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File metadata and controls

27 lines (21 loc) · 1.13 KB
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custom app, labels, kubernetes labels, kubernetes resources, pods, define custom app
Describes the type of managed apps in Astra Control.

App management

When Astra Control discovers your clusters, the apps on those clusters are unmanaged until you choose how you want to manage them. A managed application in Astra Control can be any of the following:

  • A namespace, including all resources in that namespace

    A conceptual image that shows Astra managing all of the resources in a namespace.

  • An individual application deployed within one or more namespaces (Helm 3 is used in this example)

    A conceptual image that shows Astra managing an individual application deployed in a namespace that includes other applications.

  • A group of resources that are identified by a Kubernetes label within one or more namespaces

    A conceptual image that shows Astra managing a custom app based on a Kubernetes label.