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MoorPy Usage

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Setting up a Mooring System

In MoorPy, the full moored floating system is contained in a System object, which includes lists of Body, Point, and Line objects that make up the full assembly. This collection of objects and their linkages can be set up manually via function calls, or they can be generated based on reading in a MoorDyn-style input file.

Creating a MoorPy System Manually

MoorPy has functions to facilitate the orderly creation of a mooring system. The following gives an example of how they work.

# ----- choose some system geometry parameters -----

depth     = 600                             # water depth [m]
angles    = np.radians([60, 180, 300])      # line headings list [rad]
rAnchor   = 1600                            # anchor radius/spacing [m]
zFair     = -21                             # fairlead z elevation [m]
rFair     = 20                              # fairlead radius [m]
lineLength= 1800                            # line unstretched length [m]
typeName  = "chain1"                        # identifier string for the line type

# ----- set up the mooring system and floating body -----

# Create new MoorPy System and set its depth
ms = mp.System(depth=depth)

# add a line type
ms.setLineType(dnommm=120, material='chain', name=typeName)  # this would be 120 mm chain

# Add a free, body at [0,0,0] to the system (including some properties to make it hydrostatically stiff)
ms.addBody(0, np.zeros(6), m=1e6, v=1e3, rM=100, AWP=1e3)

# For each line heading, set the anchor point, the fairlead point, and the line itself
for i, angle in enumerate(angles):

    # create end Points for the line
    ms.addPoint(1, [rAnchor*np.cos(angle), rAnchor*np.sin(angle), -depth])   # create anchor point (type 0, fixed)
    ms.addPoint(1, [  rFair*np.cos(angle),   rFair*np.sin(angle),  zFair])   # create fairlead point (type 0, fixed)

    # attach the fairlead Point to the Body (so it's fixed to the Body rather than the ground)
    ms.bodyList[0].attachPoint(2*i+2, [rFair*np.cos(angle), rFair*np.sin(angle), zFair])

    # add a Line going between the anchor and fairlead Points
    ms.addLine(lineLength, typeName, pointA=2*i+1, pointB=2*i+2)

Creating a MoorPy System for a MoorDyn Input File

A MoorPy System can be initialized by reading in a MoorDyn-style input file. This is simply done by passing the input file name when creating the System object:

ms = mp.System(file='the MoorDyn-style input file.txt')

The format of the input file is expected to follow the MoorDyn v2 style, an example of which is shown below:

MoorDyn v2 Input File
Sample for input to MoorPy
---------------------- LINE TYPES --------------------------------------------------
TypeName      Diam     Mass/m     EA     BA/-zeta     EI      Cd     Ca   CdAx  CaAx
(name)        (m)      (kg/m)     (N)    (N-s/-)    (N-m^2)   (-)    (-)  (-)   (-)
chain         0.2160   286.56    1.23e9   -1.0        0.00    1.00  1.00  0.00  0.00
--------------------- ROD TYPES -----------------------------------------------------
TypeName      Diam     Mass/m    Cd     Ca      CdEnd    CaEnd
(name)        (m)      (kg/m)    (-)    (-)     (-)      (-)
----------------------- BODIES ------------------------------------------------------
ID   Attachment    X0     Y0     Z0     r0     p0     y0     Mass     CG*     I*      Volume   CdA*   Ca*
(#)     (-)        (m)    (m)    (m)   (deg)  (deg)  (deg)   (kg)     (m)    (kg-m^2)  (m^3)   (m^2)  (-)
1     coupled     0.00   0.00   -0.75  0.00   0.00   0.00    1.0e6    0.00    0.00     1.0e3   0.00   0.00
---------------------- RODS ---------------------------------------------------------
ID   RodType  Attachment  Xa    Ya    Za    Xb    Yb    Zb   NumSegs  RodOutputs
(#)  (name)    (#/key)    (m)   (m)   (m)   (m)   (m)   (m)  (-)       (-)
---------------------- POINTS -------------------------------------------------------
ID  Attachment     X        Y        Z       Mass   Volume  CdA    Ca
(#)   (-)         (m)      (m)      (m)      (kg)   (mˆ3)  (m^2)   (-)
1    Fixed       800.00  1385.64  -600.00    0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00
2    Body1        10.00    17.32   -21.00    0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00
3    Fixed     -1600.00     0.00  -600.00    0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00
4    Body1       -20.00     0.00   -21.00    0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00
5    Fixed       800.00 -1385.64  -600.00    0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00
6    Body1        10.00   -17.32   -21.00    0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00
---------------------- LINES --------------------------------------------------------
ID    LineType   AttachA  AttachB  UnstrLen  NumSegs  LineOutputs
(#)   (name)      (#)      (#)       (m)       (-)     (-)
1     chain        1        2     1800.000     40       p
2     chain        3        4     1800.000     40       p
3     chain        5        6     1800.000     40       p
---------------------- OPTIONS ------------------------------------------------------
600.0            depth
--------------------- need this line ------------------------------------------------

Note that some parameters are only applicable to a dynamic model like MoorDyn, and are ignored by MoorPy. Conversely, some Body parameters used by MoorPy for hydrostatics are not captured in a MoorDyn-style file.

Running the MoorPy Model

Once the MoorPy System is set up, it can be analyzed, viewed, and manipulated using a handful of main functions, as well as a variety of additional helper functions for more specialized tasks.

