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Hello TensorFlow 2

Before You Start

We recommend you first finish either the :doc:`hello_pt` or the :doc:`hello_scatter_and_gather` exercise.

Those guides go more in depth in explaining the federated learning aspect of NVIDIA FLARE.

Here we assume you have already installed NVIDIA FLARE inside a python virtual environment and have already cloned the repo.


Through this exercise, you will integrate NVIDIA FLARE with the popular deep learning framework TensorFlow 2 and learn how to use NVIDIA FLARE to train a convolutional network with the MNIST dataset using the Scatter and Gather workflow. You will also be introduced to some new components and concepts, including filters, aggregators, and event handlers.

The setup of this exercise consists of one server and two clients.

The following steps compose one cycle of weight updates, called a round:

  1. Clients are responsible for generating individual weight-updates for the model using their own MNIST dataset.
  2. These updates are then sent to the server which will aggregate them to produce a model with new weights.
  3. Finally, the server sends this updated version of the model back to each client.

For this exercise, we will be working with the hello-tf2 application in the examples folder. Custom FL applications can contain the folders:

  1. custom: contains the custom components (,,,
  2. config: contains client and server configurations (config_fed_client.json, config_fed_server.json)
  3. resources: contains the logger config (log.config)

Let's get started. Since this task is using TensorFlow, let's go ahead and install the library inside our virtual environment:

(nvflare-env) $ python3 -m pip install tensorflow


Neural Network

With all the required dependencies installed, you are ready to run a Federated Learning system with two clients and one server.

Before you start, let's see what a simplified MNIST network looks like.

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/hello-world/hello-tf2/jobs/hello-tf2/app/custom/
   :language: python
   :lines: 15-
   :lineno-start: 15

This Net class is the convolutional neural network to train with MNIST dataset. This is not related to NVIDIA FLARE, so implement it in a file called

Dataset & Setup

Now you have to implement the class Trainer, which is a subclass of Executor in NVIDIA FLARE, in a file called

Before you can really start a training, you need to set up your dataset. In this exercise, you can download it from the Internet via tf.keras's datasets module, and split it in half to create a separate dataset for each client. Additionally, you must setup the optimizer, loss function and transform to process the data.

Since every step will be encapsulated in the SimpleTrainer class, let's put this preparation stage into one method setup:

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/hello-world/hello-tf2/jobs/hello-tf2/app/custom/
   :language: python
   :lines: 41-71
   :lineno-start: 41

How can you ensure this setup method is called before the client receives the model from the server?

The Trainer class is also a :ref:`FLComponent <fl_component>`, which always receives Event whenever NVIDIA FLARE enters or leaves a certain stage.

In this case, there is an Event called EventType.START_RUN which perfectly matches these requirements. Because our trainer is a subclass of FLComponent, you can implement the handler to handle the event and call the setup method:

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/hello-world/hello-tf2/jobs/hello-tf2/app/custom/
   :language: python
   :lines: 37-39
   :lineno-start: 37


This is a new concept you haven't learned in previous two exercises.

The concepts of event and handler are very powerful because you are free to add your logic so it can run at different time and process various events.

The entire list of events fired by NVIDIA FLARE is shown at :ref:`Event types <event_system>`.

You have everything you need, now let's implement the last method called execute, which is called every time the client receives an updated model from the server with the Task we will configure.

Link NVIDIA FLARE with Local Train

Take a look at the following code:

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/hello-world/hello-tf2/jobs/hello-tf2/app/custom/
   :language: python
   :pyobject: SimpleTrainer.execute

Every NVIDIA FLARE client receives the model weights from the server in the :ref:`shareable <shareable>`. This application uses the exclude_var filter, so make sure to replace the missing layer with weights from the clients' previous training round:

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/hello-world/hello-tf2/jobs/hello-tf2/app/custom/
   :language: python
   :lines: 111-115
   :lineno-start: 111

Now update the local model with those received weights:

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/hello-world/hello-tf2/jobs/hello-tf2/app/custom/
   :language: python
   :lines: 118
   :lineno-start: 118

Then perform a simple so the client's model is trained with its own dataset:

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/hello-world/hello-tf2/jobs/hello-tf2/app/custom/
   :language: python
   :lines: 122-127
   :lineno-start: 122

After finishing the local train, the train method uses the newly-trained weights to build a new DXO to update the Shareable with and then returns it back to the NVIDIA FLARE server.

NVIDIA FLARE Server & Application


:ref:`filter <filters>` can be used for additional data processing in the Shareable, for both inbound and outbound data from the client and/or server.

For this exercise, we use a basic exclude_var filter to exclude the variable/layer flatten from the task result as it goes outbound from the client to the server. The excluded layer is replaced with all zeros of the same shape, which reduces compression size and ensures that the clients' weights for this variable are not shared with the server.

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/hello-world/hello-tf2/jobs/hello-tf2/app/custom/
   :language: python
   :lines: 15-
   :lineno-start: 15

The filtering procedure occurs in the one required method, process, which receives and returns a shareable. The parameters for what is excluded and the inbound/outbound option are all set in config_fed_client.json (shown later below) and passed in through the constructor.

Model Aggregator

The :ref:`model aggregator <aggregator>` is used by the server to aggregate the clients' models into one model within the Scatter and Gather workflow.

In this exercise, we perform a simple average over the two clients' weights with the :class:`InTimeAccumulateWeightedAggregator<nvflare.app_common.aggregators.intime_accumulate_model_aggregator.InTimeAccumulateWeightedAggregator>` and configure for it to be used in config_fed_server.json (shown later below).

Model Persistor

The model persistor is used to load and save models on the server.

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/hello-world/hello-tf2/jobs/hello-tf2/app/custom/
   :language: python
   :lines: 15-
   :lineno-start: 15

In this exercise, we simply serialize the model weights dictionary using pickle and save it to a log directory calculated in initialize. The file is saved on the FL server and the weights file name is defined in config_fed_server.json. Depending on the frameworks and tools, the methods of saving the model may vary.

FLContext is used throughout these functions to provide various useful FL-related information. You can find more details in the :ref:`documentation <fl_context>`.

Application Configuration

Finally, inside the config folder there are two files, config_fed_client.json and config_fed_server.json.

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/hello-world/hello-tf2/jobs/hello-tf2/app/config/config_fed_server.json
   :language: json
   :caption: config_fed_server.json

Note how the :class:`ScatterAndGather<nvflare.app_common.workflows.scatter_and_gather.ScatterAndGather>` workflow is configured to use the included aggregator :class:`InTimeAccumulateWeightedAggregator<nvflare.app_common.aggregators.intime_accumulate_model_aggregator.InTimeAccumulateWeightedAggregator>` and shareable_generator :class:`FullModelShareableGenerator<nvflare.app_common.shareablegenerators.full_model_shareable_generator.FullModelShareableGenerator>`. The persistor is configured to use TF2ModelPersistor in the custom directory of this hello_tf2 app with full Python module paths.

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/hello-world/hello-tf2/jobs/hello-tf2/app/config/config_fed_client.json
   :language: json
   :caption: config_fed_client.json

Here, executors is configured with the Trainer implementation SimpleTrainer. Also, we set up filter.ExcludeVars as a task_result_filters and pass in ["flatten"] as the argument. Both of these are configured for the only Task that will be broadcast in the Scatter and Gather workflow, "train".

Train the Model, Federated!


You've successfully built and run a federated learning system using TensorFlow 2.

The full source code for this exercise can be found in examples/hello-tf2.

Previous Versions of Hello TensorFlow 2