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storagegrid, decommission admin node, decommission gateway node
Review the following considerations before decommissioning an Admin Node or a Gateway Node.

Considerations for Admin Node or Gateway Node decommission

Review the following considerations before decommissioning an Admin Node or a Gateway Node.

  • The decommission procedure requires exclusive access to some system resources, so you must confirm that no other maintenance procedures are running.

  • You can’t decommission the primary Admin Node.

  • You can’t decommission an Admin Node or a Gateway Node if one of its network interfaces is part of a high availability (HA) group. You must first remove the network interfaces from the HA group. See the instructions for managing HA groups.

  • As required, you can safely change the ILM policy while decommissioning a Gateway Node or an Admin Node.

  • If you decommission an Admin Node and single sign-on (SSO) is enabled for your StorageGRID system, you must remember to remove the node’s relying party trust from Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS).

  • If you use grid federation, ensure that the IP address of the node you are decommissioning was not specified for a grid federation connection.