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File metadata and controls

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Quick Start Guide

PowerSystems.jl is structured to enable data creation scripts, flexible interfaces for data intake and extension of the data model. These features are enabled through three main features:

  • [Abstract type hierarchy](@ref type_structure),
  • Optimized read/write data container (the container is called System),
  • Utilities to facilitate modeling, extensions, and integration.

It is possible to load examples systems directly using PowerSystemCaseBuilder.

using PowerSystems

Loading data from files

Data can be loaded from several file formats and return a summary of the system's components and time-series. Some example files can be found in the tutorials data folder

file_dir = joinpath(pkgdir(PowerSystems), "docs", "src", "tutorials", "tutorials_data"); #hide
system_data = System(joinpath(file_dir, "RTS_GMLC.m"))

More details about parsing text files from different formats in [this section](@ref parsing)

Using PowerSystems.jl for modeling

This example function implements a function where the modeler can choose the technology by its type and use the different implementations of get_max_active_power. Using the "dot" access to get a parameter value from a device is actively discouraged, use "getter" functions instead

Refer to [Modeling with JuMP](@ref modeling_with_jump) for a more detailed use of PowerSystems.jl to develop a model

function installed_capacity(system::System; technology::Type{T} = Generator) where T <: Generator
    installed_capacity = 0.0
    for g in get_components(T, system)
        installed_capacity += get_max_active_power(g)
    return installed_capacity
  • Total installed capacity
  • Installed capacity of the thermal generation
installed_capacity(system_data; technology = ThermalStandard)
  • Installed capacity of renewable generation
installed_capacity(system_data; technology = RenewableGen)

Adding Time Series data to a System

PowerSystems.jl provides interfaces to augment the data sets already created. You can also add time series data to a system from one or more CSV files, more details in [Time Series Data](@ref ts_data). This example implements SingleTimeSeries

using TimeSeries
using Dates
system = System(joinpath(file_dir, "case5.m"))

new_renewable = RenewableDispatch(
        name = "WindPowerNew",
        available = true,
        bus = get_component(ACBus, system, "3"),
        active_power = 2.0,
        reactive_power = 1.0,
        rating = 1.2,
        prime_mover_type = PrimeMovers.WT,
        reactive_power_limits = (min = 0.0, max = 0.0),
        base_power = 100.0,
        operation_cost = TwoPartCost(22.0, 0.0),
        power_factor = 1.0

add_component!(system, new_renewable)

ts_data = [0.98, 0.99, 0.99, 1.0, 0.99, 0.99, 0.99, 0.98, 0.95, 0.92, 0.90, 0.88, 0.84, 0.76,
           0.65, 0.52, 0.39, 0.28, 0.19, 0.15, 0.13, 0.11, 0.09, 0.06,]
time_stamps = range(DateTime("2020-01-01"); step = Hour(1), length = 24)
time_series_data_raw = TimeArray(time_stamps, ts_data)
time_series = SingleTimeSeries(name = "active_power", data = time_series_data_raw)

#Add the forecast to the system and component
add_time_series!(system, new_renewable, time_series)