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67 lines (67 loc) · 4.57 KB

File metadata and controls

67 lines (67 loc) · 4.57 KB

T.C acrusher A->A Reduce audio bit resolution. TS. adeclick A->A Remove impulsive noise from input audio. TS. adeclip A->A Remove clipping from input audio. TS. adecorrelate A->A Apply decorrelation to input audio. T.C adelay A->A Delay one or more audio channels. TSC adenorm A->A Remedy denormals by adding extremely low-level noise. T.. aderivative A->A Compute derivative of input audio. TSC adrc A->A Audio Spectral Dynamic Range Controller. TSC adynamicequalizer A->A Apply Dynamic Equalization of input audio. T.C adynamicsmooth A->A Apply Dynamic Smoothing of input audio. TSC aemphasis A->A Audio emphasis. T.. aeval A->A Filter audio signal according to a specified expression. T.C aexciter A->A Enhance high frequency part of audio. T.C afade A->A Fade in/out input audio. TSC afftdn A->A Denoise audio samples using FFT. TS. afftfilt A->A Apply arbitrary expressions to samples in frequency domain. TSC afreqshift A->A Apply frequency shifting to input audio. TSC afwtdn A->A Denoise audio stream using Wavelets. T.C agate A->A Audio gate. T.. aintegral A->A Compute integral of input audio. T.. alatency A->A Report audio filtering latency. T.C alimiter A->A Audio lookahead limiter. TSC allpass A->A Apply a two-pole all-pass filter. T.. ametadata A->A Manipulate audio frame metadata. TSC anlmdn A->A Reduce broadband noise from stream using Non-Local Means. TSC anlmf AA->A Apply Normalized Least-Mean-Fourth algorithm to first audio stream. TSC anlms AA->A Apply Normalized Least-Mean-Squares algorithm to first audio stream. T.. apad A->A Pad audio with silence. T.C aperms A->A Set permissions for the output audio frame. TSC aphaseshift A->A Apply phase shifting to input audio. TSC apsyclip A->A Audio Psychoacoustic Clipper. TSC arnndn A->A Reduce noise from speech using Recurrent Neural Networks. T.. asidedata A->A Manipulate audio frame side data. TSC asoftclip A->A Audio Soft Clipper. TSC asubboost A->A Boost subwoofer frequencies. TSC asubcut A->A Cut subwoofer frequencies. TSC asupercut A->A Cut super frequencies. TSC asuperpass A->A Apply high order Butterworth band-pass filter. TSC asuperstop A->A Apply high order Butterworth band-stop filter. TSC atilt A->A Apply spectral tilt to audio. TSC bandpass A->A Apply a two-pole Butterworth band-pass filter. TSC bandreject A->A Apply a two-pole Butterworth band-reject filter. TSC bass A->A Boost or cut lower frequencies. TSC biquad A->A Apply a biquad IIR filter with the given coefficients. T.C compensationdelay A->A Audio Compensation Delay Line. T.C crossfeed A->A Apply headphone crossfeed filter. TSC crystalizer A->A Simple audio noise sharpening filter. T.. dcshift A->A Apply a DC shift to the audio. T.. deesser A->A Apply de-essing to the audio. T.C dialoguenhance A->A Audio Dialogue Enhancement. TSC dynaudnorm A->A Dynamic Audio Normalizer. TSC equalizer A->A Apply two-pole peaking equalization (EQ) filter. T.C extrastereo A->A Increase difference between stereo audio channels. TSC highpass A->A Apply a high-pass filter with 3dB point frequency. TSC highshelf A->A Apply a high shelf filter. TSC lowpass A->A Apply a low-pass filter with 3dB point frequency. TSC lowshelf A->A Apply a low shelf filter. T.C sidechaingate AA->A Audio sidechain gate. T.C speechnorm A->A Speech Normalizer. T.C stereotools A->A Apply various stereo tools. T.C stereowiden A->A Apply stereo widening effect. TSC tiltshelf A->A Apply a tilt shelf filter. TSC treble A->A Boost or cut upper frequencies. T.. tremolo A->A Apply tremolo effect. T.. vibrato A->A Apply vibrato effect. T.C virtualbass A->A Audio Virtual Bass. T.C volume A->A Change input volume.