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Elasticsearch Engine

🏆 Sample Elasticsearch engine using Reactive Spring Data.


  • Read CSV and persist data in your elasticsearch cluster
  • Add, search and filter data
  • Basic operation to play around with elastic cluster
  • Application fully reactive and non blocking

For High Level REST Client; please refer this repository - Elasticsearch High Level Client


  • Java 8+
  • Docker Compose
  • ElasticVue: Elasticsearch Firefox Extension


Please download ElasticSearch of 2.4.x if you are using Spring Boot 1.5.x. If you don't use correct versions then you should get following error:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Received message from unsupported version: [2.0.0] minimal compatible version is: [5.0.0]

Also, if you update Spring Boot to 2.x.x please download/run elasticsearch 6.8.3 version. If not you might face following issue:

failed to load elasticsearch nodes : org.elasticsearch.client.transport.NoNodeAvailableException: 
None of the configured nodes are available: [{#transport#-1}{uWHhZacNR9mbfojQOayyAg}{}{}]
Be careful! If you are migrating to elasticsearch to 8.5.0 or higher version. You will run into different kind of issue. Make sure you

migrate first to elastic 7.17.0 and then elastic 8.5.0 Official Documentation

Running the application using docker-compose

  • Make the run.bash file executable for the current user
chmod u+x run.bash
  • Run/start the application using run.bash
./run.bash start

Running the application outside docker

  • Install and run Elasticsearch Server 8.5.0

Refer the official link to download and install elastic stack on your machine.

  • You can also use docker-compose to install elasticsearch,
cd docker 
docker compose -f docker-compose-elastic.yml up
  • Build the project and create an Image out of it
mvn spring-boot:run
  • Open browser and hit localhost:9200, and you should see below response
    name: "elasticsearch",
    cluster_name: "docker-cluster",
    cluster_uuid: "3yvjtNl7TaWuSMK7qWB79g",
    version: {
    number: "8.5.0",
    build_flavor: "default",
    build_type: "docker",
    build_hash: "c94b4700cda13820dad5aa74fae6db185ca5c304",
    build_date: "2022-10-24T16:54:16.433628434Z",
    build_snapshot: false,
    lucene_version: "9.4.1",
    minimum_wire_compatibility_version: "7.17.0",
    minimum_index_compatibility_version: "7.0.0"
    tagline: "You Know, for Search"

Alt text

  • Execute /movie/generate under movie-resource to populate your elasticsearch engine. As soon as you execute the resource; you should be able to see data in GUI for elasticsearch, in my ElasticVue for firefox. Refer below image:

Alt text

  • Now you should have enough data to play around with. Also, you can persist your own data.

Extra Points

Additional endpoints exposed to get elastic details and clearing indices.


  • More APIs to be added
  • Test containers