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[Time Series Data](@id ts_data)


The bulk of the data in many power system models is time series data, in order to organize the data the potential inherent complexity, PowerSystems.jl has a set of definitions to enable consistent modeling.

  • Resolution: The period of time between each discrete value in the data, all resolutions are represented using Dates.Period types. For instance, a Day-ahead market data set usually has a resolution of Hour(1), a Real-Time market data set usually has a resolution of Minute(5).

  • Static data: a single column of time series values for a component field (such as active power) where each time period is represented by a single value. This data commonly is obtained from historical information or the realization of a time-varying quantity.

This category of Time Series data usually comes in the following format:

DateTime Value
2020-09-01T00:00:00 100.0
2020-09-01T01:00:00 101.0
2020-09-01T02:00:00 99.0

Where a column (or several columns) represent the timestamp associated with the value and a column stores the values of interest.

  • Forecasts: Predicted values of a time-varying quantity that commonly features a look-ahead and can have multiple data values representing each time period. This data is used in simulation with receding horizons or data generated from forecasting algorithms.

Forecast data usually comes in the following format:

DateTime 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2020-09-01T00:00:00 100.0 101.0 101.3 90.0 98.0 87.0 88.0 67.0
2020-09-01T01:00:00 101.0 101.3 99.0 98.0 88.9 88.3 67.1 89.4
2020-09-01T02:00:00 99.0 67.0 89.0 99.9 100.0 101.0 112.0 101.3

Where a column (or several columns) represent the time stamp associated with the initial time of the forecast, and the columns represent the forecasted values.

  • Interval: The period of time between forecasts initial times. In PowerSystems.jl all intervals are represented using Dates.Period types. For instance, in a Day-Ahead market simulation, the interval of the time series is usually Hour(24), in the example above, the interval is Hour(1).

  • Horizon: Is the count of discrete forecasted values, all horizons in PowerSystems.jl are represented with Int. For instance, many Day-ahead markets will have a forecast with a horizon 24.

  • Forecast window: Represents the forecasted value starting at a particular initial time.

Currently PowerSystems.jl does not support Forecasts or SingleTimeSeries with dissimilar intervals or resolution.


PowerSystems.jl supports two categories of time series data depending on the process to obtain the data:

  • Static data: a single column of time series values for a component field (such as active power) where each time period is represented by a single value. This data commonly is obtained from historical information or the realization of a time-varying quantity.
  • Forecasts: Predicted values of a time-varying quantity that commonly features a look-ahead and can have multiple data values representing each time period. This data is used in simulation with receding horizons or data generated from forecasting algorithms.

Static Time Series Data

PowerSystems defines the Julia struct SingleTimeSeries to represent this data.


PowerSystems defines the following Julia structs to represent forecasts:

  • Deterministic: Point forecast without any uncertainty representation.
  • Probabilistic: Stores a discretized cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) or probability distribution functions (PDFs) at each time step in the look-ahead window.
  • Scenarios: Stores a set of probable trajectories for forecasted quantity with equal probability.


By default PowerSystems stores time series data in an HDF5 file. This prevents large datasets from overwhelming system memory. If you know that your dataset will fit in your computer's memory then you can increase performance by storing it in memory. Here is an example of how to do this:

sys = System(100.0; time_series_in_memory = true)

PowerSystems stores the HDF5 file in the tmp filesystem by default. You can change this by passing time_series_directory = X when you create the System. This is required if the time series data is larger than the amount of tmp space available. You can also override the location by setting the environment variable SIIP_TIME_SERIES_DIRECTORY to another directory.


PowerSystems does not enable HDF5 compression by default. You can enable it to get significant storage savings at the cost of CPU time.

# Take defaults.
sys = System(100.0; enable_compression = true)
# Customize.
settings = CompressionSettings(
    enabled = true,
    type = CompressionTypes.DEFLATE,  # BLOSC is also supported
    level = 3,
    shuffle = true,
sys = System(100.0; compression = settings)

Refer to the HDF5.jl and HDF5 documentation for more details on the options.

Creating Time Series Data

PowerSystems supports several methods to load time series data (Forecasts or StaticTimeSeries) into a System.

  • Automated parsing during system construction, this method loads the data from CSV files. Refer to the parsing [documentation](@ref parsing_time_series).

  • Create directly from data in TimeSeries.TimeArray or DataFrames.DataFrame.


When creating data for SingleTimeSeries the user can directly pass a TimeSeries.TimeArray to the constructor.

    resolution = Dates.Hour(1)
    dates = range(DateTime("2020-01-01T00:00:00"), step = resolution, length = 24)
    data = TimeArray(dates, ones(24))
    time_series = SingleTimeSeries("max_active_power", data)

When creating time series data that represents forecasts, the data can be stored in any AbstractDict where the key is the initial time of the forecast and the value field is the forecast value. The value fields in the dictionary can be regular vectors or TimeSeries.TimeArray.

    resolution = Dates.Hour(1)
    data = Dict(
        DateTime("2020-01-01T00:00:00") => 10.0*ones(24),
        DateTime("2020-01-01T01:00:00") => 5.0*ones(24),
    forecast = Deterministic("max_active_power", data, resolution)
  • Load from CSV file. For Deterministic forecasts, each row represents one look-ahead window. The first column must be the initial time and the rest must be the forecast values. The CSV file must have no header in the first row.
    resolution = Dates.Hour(1)
    forecast = Deterministic("max_active_power", csv_filename, component, resolution)

Scaling factors

Time series data can store actual component values (for instance MW) or scaling factors intended to be multiplied by a scalar to generate the component values. By default PowerSystems treats the values in the time series data as physical units. In order to specify them as scaling factors, you must pass the accessor function that provides the multiplier value. This value must be passed into the forecast when you create it.


    resolution = Dates.Hour(1)
    data = Dict(
        DateTime("2020-01-01T00:00:00") => ones(24),
        DateTime("2020-01-01T01:00:00") => ones(24),
    forecast = Deterministic(
	scaling_factor_multiplier = get_max_active_power,

In this example, the forecasted component is a generator. Whenever the user retrieves the forecast data PowerSystems will call get_max_active_power(component) and multiply the result with the forecast values (scaling factors). For instance it the maximum active power returns the value 50.0 and the scaling factor at some time point is 0.65, the forecast value will correspond to 32.5.

