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Pandas 2: Data input

Overview. In the last lecture, we introduced some of the main ideas in the pandas package. We now talk about how we can use pandas (and pandas-datareader) to read data into Python. We will learn to read data from both the internet and from our computers.

Python tools. Pandas, Pandas-Datareader, reading spreadsheet files, data

Buzzwords. csv, excel files, datareader, API.

Applications. Income and output of countries, government debt, income by college major, old people, equity returns, George Clooney's movie roles.

Code. Link.

We're finally ready now to look at some data. Lots of data. You will need an internet connection for many of our examples. Additionally, you will need to make sure that you have a new package installed -- It is called pandas-datareader. Recall that you can do this by running conda install pandas-datareader in your terminal (Refer to the packages chapter if you need a refresher on conda).

In this lecture, our main goal is to teach you some of the functions that we will use to read data (both from your own computer and from the internet).

Recall that our typical program will consist of data input, data management, and graphics creation. The package we previously introduced, pandas, will allow us to do all of these things -- Though eventually as we make more complicated graphics, we will need to use other packages such as: matplotlib, seaborn, plotly, etc... This lecture will focus mostly on data input; we will discuss the others (data management and graphics) in detail in later lectures.


  • Objects and methods. Recall that we apply the method justdoit to the object x with x.justdoit().
  • Help. We get help in Spyder from both the IPython console and the Object inspector. For the hypothetical x.justdoit, we would type x.justdoit? in the IPython console or x.justdoit in the Object inspector.
  • Data structures. That's the term we use for specific organizations of data. Examples are lists, tuples, and dictionaries. Each has a specific structure and a set of methods we can apply. List are (ordered) collections of objects between square brackets: numberlist = [1, -5, 2]. Dictionaries are (unordered) pairs of items between curly brackets: namedict = {'Dave': 'Backus', 'Chase': 'Coleman'}. The first item in each pair is the "key," the second is the "value.""
  • Packages. Packages are collections of tools -- functions and types/methods -- that extend Python's capabilities. We import a package using an import (e.g. import pandas) statement or some combination of import, from, and as (e.g. import pandas as pd or from pandas import DataFrame).
  • Pandas. Pandas is oriented around two main types: DataFrame and Series. A DataFrame is essentially just a table of data and a Series can be thought of as a one columned DataFrame. We discussed last time some of the associated properties and methods -- df.shape, df.dtype, df.T, df.mean()...

Data input 1: reading internet files

The easiest way to get data into a Python program is to read it from a file -- a spreadsheet file, for example. The word "read" here means take what's in the file and somehow get it into Python so we can do things with it. Pandas can read many types of files: csv, xls, xlsx, and so on. The files can be on our computer or on the internet. We'll start with the internet -- there's less ambiguity about the location of the file -- but the same approach will work with files on your computer.

We prefer csv files ("comma separated values"), a common data format for serious data people. Their simple structure (entries separated by commas) allows easy and rapid input. They also avoid some of the problems with translating Excel files. If we have an Excel spreadsheet, we can always save it as a "CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv)" file. Excel will warn us that some features are incompatible with the csv format, but we're generally happy to do it anyway. Here's an example of a raw csv file (pretty basic, eh?) and this is (roughly) how it's displayed in Excel.

Reading csv files. It's easy to read csv files with Pandas. We'll read one from our GitHub repository to show how it works. We like to read data from internet sources like this, especially when the data is automatically updated at the source. That's not the case here, but we'll see how easy it is to get this kind of data into Python. We read the cleverly-named test.csv with the equally clever read_csv function in Pandas:

import pandas as pd
url1 = ''
url2 = '/Materials/master/Data/test.csv'
url  = url1 + url2        # location of file
df = pd.read_csv(url)     # read file and assign it to df

The syntax works like this:

  • url is a string that tells Python where to look for the file. We break it in two because it's too long to fit on one line (remember that we want you to keep your code at 80 characters or less!).
  • read_csv() is a Pandas function that reads csv files. The pd. before it tells Python it's a Pandas function; we established the pd abbreviation in the import statement.
  • The df on the left makes this an assignment: We assign what we read to the variable df.

So what does the read_csv function give us? What's in df? We can check its contents by adding the statement print('\n', df). (The '\n' tells the print function to start printing on a new line, which makes the output look better.) The result is

      name  x1  x2   x3
0     Dave   1   2  3.5
1    Chase   4   3  4.3
2  Spencer   5   6  7.8

What we have is a table, much like what we'd see in a spreadsheet. If we compare it to the source we see that the index has been added by the program (just like in the last lecture), but the others are just as they look in the source.

