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67 lines (59 loc) · 3.29 KB

File metadata and controls

67 lines (59 loc) · 3.29 KB



File Structure

Directory Name Content
src/ Data Tools
src/DataExtraction/ Data Extraction tools
src/DataExtraction/cpp/ Data Analyser
src/DataExtraction/cpp/compressor/ Data compressor
src/DataExtraction/cpp/symptoms_syntax_finder/ Data analysis tools and classifier
src/DataExtraction/cpp/symptoms_syntax_finder/database/ Parsed data files
src/DataExtraction/cpp/symptoms_syntax_finder/DataFiles/ Raw unparsed data
src/DataExtraction/javascript/ Symptoms crawler
src/DataExtraction/python/ Data links extractor
src/DataExtraction/shell/ Data extractor
userinterface/ User interface
userinterface/images/ All images go here
userinterface/javascript-ui/ Scripts for UI
userinterface/pages/ UI pages
userinterface/scss Precompiled CSS
userinterface/stylesheet Compiled CSS

Run Application

Install Node.js, Node Package Manager and Electron

	$ sudo apt update
	$ sudo apt install nodejs
	$ sudo apt install npm
	$ sudo npm install -g electron

Clone the repository

	$ git clone
	$ cd MedKit
	$ npm start

Want to Contribute?

All contributions are welcomed and highly appreciated. If you will like to be a contributor to this project, take a few minutes to read the Code of Conduct. Also, you should configure your code editor/IDE to use 4 tabs of indention. Variables names should be descriptive and should be follow the code style of the language. Example:


   var additionInClosure = function (argumentOne){
	   // function name should tell what the function does
	   // variable names are camel case
	   return function (argumentTwo){
		   return console.log(argumentOne + argumentTwo);


   void read_and_show_content_of_file(string filename) {
		ifstream read_file(filename.c_str());
		std::string file_line;
		// variable name should be descriptive and word delimiter is an underscore
		while(getline(read_file, file_line)){
			std::cout << file_line << std::endl;