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Setting up your Environment

Create your VirtualEnvironment

$ virtualenv .venv --no-site-packages
New python executable in .venv/bin/python
Installing setuptools, pip...done.
$ source .venv/bin/activate

Check out the code

(.venv) $ git clone
Cloning into 'kingpin'...
Warning: Permanently added ',' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
remote: Counting objects: 1831, done.
remote: irangedCompressing objects: 100% (17/17), done.
remote: Total 1831 (delta 7), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (1831/1831), 287.68 KiB, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1333/1333), done.

Install the test-specific dependencies

(.venv) $ pip install -r kingpin/requirements.test.txt
(.venv) $ cd kingpin
(.venv) $ python test


Unit Tests

The code is 100% unit test coverage complete, and no pull-requests will be accepted that do not maintain this level of coverage. That said, it's possible (likely) that we have not covered every possible scenario in our unit tests that could cause failures. We will strive to fill out every reasonable failure scenario.

Integration Tests

Because it's hard to predict cloud failures, we provide integration tests for most of our modules. These integration tests actually go off and execute real operations in your accounts, and rely on particular environments being setup in order to run. These tests are great to run though to validate that your credentials are all correct.

Executing the tests

HIPCHAT_TOKEN=<xxx> RIGHTSCALE_TOKEN=<xxx> INTEGRATION_TESTS=<comma separated list> make integration

integration_02a_clone (integration_server_array.IntegrationServerArray) ... ok
integration_test_execute_real (integration_hipchat.IntegrationHipchatMessage) ... ok
integration_test_execute_with_invalid_creds (integration_hipchat.IntegrationHipchatMessage) ... ok
integration_test_init_without_environment_creds (integration_hipchat.IntegrationHipchatMessage) ... ok


kingpin.utils                               67     30    55%   57-69, 78, 93-120, 192-202
TOTAL                                      571    143    75%   
Ran 10 tests in 880.274s

running pep8
running pyflakes

Executing Only Certain Test Suites

Because not everyone will use or need to test all of our actors, you can execute only certain subsets of our integration tests if you wish. Simply set the INTEGRATION_TESTS environment variable to a comma-separated list of test suites. See below for the list.

Executing only the HTTP Tests

(.venv)Matts-MacBook-2:kingpin diranged$ INTEGRATION_TESTS=http make integration
                       python integration pep8 pyflakes
running integration
integration_base_get (integration_api.IntegrationRestConsumer) ... ok
integration_delete (integration_api.IntegrationRestConsumer) ... ok
integration_get_basic_auth (integration_api.IntegrationRestConsumer) ... ok
integration_get_basic_auth_401 (integration_api.IntegrationRestConsumer) ... ok
integration_get_json (integration_api.IntegrationRestConsumer) ... ok
integration_get_with_args (integration_api.IntegrationRestConsumer) ... ok
integration_post (integration_api.IntegrationRestConsumer) ... ok
integration_put (integration_api.IntegrationRestConsumer) ... ok
integration_status_401 (integration_api.IntegrationRestConsumer) ... ok
integration_status_403 (integration_api.IntegrationRestConsumer) ... ok
integration_status_500 (integration_api.IntegrationRestConsumer) ... ok
integration_status_501 (integration_api.IntegrationRestConsumer) ... ok

List of Built-In Integration Test Suites

  • aws
  • librato
  • rightscale
  • http
  • hipchat
  • pingdom
  • rollbar
  • pingdom
  • slack

Class/Object Architecture

+-- deployment.Deployer
    | Executes a deployment based on the supplied DSL.
    +-- actors.rightscale
    |   | RightScale Cloud Management Actor
    |   |
    |   +-- server_array
    |       +-- Clone
    |       +-- Destroy
    |       +-- Execute
    |       +-- Launch
    |       +-- Update
    |   | Amazon Web Services Actor
    |   |
    |   +-- elb
    |   |   +-- WaitUntilHealthy
    |   |
    |   +-- sqs
    |       +-- Create
    |       +-- Delete
    |       +-- WaitUntilEmpty
    |   | Email Actor
    +-- actors.hipchat
    |   | Hipchat Actor
    |   |
    |   +-- Message
    +-- actors.librato
        | Librato Metric Actor
        +-- Annotation

Actor Design

Kingpin Actors are self-contained python classes that execute operations asynchronously. Actors should follow a consistent structure (described below) and be written to be as fault tolerant as possible.