Note that the table of data has labels for both the columns and rows. We'll do more with both of them shortly.

The documentation for read_csv in the Object inspector gives us an overwhelming amount of information. Starting at the bottom, we see that it returns a DataFrame. We also see a long list of optional inputs that change how we read the file. Here are some examples we've found useful:

Example. Change the last line of the earlier code to

dfalt = pd.read_csv(url, nrows=2)
print('\n', dfalt)

The argument nrows=2 tells the read_csv statement to read only the first 2 rows of the file at url. One of the instances in which this can be useful if you have a very large dataset and just want a small subset of data to explore while you develop your code.

Example. We can identify specific values in a csv file as missing or NA (not available). We see in the documentation that the parameter na_values takes a list of strings as input. To treat the number 1 as missing we change the read statement to read_csv(url, na_values=[1]). The result is

      name  x1  x2   x3
0     Dave NaN   2  3.5
1    Chase   4   3  4.3
2  Spencer   5   6  7.8

We see that the number 1 that was formerly at the top of the x1 column has been replaced by NaN -- "not a number". This particular example is somewhat silly, as we probably do not want to pretend that the number 1 is actually missing data. However, as we will see throughout the course, real data is messy and often has missing values. We've come across all these markers (and more) for noting that some data is missing: -, null, n/a, NA, N/A, nan, NaN, ... Being able to tell pandas which values to treat as missing will allow us to read in some otherwise troublesome data.

Reading Excel files. We can also read Excel files (xls and xlsx) with Pandas using the read_excel() function. The syntax is almost identical:

import pandas as pd
url1 = ''
url2 = '/Materials/master/Data/test.xls'
url  = url1 + url2
dfx = pd.read_excel(url)
print('\n', dfx)

If all goes well, the modified code produces a DataFrame dfx that's identical to df.

Exercise. Run the code

url1 = ''
url2 = '/Materials/master/Data/test0.csv'    # note the added 0
url  = url1 + url2
df = pd.read_csv(url)

What happens? Why? (Hint: Try going to that url in your browser)

Exercise. Delete the 0 in test0 and rerun the code. What happens if you add the argument index_col=0 to the read_csv statement? How does df change?

Exercise. In the read_excel code, change the file extension at the end of url2 from .xls to .xlsx. What does the new code produce?

Exercise. Adapt the read_csv code to treat the numbers 1 and 6 as missing. Hint: See the example a page or so back.

Data input 2: Reading files from your computer

Next up: reading files in Python from your computer's hard drive. This is really useful, but there's a catch: we need to tell Python where to find the file.

Prepare test data. We start with the easy part. Open a blank spreadsheet in Excel and enter the data (Pro tip: Remember that we mentioned the df.to_clipboard() method? This might be a good time to use it):

name    x1  x2   x3
Dave     1   2  3.5
Chase    4   3  4.3
Spencer  5   6  7.8

That is: four rows with four entries in each one.

Now save the contents in your Data_Bootcamp directory. Do this three times in different formats:

  • Excel file. Save the file as test.xlsx.
  • Old-style Excel file. Save as an "Excel 97-2003 (*.xls)" file under the name test.xls.
  • CSV file. Save as a "CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv)" file under the name test.csv.

Each of these options shows up in Excel when we choose "Save As."

Find the file. Ok, now where is the file? We know, it's in the Data_Bootcamp directory, but where is that? We need the complete path so we can tell Python where to find it.

Exercise (potentially challenging). We can save some time if you already know this. (It's not required, we're just giving it a shot.) Find the path to test.csv on your computer. If you find it, tell us what you did. If you're not sure what this means, or how to do it, raise your hand.

Let's introduce some terms so we can be clear what we're talking about. The "file name" is something like test.csv. The format of the "directory" or folder address depends on the operating system. On a Windows computer, it's something like


On a Mac, it looks like


The complete path to the file test.csv is a combination of the path to the directory and the file name, with a slash in between. In Windows:


In Mac OS:


Note that they use different kinds of slashes.

How did we find these addresses or paths?

  • Windows. Type the name of the file in the Windows search box or use Windows Explorer.
  • Mac OS. We select (but not open) the file and do "command-i" to get the file's information window. From the window, we copy the path that follows "Where:." It looks like we're copying arrows, but they turn into slashes when we paste the path.

[Comments welcome on how to make this clearer.]

Reading data with the complete path. Once we have the complete path, we simply tell Python to read the file at that location. Again, this varies with the operating system.

