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File metadata and controls

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Getting Started


  • Python 3
  • The following Python packages: NumPy, MatPlotLib, yaml, scipy


Clone the MoorPy GitHub repository.

To install for development use:

run `python develop` or `pip install -e .` from the command line in the main MoorPy directory.

To install for non-development use:

run `python` or `pip install .` from the command line in the main MoorPy directory.


The MoorPy repository has an examples folder containing two example scripts:

  • constructs a mooring system from scratch using functions for creating each line and attachment point.
  • creates a mooring system by reading an included MoorDyn-style input file.

Running either of these scripts will produce a basic mooring system model that can be used in further analysis.

Creating a MoorPy System Manually

MoorPy has internal functions to facilitate the orderly creation of a mooring system. The following gives an example of how they work (from

# ----- choose some system geometry parameters -----

depth     = 600                             # water depth [m]
angles    = np.radians([60, 180, 300])      # line headings list [rad]
rAnchor   = 1600                            # anchor radius/spacing [m]
zFair     = -21                             # fairlead z elevation [m]
rFair     = 20                              # fairlead radius [m]
lineLength= 1800                            # line unstretched length [m]
typeName  = "chain1"                        # identifier string for the line type

# ----- set up the mooring system and floating body -----

# Create new MoorPy System and set its depth
ms = mp.System(depth=depth)

# add a line type
ms.setLineType(dnommm=120, material='chain', name=typeName)  # this would be 120 mm chain

# Add a free, body at [0,0,0] to the system (including some properties to make it hydrostatically stiff)
ms.addBody(0, np.zeros(6), m=1e6, v=1e3, rM=100, AWP=1e3)

# For each line heading, set the anchor point, the fairlead point, and the line itself
for i, angle in enumerate(angles):

    # create end Points for the line
    ms.addPoint(1, [rAnchor*np.cos(angle), rAnchor*np.sin(angle), -depth])   # create anchor point (type 0, fixed)
    ms.addPoint(1, [  rFair*np.cos(angle),   rFair*np.sin(angle),  zFair])   # create fairlead point (type 0, fixed)

    # attach the fairlead Point to the Body (so it's fixed to the Body rather than the ground)
    ms.bodyList[0].attachPoint(2*i+2, [rFair*np.cos(angle), rFair*np.sin(angle), zFair])

    # add a Line going between the anchor and fairlead Points
    ms.addLine(lineLength, typeName, pointA=2*i+1, pointB=2*i+2)

Creating a MoorPy System for a MoorDyn Input File

A MoorPy System can be initialized by reading in a MoorDyn-style input file. This is simply done by passing the input file name when creating the System object (from

ms = mp.System(file='the MoorDyn-style input file.txt')

The format of the input file is expected to follow the MoorDyn v2 style, an example of which is shown below:

MoorDyn v2 Input File
Sample for input to MoorPy
---------------------- LINE TYPES --------------------------------------------------
TypeName      Diam     Mass/m     EA     BA/-zeta     EI      Cd     Ca   CdAx  CaAx
(name)        (m)      (kg/m)     (N)    (N-s/-)    (N-m^2)   (-)    (-)  (-)   (-)
chain         0.2160   286.56    1.23e9   -1.0        0.00    1.00  1.00  0.00  0.00
--------------------- ROD TYPES -----------------------------------------------------
TypeName      Diam     Mass/m    Cd     Ca      CdEnd    CaEnd
(name)        (m)      (kg/m)    (-)    (-)     (-)      (-)
----------------------- BODIES ------------------------------------------------------
ID   Attachment    X0     Y0     Z0     r0     p0     y0     Mass     CG*     I*      Volume   CdA*   Ca*
(#)     (-)        (m)    (m)    (m)   (deg)  (deg)  (deg)   (kg)     (m)    (kg-m^2)  (m^3)   (m^2)  (-)
1     coupled     0.00   0.00   -0.75  0.00   0.00   0.00    1.0e6    0.00    0.00     1.0e3   0.00   0.00
---------------------- RODS ---------------------------------------------------------
ID   RodType  Attachment  Xa    Ya    Za    Xb    Yb    Zb   NumSegs  RodOutputs
(#)  (name)    (#/key)    (m)   (m)   (m)   (m)   (m)   (m)  (-)       (-)
---------------------- POINTS -------------------------------------------------------
ID  Attachment     X        Y        Z       Mass   Volume  CdA    Ca
(#)   (-)         (m)      (m)      (m)      (kg)   (mˆ3)  (m^2)   (-)
1    Fixed       800.00  1385.64  -600.00    0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00
2    Body1        10.00    17.32   -21.00    0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00
3    Fixed     -1600.00     0.00  -600.00    0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00
4    Body1       -20.00     0.00   -21.00    0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00
5    Fixed       800.00 -1385.64  -600.00    0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00
6    Body1        10.00   -17.32   -21.00    0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00
---------------------- LINES --------------------------------------------------------
ID    LineType   AttachA  AttachB  UnstrLen  NumSegs  LineOutputs
(#)   (name)      (#)      (#)       (m)       (-)     (-)
1     chain        1        2     1800.000     40       p
2     chain        3        4     1800.000     40       p
3     chain        5        6     1800.000     40       p
---------------------- OPTIONS ------------------------------------------------------
600.0            depth
--------------------- need this line ------------------------------------------------

Note that some parameters are only applicable to a dynamic model like MoorDyn, and are ignored by MoorPy. Conversely, some Body parameters used by MoorPy for hydrostatics are not captured in a MoorDyn-style file.

Running the MoorPy Model

Once the MoorPy System is set up, it can be analyzed, viewed, and manipulated using a handful of main functions, as well as a variety of additional helper functions for more specialized tasks.

Here is an example showing one of the possible functions to analyze a mooring system:

ms.initialize()                                             # make sure everything's connected

ms.solveEquilibrium()                                       # equilibrate
fig, ax = ms.plot()                                         # plot the system in original configuration
ms.unload("sample.txt")                                     # export to MD input file

ms.bodyList[0].f6Ext = np.array([3e6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])       # apply an external force on the body
ms.solveEquilibrium()                                       # equilibrate
fig, ax = ms.plot(ax=ax, color='red')                       # plot the system in displaced configuration (on the same plot, in red)

Documentation Overview

An overview of how a mooring system is represented in MoorPy can be found in :ref:`The Model Structure page<Model Structure>`.

More documentation and examples of other functions that can be applied to a MoorPy mooring system can be found in :ref:`The Usage page<MoorPy Usage>`.

Detailed theory "under the hood" of the functions in MoorPy can be found in :ref:`The Theory Page<Theory and References>`.

Detailed inputs and outputs of MoorPy classes and functions can be found in :ref:`The API Page<API>`.