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Learn about cluster, storage, and shared switches.

Learn about Cluster, Storage, and Shared switches

NetApp offers cluster, storage, and shared switches that deliver internal communications with the ability to non-disruptively move data and network interfaces across the cluster.

The “front-end” switches provide connectivity to host storage, while the “back-end” cluster switches provide connections between two or more NetApp controllers.

Only NetApp-validated back-end switches (ordered from NetApp) are supported.

Cluster switches

Cluster switches allow you to build ONTAP clusters with more than two nodes. NetApp-supported cluster switches include:

  • Broadcom BES-53248

  • Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2

  • NVIDIA SN2100

Storage switches

Storage switches allow you to route data between servers and storage arrays in a Storage Area Network (SAN). NetApp-supported cluster switches include:

  • Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2

  • NVIDIA SN2100

Shared switches

Shared switches allow you to combine cluster and storage functionality into a shared switch configuration, by supporting the use of shared cluster and storage RCFs. The NetApp-supported shared switch is:

  • Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2


The following storage switches are no longer available for purchase, but are still supported:

  • Cisco Nexus 3232C

  • Cisco Nexus 3132Q-V

  • Cisco Nexus 92300YC

  • NetApp CN1610