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Image reconstruction and data processing for spectral-domain optical coherence tomography


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Optical imaging reconstruction for both spectral-domain OCT and off-axis digital holography microscopy

PyOCT is developed to conduct normal spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) imaging reconstruction with main steps as:

  1. Reading Data
  2. Background Subtraction
  3. Spectral Resampling
  4. Comutational Aberration Correction (Alpha-correction)
  5. Camera Dispersion Correction (Beta-correction with camera calibration factors)
  6. Inverse Fourier Transform
  7. Obtain OCT Image

For off-axis digital holography microscopy (DHM) reconstruction, importing HoloLib from PyOCT and using class of QPImage().

PyOCT only supports python 3.0+.

Quick start

PyOCT can be install using pip:

$pip install PyOCT

If you want to run the latest version of the code, you can install from git:

$python -m pip install -U git+git://

For sample dataset of OCT, please download from:

After successful installaiton, you can test program under python environment:

$from PyOCT import VolumeReconstruction

To run the OCT imaging reconstruction, you can construct class OCTImagingProcessing() from PyOCTRecon module:

$from PyOCT import PyOCTRecon 
$OCTImage = PyOCTRecon.OCTImagingProcessing()  

Class OCTImagingProcessing require at least 3 positional arguments. All input parameters are:

  • root_dir: required, root directory path where OCT raw data located, ENDING WITHOUT /; e.g., root_dir = 'D:/cuda_practice/OCT_Recon/OCTdata'.
  • SampleData: optional, sample data, most of time won't need.
  • Settings: optional, Settings, most time won't need.
  • sampleID: required, sample data file name. ENDING WITHOUT _raw.bin; e.g., sampleID = 'OCT_100mV_2'.
  • bkgndID: required, background data file name, ending with _raw.bin; e.g., bkgndID = 'bkgnd_512_0_raw.bin'.
  • Sample_sub_path: optional, default as None; sub-directory where OCT raw data located. ENDING WITHOUT /.
  • Bkgnd_sub_path: optional, default as None; sub-directory where OCT bkgnd data located. ENDING WITHOUT /.
  • saveOption: optional, bool, default as False.
  • saveFolder: optional, name for folder to save data; default as None, which will save data in root directory.
  • RorC: optional,"real" or "complex", tell to save data or show data in complex format or single precison (float32) format.
  • verbose: optional, bool, default as True. If True, the data processing will show processing information during each step.
  • frames: optional, int, number of frames to read and process, defaults as 1.
  • alpha2, alpha3: optional, parameters for computational dispersion correction.
  • depths: optional, nuumpy.linspace() created array, depths to be processed, default as: np.linspace(1024,2047,1024), indicating procesing 1024th z-pixel to 2048-pixel.
  • gamma: optional, power factor to do plotting, default as 0.4.
  • wavelength: optional, nominal central wavelength of OCT laser source in unit of nm, default as 1300.
  • XYConversion: optional, 2 elements numpy array, calibration factor for galvo-scanning voltage to scanning field of view in x and y axis at unit of um/V, default as [660,660].
  • camera_matrix: optional, camera dispersion correction factor, numpy array as [c0,c1,c2,c3]; default as np.asarray([1.169980E3,1.310930E-1,-3.823410E-6,-7.178150E-10]) for 1300nm system.
  • start_frame: which frame to start reading and being processed. default is 1, indicating starting from first frame.
  • OptimizingDC: [Required Further Developement] optional, bool, optimizing dispersion correction to search optimized alpha2 and alpha3. default as False.
  • singlePrecision: only workable when RorC = 'real', Default as True, data will be converted into numpy.float32 single precision data type.
  • ReconstructionMethods: 'cao' or 'nocao', default as 'NoCAO'. using bkgnd data as real time background estimation from signal dataset ("CAO") or directly from bkgnd file ("NoCAO")

Another class in PyOCT is Batch_OCTProcessing(), which using data processing provided by class OCTImagingProcessing() with additional inputs as:

  • Ascans: number of Ascans.
  • Frames: number of frames.
  • ChunkSize: number of frames at each sub-segmentation dataset.

Batch_OCTProcessing() should be used when dataset is too large to be directly processed by whole volume which might exhaust your RAM/CPU. It will automatically segmented dataset into sub-segmentation dataset to be processed. The processed volume data and settings could be accessed by or Batch_OCTProcessing.OCTData and Batch_OCTProcessing.Settings. You can still access to basic OCTImagingProcessing methods by accessing to methods like Batch_OCTProcessing.OCTRe.ShowXZ().

