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netapp, ontap, ONTAP 9.8, ONTAP S3, S3, data, cloud, tier, tiering, tiers, bucket, buckets, VM, storage VM, storage, object, object storage, volume
Beginning with ONTAP 9.8, you can tier data to local object storage using ONTAP S3.

Tier data to local bucket

Beginning with ONTAP 9.8, you can tier data to local object storage using ONTAP S3.

Tiering data to a local bucket provides a simple alternative to moving data to a different local tier. This procedure uses an existing bucket on the local cluster, or you can let ONTAP automatically create a new storage VM and a new bucket.

Keep in mind that once you attach to a local tier (aggregate) the cloud tier cannot be unattached.

An S3 license is required for this workflow, which creates a new S3 server and new bucket, or uses existing ones. This license included in ONTAP One. A FabricPool license is not required for this workflow.

  1. Tier data to a local bucket: click Tiers, select a tier, then click kabob icon.

  2. If necessary, enable thin provisioning.

  3. Choose an existing tier or create a new one.

  4. If necessary, edit the existing tiering policy.