Here is an example showing the most important functions:

ms.initialize()                                             # make sure everything's connected

ms.solveEquilibrium()                                       # equilibrate
fig, ax = ms.plot()                                         # plot the system in original configuration
ms.unload("sample.txt")                                     # export to MD input file

ms.bodyList[0].f6Ext = np.array([3e6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])       # apply an external force on the body
ms.solveEquilibrium()                                       # equilibrate
fig, ax = ms.plot(ax=ax, color='red')                       # plot the system in displaced configuration (on the same plot, in red)

(A list of key functions to be added here)

Additional Parameters in MoorPy

Some of MoorPy's objects have additional parameters beyond those specified in the input file, which can be used to add more features to the simulation.

  • Body.Awp: This specifies a waterplane area for the body, which is used to provide a vertical hydrostatic stiffness.
  • Point.zSpan: The zSpan parameter lists the lower and upper extents of the point's volume, relative to the point coordinate, r. The Point's volume is assumed evenly distributed between zSpan[0] and zSpan[1], and this affects hydrostatic calculations when the Point crosses the free surface (not used any other time).

Advice and Frequent Problems

General unexpected behavior

Whenever the system is setup or modified (e.g., adding objects), the System.initialize method must be called to register all connected objects in the system.

Errors when running from an imported MoorDyn file

When initializin a MoorPy System from a MoorDyn-style input file, there are several common sources of error:

  • The section headers (e.g., "--------- Lines ----------") may not have the keywords MoorPy is expecting. Refer to the sample :ref:`above <inputfile>` for the correct format. It has changed since 2021.
  • The type keywords or number of expected entries in a line may be based on earlier MoorDyn version and not match what MoorPy expects.
  • The input file may not contain all the body information needed by MoorPy. Does the body type need to be specified as coupled? If the body is floating, its hydrostatic properties will need to be added in MoorPy manually because they are not contained in a MoorDyn input file.

Errors in finding system equilibrium

Solving system equilibrium can be the most difficult part of a MoorDyn analysis. If the system equilibrium solve is unsuccessful, some of the possible causes are

  • The system equilibrium sovle includes a floating body, and that body does not have adequate hydrostatic properties.
  • The mooring system results in a numerically-challenging stiffness matrix - for example if some lines are much shorter than others, or if there are taut lines with very high stiffnesses.

Confusion with calculating system stiffness matrices

Stiffness matrices can be calculated for multiple mooring objects using multiple different methods in MoorPy. The two main methods of calculating stiffnesses are through a finite difference method and an analytical method. The finite difference method slightly perturbs each DOF of the MoorPy object and calculates the change in force on the object before and after the perturbation. This change in force divided by the change in displacement provides the stiffness value. The analytical stiffness method derives the stiffness of each mooring line using the Catenary equations and translates that stiffness to whichever point (or body) the mooring line is attached to.

  • Finite difference
    • The 3x3 stiffness matrix of a Point object at its given location can be found by running point.getStiffness()
    • The 6x6 stiffness matrix of a Body object at its given location can be found by running body.getStiffness()
    • The "nDOFtype" x "nDOFtype" stiffness matrix of a System can be found by running system.getSystemStiffness()
    • The nCpldDOF x nCpldDOF stiffness matrix of a System can be found by running system.getCoupledStiffness()
  • Analytical
    • The 2x2 or 3x3 analytical stiffness matrix of a Line object is calculated internally when solving for the Line's end forces in line.staticSolve()
    • The 3x3 analytical stiffness matrix of a Point object at its given location can be found by running point.getStiffnessA()
    • The 6x6 analytical stiffness matrix of a Body object at its given location can be found by running body.getStiffnessA()
    • The "nDOFtype" x "nDOFtype" analytical stiffness matrix of a System can be found by running system.getSystemStiffnessA()

The overall mooring system stiffness matrix is usually of interest to most users. This can be found by running one of the three System stiffness matrix methods. The one best to use depends on the types of other objects in the MoorPy System.

  • The getSystemStiffness() method calculates the combined stiffness matrix of all "DOFtype" objects in the mooring system. It has a default value of "free" to the "DOFtype" input, meaning that it will calculate the combined stiffness matrix of all "free" objects (e.g., points, bodies) in the system.

    • For example, a three-line mooring system with two line types in each mooring line, where each connecting point between the two line types is a "free" floating Point object, and a free floating Body object on the surface, will result in a 15x15 stiffness matrix (a 6x6 matrix for the body and 3 3x3 matrices for the connecting points)
  • The getCoupledStiffness() method calculates the system stiffness matrix for all "coupled" DOFs specifically, while equilibrating the free, uncoupled DOFs. This would be similar to running getSystemStiffness(DOFtype="coupled"), except this method solves for equilibrium in the free floating points while calculating the stiffness of the coupled DOFs, rather than only solving for the stiffness matrix of all "coupled" DOFs.

    • For example, using the same setup described above, except that the body is a "coupled" DOFtype, the result of running getCoupledStiffness() will be a 6x6 matrix, since the body is the only "coupled" object in the mooring system.
  • The getSystemStiffnessA() method calculates the combined analytical stiffness matrix of all "DOFtype" objects in the mooring system. It calls the analytical stiffness calculation methods of other objects in the mooring system and combines their analytical stiffness matrices into one global system stiffness matrix. It has a default value of "free" to the "DOFtype" input.

Other errors

There are too many variables at play to provide decisive general guidance, but we aim to expand the advice in this section as more user feedback is received.