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stop, volume, copy
The stop volumeCopy target source command stops a volume copy operation. This command is valid for snapshot volume copy pairs.

Stop volume copy

The stop volumeCopy target source command stops a volume copy operation. This command is valid for snapshot volume copy pairs.

Supported Arrays

This command applies to any individual storage array, including the E2700, E5600, E2800, E5700, EF600 and EF300 arrays, as long as all SMcli packages are installed.


To execute this command on an E2800, E5700, EF600, or EF300 storage array, you must have the Storage Admin role.


stop volumeCopy target [targetName] source [sourceName]


Parameter Description


The name of the target volume for which you want to stop a volume copy operation. Enclose the target volume name in square brackets ([ ]). If the target volume name has special characters or numbers, you must enclose the target volume name in double quotation marks (" ") inside square brackets.


The name of the source volume for which you want to stop a volume copy operation. Enclose the source volume name in square brackets ([ ]). If the source volume name has special characters or numbers, you must enclose the source volume name in double quotation marks (" ") inside square brackets.