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NLP Architect Initial version

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@yinyinl yinyinl released this 29 May 17:32
· 712 commits to master since this release

The current version of NLP Architect includes these features that we found interesting from both research perspectives and practical applications:

  • NLP core models that allow robust extraction of linguistic features for NLP workflow: for example, dependency parser (BIST) and NP chunker
  • NLU modules that provide best in class performance: for example, intent extraction (IE), name entity recognition (NER)
  • Modules that address semantic understanding: for example, colocations, most common word sense, NP embedding representation (e.g. NP2V)
  • Components instrumental for conversational AI: for example, ChatBot applications, including dialog system, sequence chunking and IE
  • End-to-end DL applications using new topologies: for example, Q&A, machine reading comprehension