  • In Windows, we take the complete path and -- this is important -- change all the backslashes \ to either double backslashes \\ or forward slashes /. (Don't ask.) Then we read the file from the path, just as we read it from a url earlier:
path = 'C:\\Users\\userid\\Documents\\Data_Bootcamp\\test.csv'
df = read_csv(path)
  • In Mac OS we don't need to change the slashes:
path = '/Users/userid/Data_Bootcamp/test.csv'
df = read_csv(path)
  • In both: Open the file in Excel, click on File, and read the path from the Info tab.

Exercise. Read test.csv using the path and the method described above. Let us know if you have trouble.

Reading from the current working directory. An alternative is to set the current working directory (cwd), which is where Python will look for files. We can set that with Python's os module. What you'll need is the location of the Data_Bootcamp directory.

Once we know the directory path, we can use it in Python.

  • In Windows, we use

    import os
    file = 'test.csv'
    cwd  = 'C:/Users/userid/Data_Bootcamp'
    os.chdir(cwd)                                 # set current working directory
    print('Current working directory is', os.getcwd())
    print('File exists?', os.path.isfile(file))   # check to see if file is there
    df = pd.read_csv(file)
  • In Mac OS, the only difference is the format of the path:

    import os
    file = 'test.csv'
    cwd  = '/Users/userid/Data_Bootcamp'
    os.chdir(cwd)                                 # set current working directory
    print('Current working directory is', os.getcwd())
    print('File exists?', os.path.isfile(file))   # check to see if file is there
    df = pd.read_csv(file)

Once we've set the path, we read the csv file as before. read_excel() works the same way with Excel files.

Report problems. If you have difficulty, or find that this works differently on your computer, let us know.

Data input: Examples

Here are some spreadsheet datasets we find interesting. In each one, we describe the data using the shape, columns, and head() methods. Where we can, we also produce a simple plot.

At this point you should download the code file for this chapter, linked on the first page (the top of this page if you are viewing online). Save it in your Data_Bootcamp directory and open it in Spyder. That will save you a lot of typing.

Penn World Table. The PWT, as we call it, is a standard database for comparing the incomes of countries. It includes annual data for GDP, GDP per person, employment, hours worked, capital, and many other things. The variables are measured on a comparable basis, with GDP measured in 2005 US dollars.

The data is in an Excel spreadsheet. If we open it, we see that it has three sheets. The third one is the data and is named Data. We read it in with the code:

url = ''
pwt = pd.read_excel(url, sheetname='Data')

So what does that give us?

  • pwt.shape returns (10357, 47): the DataFrame pwt contains 10,357 observations of 47 variables.
  • list(pwt) gives us the variable names, which include countrycode, country, year, rgdpo (real GDP), and pop (population).
  • pwt.head() shows us the first 5 observations, which refer to Angola for the years 1950 to 1954. If we look further down, we see that countries are stacked on top of each other in alphabetical order.

In this dataset, each column is a variable and each row is an observation. But if we were to plot one of the variables, it wouldn't make much sense. The observations string together countries, one after the other. What we'd like to do is compare countries, which this isn't set up to do -- yet.

Exercise. Download the spreadsheet and open it in Excel. What does it look like? (You can use your Google fu here: Google "penn world table 8.1", go to the first link, and look for the Excel link.)

Exercise. Change the input in the last line of code to sheetname=2. Why does this work?

World Economic Outlook. Another good source of macroeconomic data for countries is the IMF's World Economic Outlook or WEO. It comes out twice a year and includes annual data from 1980 to roughly 5 years in the future (forecasts, evidently). It includes the usual GDP, but also government debt and deficits, interest rates, and exchange rates.

This one gives us some idea of the challenges we face dealing with what looks like ordinary spreadsheet data. The file extension is xls, which suggests it's an Excel spreadsheet, but that's a lie. In fact it's a "tab-delimited" file: essentially a csv, but with tabs rather than commas separating entries. We read it with

url1 = ''
url2 = '2015/02/weodata/WEOOct2015all.xls'
weo = pd.read_csv(url1+url2,
                  sep='\t',                 # \t = tab
                  thousands=',',            # kill commas
                  na_values=['n/a', '--'])  # missing values

This has several features we need to deal with:

  • Use read_csv() rather than read_excel(): it's not an Excel file despite what the file name suggests
  • Identify tabs as the separator between entries with the argument sep='\t'.
  • Use the thousands argument to eliminate commas from numbers -- things like 12,345.6, which Python will treat as strings. (What were they thinking of?)
  • Identify missing values with the na_values argument.