Adding time series to the System

Adding time series data to a system requires a component that is already attached to the system. Extending the example above:

    add_time_series!(sys, component, forecast)

In order to optimize the storage of time series data, time series can be shared across devices to avoid duplication. If the same forecast applies to multiple components then can call add_time_series!, passing the collection of components that share the time series data.

    add_time_series!(sys, components, forecast)

This function stores a single copy of the data. Each component will store a reference to that data.

Removing time series data

Time series instances can be removed from a system like this:

    remove_time_series!(Deterministic, sys, "max_active_power")

Note: If you are storing time series data in an HDF5 file, this does not actually free up file space (HDF5 behavior). If you want to remove all or most time series instances then consider using clear_time_series!. It will delete the HDF5 file and create a new one. PowerSystems has plans to automate this type of workflow.


Retrieving time series data

PowerSystems provides several methods to retrieve time series data. It is important that you choose the best one for your use case as there are performance implications. When an accessor function is used to create the forecast, the get_time_series_array methods will apply the associated multiplier and return a different value than is stored. If you want to explore the data as it's stored rather than as it's intended for modeling use, refer to the next section.

Get a TimeArray for a SingleTimeSeries

    ta = get_time_series_array(
        start_time = DateTime("2020-01-01T00:00:00"),
        len = 24,

Note: The default behavior is to read all data, so specify start_time and len if you only need a subset of data.

Get a TimeArray for a Deterministic forecast

For forecasts, the interfaces assume that modeling code will access one forecast window at a time. Here's how to get one window:

    ta = get_time_series_array(
        start_time = DateTime("2020-01-01T00:00:00"),

Data exploration

If you want to explore the time series data as it is stored in a system then you will want to use the get_time_series function.

Warning: This will load all forecast windows into memory by default. Be aware of how much data is stored.

Note: Unlike the functions above this will only return the exact stored data. It will not apply a scaling factor multiplier.

    forecast = get_time_series(Deterministic, component, "max_active_power")

You can limit the data returned by specifying start_time and count.

    forecast = get_time_series(
        start_time = DateTime("2020-01-09T00:00:00"),
        count = 10,

Once you have a forecast instance you can access a specific window like this:

    window = get_window(forecast, DateTime("2020-01-09T00:00:00"))

or iterate over the look-ahead windows like this:

    for window in iterate_windows(forecast)
        @show window

Using forecast data in simulations

The interfaces documented up to this point are useful for the development of scripts and models that use a small amount of forecasting data or do not require accessing time series data multiple times. It is important to understand the performance implications of accessing forecast windows repeatedly like in the case of production cost modeling simulations.

If each forecast window contains an array of 24 floats and the windows cover an entire year then each retrieval will involve a small disk read. This can slow down a simulation significantly, especially if the underlying storage uses spinning disks.

PowerSystems provides an alternate interface that pre-fetches data into the system memory with large reads in order to mitigate this potential problem. The mechanism creates a cache of data and makes it available to the user.

It is highly recommended that you use this interface for modeling implementations. This is particularly relevant for models using large datasets.

    cache = ForecastCache(Deterministic, component, "max_active_power")
    window1 = get_next_time_series_array(cache)
    window2 = get_next_time_series_array(cache)

    # or

    for window in cache
        @show window

Each iteration on the cache object will deliver the next forecast window. get_next_time_series_array will return nothing when all windows have been delivered.

Transform static time series into forecasts

A common workflow in developing models is transforming data generated from a realization and stored in a single column into deterministic forecasts to account for the effects of the look-ahead. Usually, this workflow leads to large data duplications in the overlapping windows between forecasts.

PowerSystems provides a method to transform SingleTimeSeries data into Deterministic forecasts without duplicating any data. The resulting object behaves exactly like a Deterministic. Instead of storing windows at each initial time it provides a view into the existing data at incrementing offsets.

Here's an example:

    # Create static time series data.
    resolution = Dates.Hour(1)
    dates = range(DateTime("2020-01-01T00:00:00"), step = resolution, length = 8760)
    data = TimeArray(dates, ones(8760))
    ts = SingleTimeSeries("max_active_power", data)
    add_time_series!(sys, component, ts)

    # Transform it to Deterministic
    transform_single_time_series!(sys, 24, Hour(24))

This function transforms all SingleTimeSeries instances stored in the system. You can also call it on a single component.

You can now access either a Deterministic or the original SingleTimeSeries.

    ta_forecast = get_time_series_array(
        start_time = DateTime("2020-01-01T00:00:00"),
    ta_static = get_time_series_array(SingleTimeSeries, component, "max_active_power")

Note: The actual type of the returned forecast will be DeterministicSingleTimeSeries. This type and Deterministic are subtypes of AbstractDeterministic and implement all of the same methods (i.e., they behave identically).

Time Series Validation

PowerSystems applies validation rules whenever users add time series to a System. It will throw an exception if any rule is violated.

  1. All time series data, static or forecasts, must have the same resolution.
  2. All forecasts must have identical parameters: initial timestamp, horizon, interval, look-ahead window count.

Static time series instances may have different start times and lengths.

Data Format

Refer to this page for details on how the time series data is stored in HDF5 files.