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30 lines (22 loc) · 974 Bytes
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e-series, remove, delete, remove e-series, delete cluster, delete working environment, remove working environment
Remove an E-Series working environment if you no longer want to manage it from BlueXP.

Remove an E-Series working environment

Remove an E-Series working environment if you no longer want to manage it from BlueXP.

Removing the working environment doesn’t affect the E-Series system. You can rediscover it from BlueXP at any time.

  1. From the navigation menu, select Storage > Canvas.

  2. On the Canvas page, select the E-Series working environment.

  3. Select the menu icon and select Remove from Workspace.

    A screenshot of the Remove from Workspace option that is available in the top right menu of the working environment.

  4. Select Remove to confirm.