Example - Hello World

This is the basic structure for an actor class.

import os

from tornado import gen

from kingpin.actors import base
from kingpin.actors import exceptions

# All actors must have an __author__ tag. This is used actively
# by the Kingpin code, do not forget this!
__author__ = 'Billy Joe Armstrong <>'

# Perhaps you need an API token?
TOKEN = os.getenv('HELLO_WORLD_TOKEN', None)

class HelloWorld(base.BaseActor):
    # Create an all_options dictionary that contains all of
    # the required and optional options that can be passed into
    # this actor.
    all_options = {
        'name': (str, None, 'Your name'),
        'world': (str, None, 'World we\'re saying hello to!'),

    # Optionally, if you need to do any instantiation-level, non-blocking
    # validation checks (for example, looking for an API token) you can do
    # them in the __init__. Do *not* put blocking code in here.
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(HelloWorld, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if not TOKEN:
            raise exceptions.InvalidCredentials(
                'Missing the "HELLO_WORLD_TOKEN" environment variable.')

        # Initialize our hello world sender object. This is non-blocking.
        self._hello_world = my.HelloWorldSender(token=TOKEN)

    # Its nice to wrap some of your logic into separate methods. This
    # method handles sending the message, or pretends to send the
    # message if we're in a dry run.
    def _send_message(self, name, world):
        # Attempt to log into the API to sanity check our credentials
            yield self._hello_world.login()
        except Shoplifter:
            msg = 'Could not log into the world!'
            raise exceptions.UnrecoverableActorFailure(msg)

        # Make sure to support DRY mode all the time!
        if self._dry:
  'Would have said Hi to %s' % world)
            raise gen.Return()

        # Finally, send the message!
            res = yield self._hello_world.send(
                from=name, to=world)
        except WalkingAlone as e:
            # Lets say that this error is completely un-handleable exception,
            # there's no one to say hello to!
            self.log.critical('Some extra information about this error...')

            # Now, raise an exception that is will stop execution of Kingpin,
            # regardless of the warn_on_failure setting.
            raise exceptions.UnrecoverableActorException('Oh my: %s' % e)

        # Return the value back to the execute method
        raise gen.Return(res)

    # The meat of the work happens in the _execute() method. This method
    # is called by the BaseActor.execute() method. Your method must be
    # wrapped in a gen.Coroutine wrapper. Note, the _execute() method takes
    # no arguments, all arguments for the acter were passed in to the
    # __init__() method.
    def _execute(self):
        self.log.debug('Warming up the HelloWorld Actor')

        # Fire off an async request to a our private method for sending
        # hello world messages. Get the response and evaluate
        res = yield self._send_message(
            self.option('name'), self.option('world')) 

        # Got a response. Did our message really go through though?
        if not res:
            # The world refuses to hear our message... A shame, really, but
            # not entirely critical.
            self.log.error('We failed to get our message out ... just '
                           'letting you know!')
            raise exceptions.RecoverableActorFailure(
                'A shame, but I suppose they can listen to what they want')

        # We've been heard!'%s people have heard our message!' % res)

        # Indicate to Tornado that we're done with our execution.
        raise gen.Return()

Actor Parameters

The following parameters are baked into our :py~kingpin.actors.base.BaseActor model and must be supported by any actor that subclasses it. They are fundamentally critical to the behavior of Kingpin, and should not be bypassed or ignored.


A string describing the stage or action thats occuring. Meant to be human readable and useful for logging. You do not need to do anything intentinally to support this option (it's handled in :py~kingpin.actors.base.BaseActor). All logging (when using self.log) are passed through a custom :py~kingpin.actors.base.LogAdapter.


All Actors must support a dry run flag. The codepath thats executed when _execute() is yielded should be as wet as possible without actually making any changes. For example, if you have an actor that checks the state of an Amazon ELB (hint see, you would want the actor to actually search Amazons API for the ELB, actually check the number of instances that are healthy in the ELB, and then fake a return value so that the rest of the script can be tested.


Your actor can take in custom options (ELB name, Route53 DNS entry name, etc) through a dictionary named options thats passed in to every actor and accessible through the :py~kingpin.actors.base.BaseActor.option() method. The contents of this dictionary are entirely up to you.

These options are defined in your class's all_options dict. A simple example:

from kingpin.constants import REQUIRED

class SayHi(object):
    all_options = {
        'name': (str, REQUIRED, 'What is your name?')

    def _execute(self):'Hi %s' % self.option('name'))

For more complex user input validation, see option_validation.

warn_on_failure (optional)

If the user sets warn_on_failure=True, any raised exceptions that subclass kingpin.actors.exceptions.RecoverableActorFailure will be swallowed up and warned about, but will not cause the execution of the kingpin script to end.

