generated with --all-refine.

The generated files depend on each other in a hierarchy, depicted below:

.. graphviz:: assets/

In addition to the theory files, a ROOT file is produced for building the files. You can reproduce this file by running the compiler with the --root flag.

Building/Running The Generated Files

Before using the generated theory files, ensure you have built the AutoCorres heap like so:

L4V_ARCH=X64 isabelle build -v -b -d $AC_DIR AutoCorres

Where $AC_DIR is the root directory of AutoCorres.

In Jedit

Launch the Jedit editor with the following command:

L4V_ARCH=X64 isabelle jedit -d $AC_DIR -l AutoCorres

Where again, $AC_DIR is the root directory of AutoCorres.

Then, simply open any file you wish to view.

On the command line

Using the generated ROOT file, you can build the suite of files like so:

isabelle build -D $GENERATED_FILES_DIR \
               -d $REPO_ROOT/cogent/isa \
               -d $AC_DIR

This will:

  • Select the root file located in the directory specified by $GENERATED_FILES_DIR and evaluate it, which is the directory where your ROOT file and generated theory files are located;
  • Include the Cogent theory files in $REPO_ROOT/cogent/isa, where $REPO_ROOT is the root directory of the Cogent repository;
  • Include AutoCorres theories located in $AC_DIR.


A Simple Example

In this example, we're going to write a function that squares a U64, and prove the correctness of the embedding in Isabelle/HOL.

You can find all the code for this example in our repository

We'll use the following Cogent code:

.. literalinclude:: ../cogent/examples/square/square.cogent
    :language: haskell

And we'll build a shallow embedding using the following command:

cogent square.cogent -g -o square\
    --root-dir="../../.." \
    --shallow-normal \

which gives us the following shallow embedding:

  This file is generated by Cogent

theory Square_Shallow_Normal
imports "Square_ShallowShared"

    square :: "64 word ⇒ 64 word"
    "square x__ds_var_0 ≡ HOL.Let x__ds_var_0 (λx. (*) x x)"


Next, we'll create a file and import our shallow embedding, then prove its correctness against the specification of square in Isabelle/HOL:

.. literalinclude:: ../cogent/examples/square/SquareProof.thy
    :language: isabelle

A More Involved Example

The code for this example is more involved than the previous, so follow along with the source located here.

Naturally when writing Cogent code, you'll interface with C code frequently. This C code must go through AutoCorres for the refinement proof, so we'll need to put a bit more effort to set up the verification chain for such Cogent programs.

This time, we'll be using abstract functions and types to represent the C functions and types we wish to call and use. Our program will take in a toy KernelState type, and check the status of a magic number in an object of this type. If the number has been corrupted, we'll cause a kernel panic; otherwise, continue on.

The C code this time will involve the C standard library, which we don't want to pass into AutoCorres as it often causes errors. In realistic situations, the same issue can potentially be caused by system code included into Cogent programs that may not directly be verified along with the Cogent code (such as Linux kernel headers), so we need a way to work around this.

Note that, as we will use types from the standard library that are not implemented in our antiquoted C or Cogent code, we must inform the compiler of the existence of these types. We do this with the flag --ext-type=types.cfg (we have explained this flag in :ref:`first-program`), which points to the file in our example directory. As we'll use the file stream type, the only line in this file is FILE.

We'll write two wrapper files, each called that contain different definitions of various library types and functions in order to work around AutoCorres. Observe the sample source code directory layout:

├── entrypoints.cfg
├── Kernel.cogent
├── Makefile
├── plat
│   ├── system
│   │   └──
│   └── verification
│       └──
└── types.cfg

You'll notice in our platform folder (plat), we have a system folder and a verification folder each with it's own wrapper file.

In the system folder, the wrapper file includes the C library for execution, defines the abstract types used in the Cogent code, and finally includes our to be compiled Cogent code followed by the main code. You may also notice that we define two messages as string literals in variables (KERNEL_PANIC_MESSAGE, KERNEL_OK_MESSAGE). AutoCorres won't accept string literals in C code, so it's important to abstract them out of the main code. Finally, the wrapper includes the implementations of our abstract functions (kernelPanic, memMagicNumer) that our Cogent code uses, and a main function to test the Cogent code, all located in

.. literalinclude:: ../cogent/examples/system-abstract-verif/plat/system/
    :language: c

In the verification folder however, we must provide definitions of the standard library types and functions we use (FILE, fprintf, malloc, free, exit, stdout). During verification we'll treat these functions like a black box, so the actual implementation doesn't matter (as long as AutoCorres can parse them). For example, we can give the following definitions to the FILE type and fprintf:

typedef struct filedummy {
    int dummy;

int fprintf(FILE * stream, char * str) {
    // do nothing
    return 0;

We can also give dummy definitions to our string literal placeholder variables at this time too:

char * KERNEL_OK_MESSAGE    = 0x0;

Now AutoCorres will be happy with our code!

To make the verification build chain simpler, in our Makefile we simply change which is supplied to the compiler depending on whether or not we want to build for verification or to build the system to run.

Finally, we're left with our Cogent code:

.. literalinclude:: ../cogent/examples/system-abstract-verif/Kernel.cogent
    :language: haskell

To run this example, run make system to compile the code into an executable called kernel, or run make verification to build all Isabelle/HOL verification files and C code suited for AutoCorres.

Common Errors


You may see the following error from AutoCorres when running this file:

### In file included from file.c:3:
### file.h:6:10: fatal error: cogent-defns.h: No such file or directory
###  #include <cogent-defns.h>

This is due to cpp being unable to find the Cogent C header, which is located in the Cogent repository in cogent/lib/cogent-defns.h. Adding the compiler flag --fake-header-dir=$REPO_ROOT/cogent/lib will fix this. You can additionally set this directory to the result of cogent --stdgum-dir, which will print the location of the Cogent standard library directory.

You may also see the following error:

*** Undeclared constant: "??.\<Gamma>"
*** At command "autocorres" (line 14 of "ACInstall.thy")

This can be due to several reasons:

  • You have not specified entrypoint functions via the compiler flag --entry-funcs=FILE.
  • Your source file/entrypoiint functions contain only polymorphic functions. Concrete C functions will only be generated when these polymorphic functions are instantiated by your Cogent source file or your entrypoint file. You can do so in the entrypoint file like so: functionName[TypeName] (also see :ref:`poly-function-example` for more explanation).