Keep in mind that it took us an hour or two to figure all this out. You can get a sense of where we started by running the read_csv statement without the last two arguments and listing its dtypes. You'll notice that variables you might expect to be floats are objects instead.

Exercise. Download the WEO file. What happens when you open it in Excel? (You can use the link in the code. Or Google "imf weo data", look for the most recent link, and choose Entire Dataset.)

Exercise. Why were we able to spread the read_csv() statement over several lines?

Exercise. Google "python pandas weo" to see if someone else has figured out how to read this file.

Exercise. How big is the DataFrame weo? What variables does it include? Use the statement weo[[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]].head() to see what the first five columns contain.

This dataset doesn't come in the standard format, with columns as variables and rows as observations. Instead, each row contains observations for all years for some variable and country combination. If we want to work with it, we'll have to change the structure. Which we'll do, but not now.

PISA education data. PISA stands for Program for International Student Assessment. It's an international effort to collect information about educational performance that's comparable across countries. We read about it every few years when newspapers print stories about how poorly American students are doing. PISA collects data on student test performance, teacher quality, and many other things, and posts both summaries and individual test results.

We use data from a summary table in an OECD report; note the data link at the bottom of Table 1.A. This code reads the data from the link:

url = ''
pisa = pd.read_excel(url,
                     skiprows=18,             # skip the first 18 rows
                     skipfooter=7,            # skip the last 7
                     parse_cols=[0,1,9,13],   # select columns of interest
                     index_col=0,             # set the index as the first column
                     header=[0,1]             # set the variable names

There are a number of new things in the read statement:

  • We spread the read statement over several lines to make it easier to read. Python understands that the line doesn't end until we reach the right paren ). That's common Python syntax.
  • We skip rows at the top and bottom that do not contain data.
  • We choose specific columns to read using the parse_cols parameter. Column numbering starts at zero, as we have come to expect. Here we select the mean score for each field (math, reading, science).
  • We set the index as the first column.
  • We set the header from the first two rows (after those we skip). Note that the header has two parts: the field (math, reading, science) and the measurement (mean, share of low-achievers, etc).

We can clean this up further if we drop blank lines and simplify the variable names:

pisa = pisa.dropna()                            # drop blank lines
pisa.columns = ['Math', 'Reading', 'Science']   # simplify variable names

The plot we produce in the last line is virtually impossible to read, but we'll work on that later.

UN population data. We tend to have pretty good demographic data. We keep track of how many people we have, their ages, how many children they have, what they die of, and so on. A good international source is the United Nations' Population Division.

This code reads in estimates of population by age for many countries:

url1 = ''
url2 = '1_Indicators%20(Standard)/EXCEL_FILES/1_Population/'
url = url1 + url2 + url3

cols = [2, 4, 5] + list(range(6,28))
est = pd.read_excel(url, sheetname=0, skiprows=16, parse_cols=cols)

The columns contain population numbers for 5-year age groups. When we're up to it, we'll use this data to illustrate the dramatic aging of the population in many countries. It's one of the striking facts of modern times: people are living longer, a lot longer.

Exercise. What does list(range(6,28)) do? Why?

Incomes by college major. Nate Silver's 538 blog does a lot of good data journalism and often posts its data online. This one comes from their analysis of income by college major. The data comes from the American Community Survey but they've done the work of organizing it for us.

Here's the code:

url1 = ''
url2 = 'college-majors/recent-grads.csv'
url = url1 + url2
df538 = pd.read_csv(url)

Exercise. What variables does this data contain?

Exercise. Set the index as Major. (Ask yourself: What method should I use?)

Exercise. Create a horizontal bar chart with the variable Median (median salary) using the plot() method.

Internet Movie Database (IMDb). We love this one, a list of roles in IMDb's movie database we got from Brandon Rhodes. We read it with this code:

url  = ''
cast = pd.read_csv(url, encoding='utf-8')

Don't panic if nothing happens for a while. It's a big file (approximately 200 MB) and takes several minutes to read.

Exercise. Since we're all experts by now, we'll leave this one to you:

  • How large is the DataFrame?

  • What variables does it include?

  • Try these statements:

    ah = cast[cast['title'] == 'Annie Hall']
    gc = cast[cast['name'] == 'George Clooney']

This goes beyond what we've done so far, but what do you think they do? What do the DataFrames ah and gc contain?

Data input 3: APIs

APIs are "application program interfaces". That's a mouthful. A dataset with an API allows access through some method other than a spreadsheet. The API is the set of rules for accessing the data. The bad news is the jargon. The good news is that people have written easy-to-use code to access the APIs. We don't need to understand the API, we just use the code -- and say thank you!