Exceptions that subclass kingpin.actors.exceptions.UnrecoverableActorFailure (or uncaught third party exceptions) will cause the actor to fail and the script to be aborted no matter what!

Required Methods

_execute() method

Your actor can execute any code you would like in the _execute() method. This method should make sure that it's a tornado-style generator (thus, can be yielded), and that it never calls any blocking operations.

Actors must not:

  • Call a blocking operation ever
  • Call an async operation from inside the init() method
  • Bypass normal logging methods
  • return a result (should raise gen.Return(...))

Actors must:

  • Subclass kingpin.actors.base.BaseActor
  • Include __author__ attribute thats a single string with the owners listed in it.
  • Implement a *_execute()* method
  • Handle as many possible exceptions of third-party libraries as possible
  • Return None when the actor has succeeded.

Actors can:

  • Raise kingpin.actors.exceptions.UnrecoverableActorFailure. This is considered an unrecoverable exception and no Kingpin will not execute any further actors when this happens.
  • Raise kingpin.actors.exceptions.RecoverableActorFailure. This is considered an error in execution, but is either expected or at least cleanly handled in the code. It allows the user to specify warn_on_failure=True, where they can then continue on in the script even if an actor fails.

Super simple example Actor _execute() method

def _execute(self):'Making that web call')
    res = yield self._post_web_call(URL)
    raise gen.Return(res)

State Management Actors

While many of our actors are designed as code that "does something once" -- ie, "Create User Foo" -- we are increasingly seeing actors that "ensure a resource exists." This new pattern is a bit more Puppet-like, and more well suited for ensuring the state of cloud resources rather than simply creating or destrying things.

To that end, we have a few recommended guidelines for patterns to follow when creating actors like this. These guidelines will help breed consistency between our various actors so that users are never surprised by their behavior.

Resource attributes should be managed explicitly

(See this for more discussion)

Generally speaking, if an actor manages a resource (call it a User), any parameters, sub resources like group memberships or other attributes should only be managed by the Actor if they are explicitly defined by the user.

For example, the following code should create a user, and do absolutely nothing else to the user. Any additional attirbutes (group memberships, or inline IAM policies) should not be managed:

{ "actor": "aws.iam.User",
  "options": {
    "name": "myuser",
    "state": "present"

On the other hand, if the user does supply groups or inline_policies, the actor should explicitly manage those and ensure that they exactly match what was supplied:

{ "actor": "aws.iam.User",
  "options": {
    "name": "myuser",
    "state": "present"
    "inline_policies": "my-policy.json",
    "groups": [
      "admin", "engineers"

In this case, the myuser account should have its groups and inline policies exactly set to the above settings, and anything that was found to be mismatched in Amazon should be wiped out.

Helper Methods/Objects


The "description" of a particular actor is a parameter that the user can supply through the JSON if they wish. If no description is supplied, a default description is supplied by the actor's self.__class__.desc attribute. If your actor wants to supply its own default description, it can be done like this:

class Sleep(object):
  desc = "Sleeping for {sleep}s"
  all_options = {
    'sleep': (int), REQUIRED, 'Number of seconds to do nothing.')
(.venv)Matts-MacBook-2:kingpin diranged$ python kingpin/bin/ --color --debug -a misc.Sleep -o sleep=10 --dry
09:55:08   DEBUG    33688 [kingpin.actors.utils                    ] [get_actor_class     ] Tried importing "misc.Sleep" but failed: No module named misc
09:55:08   DEBUG    33688 [kingpin.actors.misc.Sleep               ] [_validate_options   ] [DRY: Sleeping for 10s] Checking for required options: ['sleep']
09:55:08   DEBUG    33688 [kingpin.actors.misc.Sleep               ] [__init__            ] [DRY: Sleeping for 10s] Initialized (warn_on_failure=False, strict_init_context=True)
09:55:08   INFO     33688 [__main__                                ] [main                ]
09:55:08   WARNING  33688 [__main__                                ] [main                ] Lights, camera ... action!
09:55:08   INFO     33688 [__main__                                ] [main                ]
09:55:08   DEBUG    33688 [kingpin.actors.misc.Sleep               ] [execute             ] [DRY: Sleeping for 10s] Beginning
09:55:08   DEBUG    33688 [kingpin.actors.misc.Sleep               ] [_check_condition    ] [DRY: Sleeping for 10s] Condition True evaluates to True
09:55:08   DEBUG    33688 [kingpin.actors.misc.Sleep               ] [timeout             ] [DRY: Sleeping for 10s] kingpin.actors.misc.Sleep._execute() deadline: 3600(s)
09:55:08   DEBUG    33688 [kingpin.actors.misc.Sleep               ] [_execute            ] [DRY: Sleeping for 10s] Sleeping for 10 seconds
09:55:08   DEBUG    33688 [kingpin.actors.misc.Sleep               ] [execute             ] [DRY: Sleeping for 10s] Finished successfully, return value: None
09:55:08   DEBUG    33688 [kingpin.actors.misc.Sleep               ] [_wrap_in_timer      ] [DRY: Sleeping for 10s] kingpin.actors.misc.Sleep.execute() execution time: 0.00s

