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Deployment and database seeding for

Table of Contents

  1. Google doc
  2. Deployment checklist
  3. Database seeding 3. Local database 4. Remote database

Google Doc

Everything important is inside our Google doc. If you do not have permissions to read or edit it, please contact us (message @jessicalc) and we can add you.

Deployment checklist

1. Check out a new branch from master

Don't forget to rebase first!!!

You can call it feat/heroku_deployment_[date].

Ideal steps would be:

git checkout master
git pull --rebase upstream master
git checkout -b feat/heroku_deployment_[date]

2. Run gulp from project root


This will concatenate and minify our js. Optionally, you can remove the commented-out <script srcs> in the <head> of dateClient/www/index.html. (They're there to help us develop, but don't need to be there in the deployed index.html file)

3. Update dateServer/controllers/events.js

  1. On line 12, remove var config = require('../secret/config')
  2. On lines 18 and 19, comment out || config.clientID and || config.clientSecret respectively, like so:
var clientID = process.env.FS_ID; //|| config.clientID;
var clientSecret = process.env.FS_SECRET; // || config.clientSecret;

4. Run the git push command

git push heroku feat/heroku_deploy_[YOURDATEHERE]:master -f

(You have to use -f to force it to override whatever is at heroku).

Database Seeding

We have written scripts to help seed the Neo4j database with the generic date ideas that are then tied to venue categories in Foursquare's database.

Your local database should be at http://neo4j:password@localhost:7474. For the remote database, please consult the Google doc.

Local Database

  1. Clear your local database by navigating to http://neo4j:password@localhost:7474 and running this command in the Neo4j console:
  1. Make sure dateServer/models/db.js has the correct database in it (if you are developing locally, it should be http://neo4j:password@localhost:7474)
  2. cd to dateServer/data-helpers
  3. Run node seedAllLocal.js
  4. Verify that nodes are connected by going back to the Neo4j gui and clicking on the is tag under Relationship Types. You should be able to see events connected to tags.

Remote Database

  1. Clear your local database by navigating to our remote Neo4j database and running this command in the Neo4j console:
  1. Make sure dateServer/models.db.js has the remote database URL in it in place of the local db in the url option. You can grab it from our Google doc.
var db = new neo4j.GraphDatabase({
  // Support specifying database info via environment variables,
  // but assume Neo4j installation defaults.

  url: process.env['NEO4J_URL'] || process.env['GRAPHENEDB_URL'] ||
  auth: process.env['NEO4J_AUTH']
  1. cd to dateServer/data-helpers
  2. run node seedAllRemote.js
  3. Verify that the nodes are connected by going to the Neo4j gui (you can find the link in the gdoc above) and clicking on the is tag under Relationship Types. You should be able to see events connected to tags.

These steps were last verified to be working on 5 Nov 2015.