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Codeforces Gym interface for NOJ


Judge Agent should be a valid CodeForces account.

We highly recommend 5~10 Judge Agents enabled for CodeForces Gym NOJ Babel Extension.

Set username the handle and password the password from CodeForces.

Setting email as handle will break some features like babel:judge.


Require CodeForces:

php artisan babel:require codeforces

Update CodeForces:

php artisan babel:update codeforces

Install CodeForces:

php artisan babel:install codeforces

Crawl CodeForces:

php artisan babel:crawl codeforces


Q: Can I use the same agent from my codeforces extension?

A: You CAN, but you shouldn't. Because CodeForces has rate limit for accounts, having 2 separated extension sharing the same rate limit pool is not best practise for maintenance. For having different sets of judge agents for CodeForces and CodeForces Gym, you can controll them separately. But if you want to set them the same, it is totally fine and workable.