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jrulent edited this page Dec 20, 2022 · 21 revisions

Welcome to the SRIL34 wiki!

This wiki describes the methods used to configure the SRIL34 model (physics only) and the SRIL34_ERSEM (passive tracers) configurations.

The SRIL34 model domain is of 1/60th degree resolution, based on GEBCO bathymetry. It uses ERA5 forcing data and Copernicus (CMEMS) reanalysis data.

The content of this wiki and the SRIL34 configuration are based on previous work on the SANH model, and SEAsia model. The method used for the domain generation follows that of GCOMS1k. The SRIL34_FABM configuration coupled to one ERSEM module for passive tracers simulation mainly follows that of the AMM7-NEMO4-FABM setup, but using the ERSEMyuti repository (this is a private page, you may not have access. The equivalent public repository is available here, rather than standard ERSEM.