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FL Experiment Tracking with MLflow


The example for experiment tracking with MLflow has clients streaming their statistics to the server through events and the server writing the statistics to MLflow. This is similar to the :ref:`tensorboard_streaming` example but uses MLflow as a back end for experiment tracking. This example is in the advanced examples folder under experiment-tracking, in the "mlflow" directory.

The setup of this exercise consists of one server and two clients. The clients stream their statistics to the server as events with :class:`MLflowWriter<nvflare.app_opt.tracking.mlflow.mlflow_writer.MLflowWriter>`, and only the server writes data to the MLflow tracking server with :class:`MLflowReceiver<nvflare.app_opt.tracking.mlflow.mlflow_receiver.MLflowReceiver>`. This allows the server to be the only party that needs to deal with authentication and communication with the MLflow tracking server, and streamlines and reduces the communication by buffering the data to send.


Like :ref:`tensorboard_streaming`, this exercise differs from :doc:`hello_pt` by using the Learner API along with the LearnerExecutor. In short, the execution flow is abstracted away into the LearnerExecutor, allowing you to only need to implement the required methods in the Learner class. This will not be the focus of this guide, however you can learn more at :class:`Learner<nvflare.app_common.abstract.learner_spec.Learner>` and :class:`LearnerExecutor<nvflare.app_common.executors.learner_executor.LearnerExecutor>`.

Let's get started. Make sure you have an environment with NVIDIA FLARE installed as described in :ref:`getting_started`. First clone the repo:

$ git clone

Now remember to activate your NVIDIA FLARE Python virtual environment from the installation guide.

Install the required dependencies (NVFlare/examples/advanced/experiment-tracking/mlflow).

(nvflare-env) $ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

When running, make sure to set PYTHONPATH to include the custom files of the example (replacing the path below with the appropriate path to the directory containing the "pt" directory with custom files):

(nvflare-env) $ export PYTHONPATH=${YOUR PATH TO NVFLARE}/examples/advanced/experiment-tracking

Adding MLflow Logging to Configurations

Inside the config folder there are two files, config_fed_client.json and config_fed_server.json.

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/advanced/experiment-tracking/mlflow/jobs/hello-pt-mlflow/app/config/config_fed_client.conf
   :caption: config_fed_client.conf

Take a look at the components section of the client config at line 24. The first component is the pt_learner which contains the initialization, training, and validation logic. (under NVFlare/examples/advanced/experiment-tracking/pt) contains the code written for the MLflowWriter syntax.

The :class:`MLflowWriter<nvflare.app_opt.tracking.mlflow.mlflow_writer.MLflowWriter>` mimics the syntax of mlflow, to make it easier to use existing code that is using MLflow for metrics tracking. Instead of writing to the MLflow tracking server, however, the MLflowWriter creates and sends an event within NVFlare with the information to track.

Finally, :class:`ConvertToFedEvent<nvflare.app_common.widgets.convert_to_fed_event.ConvertToFedEvent>` converts local events to federated events. This changes the event analytix_log_stats into a fed event fed.analytix_log_stats, which will then be streamed from the clients to the server.

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/advanced/experiment-tracking/mlflow/jobs/hello-pt-mlflow/app/config/config_fed_server.conf
   :caption: config_fed_server.conf

Under the component section in the server config, we have the :class:`MLflowReceiver<nvflare.app_opt.tracking.mlflow.mlflow_receiver.MLflowReceiver>`. This component receives events from the clients and internally buffers them before writing to the MLflow tracking server. The default "buffer_flush_time" is one second, but this can be configured as an arg in the component config for MLflowReceiver.

Notice how the accepted event type "fed.analytix_log_stats" matches the output of :class:`ConvertToFedEvent<nvflare.app_common.widgets.convert_to_fed_event.ConvertToFedEvent>` in the client config.

Adding MLflow Logging to Your Code

In this exercise, all of the MLflow code additions will be made in

First we must initialize our MLflow writer we defined in the client config:

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/advanced/experiment-tracking/pt/
   :language: python
   :lines: 102-105
   :lineno-start: 102

The LearnerExecutor passes in the component dictionary into the parts parameter of initialize(). We can then access the MLflowWriter component we defined in config_fed_client.json by using the self.analytic_sender_id as the key in the parts dictionary. Note that self.analytic_sender_id defaults to "analytic_sender", but we can also define it in the client config to be passed into the constructor.

Now that our writer is set to MLflowWriter, we can write and stream training metrics to the server in local_train():

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/advanced/experiment-tracking/pt/
   :language: python
   :lines: 148-182
   :lineno-start: 148

We use self.writer.log_metrics() on line 178 to send training loss metrics, while on line 182 we send the validation accuracy at the end of each epoch.

You can see the currently supported methods for MLflowWriter in :class:`MLflowWriter<nvflare.app_opt.tracking.mlflow.mlflow_writer.MLflowWriter>`.

Train the Model, Federated!

Viewing the MLflow UI

By default, MLflow will create an experiment log directory under a directory named "mlruns" in the workspace. For example, if your server workspace is located at "/example_workspace/workspace/example_project/prod_00/server-1", then you can launch the MLflow UI with:

mlflow ui --backend-store-uri /example_workspace/workspace/example_project/prod_00/server-1


Now you will be able to see the live training metrics of each client from MLflow, streamed from the server.

The full source code for this exercise can be found in :github_nvflare_link:`examples/advanced/experiment-tracking/mlflow <examples/advanced/experiment-tracking/mlflow>`.