The format() is called with the following key/values as possible variables that can be parsed at runtime:

  • `actor`: The Actor Package and Class -- ie, kingpin.actors.misc.Sleep in the example above.
  • `**self._options`: The entire set of options passed into the actor, broken out by key/value.


For consistency in logging, a custom Logger object is instantiated for every Actor. This logging object ensures that prefixes such as the desc of an Actor are included in the log messages. Usage examples:

self.log.error('Hey, something failed')'I am doing work')
self.log.warning('I do not think that should have happened')


Accessing options passed to the actor from the JSON file should be done via self.option() method. Accessing self._options parameter is not recommended, and the edge cases should be handled via the all_options class variable.


The :pykingpin.actors.utils.dry() wrapper quickly allows you to make a call dry -- so it only warns about execution during a dry run rather than actually executing.

User Option Validation

While you can rely on all_options for simple validation of strings, bools, etc -- you may find yourself needing to validate more complex user inputs. Regular expressions, lists of valid strings, or even full JSON schema validations.

The Self-Validating Class

If you create a class with a validate() method, Kingpin will automatically validate a users input against that method. Here's a super simple example that only accepts words that start with the letter X.

from kingpin.actors.exceptions import InvalidOptions

class OnlyStartsWithX(object):
    def validate(self, option):
        if not option.startswith('X'):
            raise InvalidOptions('Must start with X: %s' % option)

class MyActor(object):
    all_options = {
        (OnlyStartsWithX, REQUIRED, 'Any string that starts with an X')
Pre-Built Option Validators

We have created a few useful option validators that you can easily leverage in your own code:

  • :pykingpin.constants.StringCompareBase
  • :pykingpin.constants.SchemaCompareBase

Exception Handling

Simple API Access Objects

Most of the APIs out there leverage basic REST with JSON or XML as the data encoding method. Since these APIs behave similarly, we have created a simple API access object that can be extended for creating actors quickly. The object is called a RestConsumer and is in the package. This RestConsumer can be subclassed and filled in with a dict that describes the API in detail.

HTTPBin Actor with the RestConsumer

    'path': '/',
    'http_methods': {'get': {}},
    'attrs': {
        'get': {
            'path': '/get',
            'http_methods': {'get': {}},
        'post': {
            'path': '/post',
            'http_methods': {'post': {}},
        'put': {
            'path': '/put',
            'http_methods': {'put': {}},
        'delete': {
            'path': '/delete',
            'http_methods': {'delete': {}},

class HTTPBinRestClient(api.RestConsumer):

    _ENDPOINT = ''

class HTTPBinGetThenPost(base.BaseActor):
    def __init__(self, \*args, \**kwargs):
        super(HTTPBinGetThenPost, self).__init__(\*args, \**kwargs)
        self._api = HTTPBinRestClient()

    def _execute(self):
        yield self._api.get().http_get()

        if self._dry
            raise gen.Return()


        raise gen.Return()

Exception Handling in HTTP Requests

The RestClient.fetch() method has been wrapped in a retry decorator that allows you to define different behaviors based on the exceptions returned from the fetch method. For example, you may want to handle an HTTPError exception with a 401 error code differently than a 503 error code.

You can customize the exception handling by subclassing the RestClient:

class MyRestClient(api.RestClient):
        httpclient.HTTPError: {
            '401': my.CustomException(),
            '403': exceptions.InvalidCredentials,
            '500': my.UnretryableError(),
            '502': exceptions.InvalidOptions,

            # This acts as a catch-all
            '': exceptions.RecoverableActorFailure,