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Skin Functions


Twoday skins are organized in layouts. A blog can have multiple layouts, however only one layout is active at a time and is used to render the frontend.

All skin function calls will target the currently active layout. If you want to adress skins in a non-active layout, you must call the useLayout() function before utilizing any subsequent skin functions!

Please be aware, that the code examples below are very condensed and intentionally omit the recommended try..catch construct as well as the async framing.

Get a list of modified skins

.getModifiedSkins(alias: string) : Promise<tNameUrl[]>

Param Type Text
alias string a blog's alias
  • requires: successful login
  • returns: array of tNameUrl object
tNameUrl Property Type Text
name string skin qualifier, e.g.
url string url of the skin

Example: Create prod instance and log the list of modified skins of the 'mmm' blog

const td = new Twoday.Twoday('prod');
await td.login();
const modSkins = await td.getModifiedSkins('mmm');
console.log('The following skins were modified:');
modSkins.forEach(skin => console.log(;

Check if a specific skin was modified

.isModifiedSkin(alias: string, skinName: string): Promise<tIsModifiedSkin>

Param Type Text
alias string the blog's alias
skinName string a skin's qualifier, e.g.
  • requires: successful login
  • returns: tIsModifiedSkin object
tIsModifiedSkin Property Type Text
valid boolean true=is a valid hoptype
prototype string prototype part of skinName, e.g. Site
name string name part of skinName, e.g. page
isModified boolean true=this skin was modified
url string url of the skin

Example: Check if skin from the neonwilderness blog has been modified

const td = new Twoday.Twoday('prod');
await td.login();
const s = await td.isModifiedSkin('neonwilderness', '');
console.log(`Skin ${s.prototype}.${} is ${s.isModified ? '' : 'not '}modified.`)

Get a specific skin (and related data)

.getSkin(skin: tSkin): Promise<tSkinEnriched>

getSkin() is a low-level function used by functions such as createSkin(), updateSkin() or deleteSkin().

tSkin Param Type Text
name string a skin's qualifier, e.g.
url string url of the skin
  • requires: successful login
  • returns: tSkinEnriched object
tSkinEnriched Property Type Text
name string a skin's qualifier, e.g.
url string url of the skin
secretKey string secretKey
action string action
key string key
skinset string skinset
module string module
title string the skin's title
description string the skin's description
skin string the skin's content
save string save

Example: Check if skin Story.display from the neonwilderness blog has been modified, then read it and log the skin's content

const td = new Twoday.Twoday('prod');
await td.login();
const alias = 'neonwilderness';
const skinName = 'story.display';
const s = await td.isModifiedSkin(alias, skinName);
if (s.isModified) {
  const data = await td.getSkin({ name: skinName, url: s.url});

Post a skin

.postSkin(skin: tSkinEnriched): Promise<Response>

postSkin() is a low-level function used by functions such as createSkin(), updateSkin() or deleteSkin().

tSkinEnriched Param Type Text
secretKey string secretKey
action string action
key string key
skinset string skinset
module string module
title string the skin's title
description string the skin's description
skin string the skin's content
save string save
  • requires: successful login
  • returns: http post response

Example: Get a skin and post it with a new title

const td = new Twoday.Twoday('prod');
await td.login();
const alias = 'neonwilderness';
const skinName = 'story.display';
const s = await td.isModifiedSkin(alias, skinName);
const data = await td.getSkin({ name: skinName, url: s.url});
data.title = 'This is my new skin title!";
await td.postSkin(data);

Update a skin

.updateSkin(alias: string, skinName: string, options: tSkinOptions): Promise<Response>

Param Type Text
alias string the blog's alias
skinName string the skin's qualifier, e.g.
options tSkinOptions object with optional skin fields
tSkinOptions Property Type Text
title? string a skin's new title
description? string a skin's new description
skin? string a skin's new content
diff? boolean true=log old/new differences

Only the fields passed through tSkinOptions (i.e. title and/or description and/or skin) are updated. Other fields remain unchanged.

  • requires: successful login
  • returns: http post response

Example: Update the title of skin of blog alias neonwilderness

const td = new Twoday.Twoday('prod');
await td.login();
await td.updateSkin('neonwilderness', '', {
  title: 'My special blog CSS'

Create a new skin

.createSkin(alias: string, skinName: string, options: tSkinOptions): Promise<Response>

Param Type Text
alias string the blog's alias
skinName string the skin's qualifier, e.g. Site.myNewSkin
options tSkinOptions object with optional skin fields
tSkinOptions Property Type Text
title? string a skin's new title
description? string a skin's new description
skin? string a skin's new content

tSkinOptions are optional. Non-defined fields will be saved with default values.

  • requires: successful login
  • returns: http post response

Example: Create a new skin Site.myNewSkin within neonwilderness alias

const td = new Twoday.Twoday('prod');
await td.login();
await td.createSkin('neonwilderness', 'Site.myNewSkin', {
  title: 'This is my new skin with a "Hello World" DIV',
  skin: '<div>Hello World</div>'

Delete a skin

.deleteSkin(alias: string, skinName: string): Promise<Response>

Param Type Text
alias string the blog's alias
skinName string the skin's qualifier, e.g. Site.obsolete
  • requires: successful login
  • returns: http post response

A skin will only be deleted if it is a modified standard skin or a custom skin!

Example: Delete skin Site.obsolete of blog alias neonwilderness

const td = new Twoday.Twoday('prod');
await td.login();
await td.deleteSkin('neonwilderness', 'Site.obsolete');