The Pandas developers have created what they call a set of Remote Data Access tools and have put them into a package called pandas_datareader. These break now and then, typically when the underlying data changes, but when they work they're great.

FRED. The St Louis Fed has put together a large collection of time series data that they refer to as FRED: Federal Reserve Economic Data. They started with the US, but now include data for many countries.

The Pandas docs describe how to access FRED. Here's an example that reads in quarterly data for US real GDP and real consumption and produces a simple plot:

from pandas_datareader import data, wb
import datetime                 # package to handle dates

start = datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 1)  # start date
codes = ['GDPC1', 'PCECC96']    # real GDP, real consumption
fred  = data.DataReader(codes, 'fred', start)
fred = fred/1000                # convert billions to trillions


We copied most of this from the Pandas documentation. Which is a good idea: Start with something that's supposed to work and change one thing at a time until you have what you want.

The variable start contains a date in (year, month, day) format. Pandas knows a lot about how to work with dates, especially when we construct them using datetime.datetime as we did above. We're hoping to cover pandas' time series capabilities in depth in a future chapter of the book.

The variable codes -- not to be confused with "code" -- consists of FRED variable codes. Go to FRED, use the search box to find the series you want, and look for the variable code at the end of the url in your browser.

Exercise. Run the same code with a start date of 2005. What do you see?

World Bank. The World Bank's databank covers economic and social statistics for most countries in the world. Variables include GDP, population, education, and infrastructure. Here's an example:

from pandas_datareader import data, wb

var = ['NY.GDP.PCAP.PP.KD']         # GDP per capita
iso = ['USA', 'FRA', 'JPN', 'CHN', 'IND', 'BRA', 'MEX']  # country codes
year = 2013
wbdf =, country=iso, start=year, end=year)

If we look at the DataFrame wbdf, we see that it has a double index, country and year. By design, all of the data is for 2013, so we kill off that index with the reset_index method and plot what's left as a horizontal bar chart:

wbdf = wbdf.reset_index(level='year', drop=True)

(Trust us on the drop=True. We'll come back to it in a couple weeks.)

We use codes here for countries and variables. We can find country codes in this list -- or just Google "country codes". Pandas accepts both 2- and 3-letter versions. We find variable codes with the search tool in the Remote Data Access module or by looking through the World Bank's data portal. We prefer the latter. Click on a variable of interest and read the code from the end of the url.

Exercise. What would you like to change in this graph? Keep a list for the next time we run into this one.

Fama-French. Gene Fama and Ken French post lots of data on equity returns on Ken French’s website. The data are zipped text files, which we can easily read into Excel. The Pandas tool is even better. Here's an example:

from pandas_datareader import data, wb

ff = data.DataReader('F-F_Research_Data_factors', 'famafrench')[0]
ff.columns = ['xsm', 'smb', 'hml', 'rf']      # rename variables


The data is monthly, 1926 to present. Returns are expressed as percentages; multiply by 12 to get annualized returns. The variable names refer to

  • xsm: the return on the market minus the riskfree return
  • smb: the return on small firms minus the return on big firms
  • hml: the return on value firms minus the return on growth firms
  • rf: the riskfree rate

We use the describe() method to compute statistics. Evidently xsm has the largest mean. It also has the largest standard deviation. A couple plot methods show us more about the distribution:

ff.plot(ff['xsm'], ff['smb'], kind='scatter')

What do you see? What more would you like to know?


Run this code to create a DataFrame of technology indicators from the World Bank for four African countries:

import pandas as pd
data = {'EG.ELC.ACCS.ZS': [53.2, 47.3, 85.4, 22.1],    # access to elec (%)
        'IT.CEL.SETS.P2': [153.8, 95.0, 130.6, 74.8],  # cell contracts per 100
        'IT.NET.USER.P2': [11.5, 12.9, 41.0, 13.5],    # internet access (%)
        'Country': ['Botswana', 'Namibia', 'South Africa', 'Zambia']}
af = pd.DataFrame(data)

(You can cut and paste this from the bottom of this chapter's code file.)

Exercise. What type of object is af? What are its dimensions?

Exercise. What is the index? Change it to country names.

Exercise. What are the variable names? Change them to something more informative.

Exercise. Create a horizontal bar chart with this DataFrame. What does it tell us? Which country has the most access to electricity? Cell phones?


We've covered a lot of ground, but if you're looking for more we suggest: