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install connector, manually install connector, install connector software, installation, installing, linux, installer, software, on prem, on-prem, silent
The most common way to create a Connector is directly from Cloud Manager or from a cloud provider's marketplace. But you have the option to download and install the Connector software on an existing Linux host in your network or in the cloud.

Installing the Connector software on an existing Linux host

The most common way to create a Connector is directly from Cloud Manager or from a cloud provider’s marketplace. But you have the option to download and install the Connector software on an existing Linux host in your network or in the cloud.

If you want to create a Cloud Volumes ONTAP system in Google Cloud, then you must have a Connector running in Google Cloud, as well. You can’t use a Connector that’s running in another location.
About this task
  • Root privileges are not required to install the Connector.

  • The installation installs the AWS command line tools (awscli) to enable recovery procedures from NetApp support.

    If you receive a message that installing the awscli failed, you can safely ignore the message. The Connector can operate successfully without the tools.

  • The installer that is available on the NetApp Support Site might be an earlier version. After installation, the Connector automatically updates itself if a new version is available.

  1. Download the Cloud Manager software from the NetApp Support Site, and then copy it to the Linux host.

    For help with connecting and copying the file to an EC2 instance in AWS, see AWS Documentation: Connecting to Your Linux Instance Using SSH.

  2. Assign permissions to execute the script.


    chmod +x
  3. Run the installation script:

    ./ [silent] [proxy=ipaddress] [proxyport=port] [proxyuser=user_name] [proxypwd=password]

    silent runs the installation without prompting you for information.

    proxy is required if the host is behind a proxy server.

    proxyport is the port for the proxy server.

    proxyuser is the user name for the proxy server, if basic authentication is required.

    proxypwd is the password for the user name that you specified.

  4. Unless you specified the silent parameter, type Y to continue the script, and then enter the HTTP and HTTPS ports when prompted.

    Cloud Manager is now installed. At the end of the installation, the Cloud Manager service (occm) restarts twice if you specified a proxy server.

  5. Open a web browser and enter the following URL:


    ipaddress can be localhost, a private IP address, or a public IP address, depending on the configuration of the host. For example, if the Connector is in the public cloud without a public IP address, you must enter a private IP address from a host that has a connection to the Connector host.

    port is required if you changed the default HTTP (80) or HTTPS (443) ports. For example, if the HTTPS port was changed to 8443, you would enter https://ipaddress:8443

  6. Sign up at NetApp Cloud Central or log in.

  7. After you log in, set up Cloud Manager:

    1. Specify the Cloud Central account to associate with the Connector.

    2. Enter a name for the system.

      A screenshot that shows the set up screen that enables you to select a Cloud Central account and name the system.


The Connector is now installed and set up with your Cloud Central account. Cloud Manager will automatically use this Connector when you create new working environments.

After you finish

Set up permissions so Cloud Manager can manage resources and processes within your public cloud environment: