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File metadata and controls

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name about title labels assignees
Python basics checklist
A checklist to monitor your understanding of Python basics
Python basics checklist

Running Python | Tutorial | Quick test questions

  • Open and save a Jupyter Notebook
  • Use basic Markdown in a notebook
  • Run Python cells in a notebook

Variables and assignment | Tutorial | Quick test questions

  • Write a program that assigns scalar values to variables
  • Use valid and meaningful variable names
  • Perform calculations with the values
  • Correctly trace value changes in programs that use scalar assignment
  • Use the print function to print out values

Data types and type conversion | Tutorial | Quick test questions

  • Explain the difference between integer numbers and floating point numbers
  • Explain the difference between numbers and character strings
  • Find the type of a value using the type function
  • Manipulate strings using * and + operators
  • Select a single character from a string using indexing
  • Select a substring using slicing
  • Find the length of a string using the len function
  • Use built-in functions to convert between integer numbers, floating point numbers and strings

Built-in functions, help and errors | Tutorial | Quick test questions

  • Expain the difference between built-in functions, library functions and custom-made functions
  • Explain the purpose of functions
  • Correctly nest calls to built-in functions
  • Use the round function to round a float to a given number of significant figures
  • Use help to display documentation for built-in functions
  • Describe situations in which SyntaxError and NameError occur
  • Give examples where programs need collections of values
  • Create a Python list
  • Explain the difference between 'indexing from one' and 'indexing from zero'
  • Select an item from a list using indexing
  • Assign new values to items in a list
  • Explain the difference between mutable and immutable types
  • Use the append method to add items to a list
  • Explain the difference between a method and a function
  • Use del to remove an item from a list

Programming good practice

  • Use # to add in-line documentation to programs
  • Use docstrings to provide help documentation for custom functions
  • Use markdown to describe program behaviour and design decisions
  • Use assert statements for testing
  • Use .__version__ to print library version numbers
  • Use consistent and appropriate whitespace