Class OCTImagingProcessing also provides several accesses/members to imaging processing data:

  • self.root_dir: root directory of data set
  • self.sampleID: sample ID
  • self.bkgndID: background ID
  • self.Settings: parameters of settings of reconstruction
  • self.OCTData: single precision OCT intensity data
  • complex OCT reconstruction data, only accessible when datatype is not "real".
  • self.InterferencePattern: interference fringes of OCT imaging
  • self.DepthProfile: depth profile (along z-axis) of reconstructed image
  • self.ShowXZ(OCTData): member function to show cross-section.

DHM image reconstruction: This class implements various tasks for quantitative phase imaging, including phase unwrapping, background correction,numerical focusing, and data export. Parameters:

  • data: 2d ndarray (float or complex) or list, The experimental data (see which_data). If data is a file .mat or .h5 or .hdf5, it will automatically load data where the keyword is given by data_key or automatically search for "IMG" or "data".

  • data_key: the key for accessing data array if "data" is defined as a file format; Default is None, then it will iterates automaticaly through the data file and get the first keys of either "data" or "IMG"

  • ref_data: reference image. could be (X,Y) or (T,X,Y)

  • meta_data: dict, Meta data associated with the input data.

  • holo_kw: dict,Special keyword arguments for phase retrieval from hologram data.default: {"batchSize":50,"cr":0.5,"trans":False onlyCPU":False, "verbose":verbose,"zero_pad":True,subtract_mean":True, "returnContrastMat":True} batchSize: the batch size to divide raw data into small batches in case overflowing memory. If overmemory happens, reduce the batchSize. cr: proportion of image to be counted when calculating interference contrast. trans: transpose the raw data. usually to make it identical dimension to MATLAB onlyCPU: only using CPU. If False, it will choose GPU computation resource. verbose: show intermediate results. better to set as False when dealing with large amount of data zero_pad:True,do zero padding subtract_mean:True, subtract mean of rawdata before recontruction. returnContrastMat:True, get the contrast results also. bg_kw: dict, keyword for estimatign background title. here right now, default: {"fit_offset":"mean", "fit_profile":"tilt","border_px":6} computeBg: bool, default as True. whether or not to compute background tilt, using parameters from bg_kw.

  • proc_phase: bool, Process the phase data. This includes phase unwrapping. using :func:skimage.restoration.unwrap_phase and correcting for 2PI phase offsets (The offset is estimated from a 1px-wide border around the image

  • slices: int, default -1, indicating it will process all the frames. Otherwise, it will only process 0:slices frames.

  • Members and attributes: .data: recontructed complex data. This is actually the phase is not processed. .field: recontructed complex data where the phase is unwrapped and background is corrected (if computeBg=True) .amp: get amplitude .pha: get processed phase data. .bg: get computed and fitted background fitted data. .ref: processed reference image. .info: get meta data. .save: save data into file (.mat, .hdf5 or .h5) .contrast_mat: contrast map versus z axis. .out_int: intensity map versus z axis. .zpos: z-axis positions for each frame, if available.

      typical use:
      qpi = QPImage(file_name)  

for a more general use, definition a function for being used:

def holoReconstruction(rootPath,dataName,refName='none',verbose=True):
    if dataName.endswith(".mat"):
        data_sName = dataName[:-4]
    elif dataName.endswith(".h5py"):
        data_sName = dataName[:-5]
        data_sName = dataName 

    savePath = os.path.join(rootPath,data_sName) 
    if not os.path.isdir(savePath):
    if not refName == 'none':
        refFile = hp.File(os.path.join(rootPath,refName),"r") 
        refDataRaw = np.asarray(refFile["data"]["IMG"])
        takeRef = True 
        takeRef = False
    dataFile = hp.File(os.path.join(rootPath,dataName),"r") 
    dataRaw = np.asarray(dataFile["data"]["IMG"]) 
    if dataRaw.ndim == 4:
        dataRaw = np.squeeze(np.mean(dataRaw,axis=0)) 
    if "zpos" in dataFile["data"].keys():
        zPos = np.squeeze(dataFile["data"]["zpos"][()]) #using zz or zpos
        zPos = np.arange(0,np.shape(dataRaw)[0],1)
    zPos = zPos/1.33
    if takeRef:
        qpimage = pl.QPImage(data=dataRaw,ref_data=refDataRaw,holo_kw={"cr":0.5,"onlyCPU":False,"subtract_mean":True,"batchSize":5})
        qpimage = pl.QPImage(data=dataRaw,holo_kw={"cr":0.5,"onlyCPU":False,"subtract_mean":True,"batchSize":5}) 
    if verbose:
    return 1 

Example dataset could be download under the request to email address:


PyOCT is licensed under the terms of the MIT License (see the file LICENSE).# PyOCT


Image reconstruction and data processing for spectral-domain optical coherence tomography







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