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File metadata and controls

178 lines (118 loc) · 6.42 KB

NextDenovo Parameter Reference

NextDenovo requires at least one read file (option: input_fofn) as input, it works with gzip'd FASTA and FASTQ formats and uses a config file to pass options.


  • input_fofn (one file one line)

    ls reads1.fasta reads2.fastq reads3.fasta.gz reads4.fastq.gz ... > input.fofn
  • config file

    A config file is a text file that contains a set of parameters (key=value pairs) to set runtime parameters for NextDenovo. The following is a typical config file, which is also located in doc/run.cfg.

    job_type = local
    job_prefix = nextDenovo
    task = all
    rewrite = yes
    deltmp = yes 
    parallel_jobs = 20
    input_type = raw
    read_type = clr # clr, ont, hifi
    input_fofn = input.fofn
    workdir = 01_rundir
    read_cutoff = 1k
    genome_size = 1g # estimated genome size
    sort_options = -m 20g -t 15
    minimap2_options_raw = -t 8
    pa_correction = 3
    correction_options = -p 15
    minimap2_options_cns = -t 8 
    nextgraph_options = -a 1  


  • workdir/03.ctg_graph/nd.asm.fasta

    Contigs with fasta format, the fasta header includes ID, type, length, node count, a consecutive lowercase region in the sequence implies a weak connection, and a low quality base is marked with a single lowercase base.

  • workdir/03.ctg_graph/nd.asm.fasta.stat

    Some basic statistical information (N10-N90, Total size et al.).


Global options

job_type = sge

local, sge, pbs, lsf, slurm... (default: sge)

job_prefix = nextDenovo

prefix tag for jobs. (default: nextDenovo)

task = <all, correct, assemble>

task need to run, correct = only do the correction step, assemble = only do the assembly step (only work if input_type = corrected or read_type = hifi), all = correct + assemble. (default: all)

rewrite = no

overwrite existed directory [yes, no]. (default: no)

deltmp = yes

delete intermediate results. (default: yes)

rerun = 3

re-run unfinished jobs untill finished or reached rerun loops, 0=no. (default: 3)

parallel_jobs = 10

number of tasks used to run in parallel. (default: 10)

input_type = raw

input reads type [raw, corrected]. (default: raw)

input_fofn = input.fofn

input file, one line one file. (required)

read_type = {clr, hifi, ont}

reads type, clr=PacBio continuous long read, hifi=PacBio highly accurate long reads, ont=NanoPore 1D reads. (required)

workdir = 01.workdir

work directory. (default: ./)

usetempdir = /tmp/test

temporary directory in compute nodes to avoid high IO wait. (default: None)

nodelist = avanode.list.fofn

a list of hostnames of available nodes, one node one line, used with usetempdir for non-sge job_type.

submit = auto

command to submit a job, auto = automatically set by Paralleltask.

kill = auto

command to kill a job, auto = automatically set by Paralleltask.

check_alive = auto

command to check a job status, auto = automatically set by Paralleltask.

job_id_regex = auto

the job-id-regex to parse the job id from the out of submit, auto = automatically set by Paralleltask.

use_drmaa = no

use drmaa to submit and control jobs.

Correction options

read_cutoff = 1k

filter reads with length < read_cutoff. (default: 1k)

genome_size = 1g

estimated genome size, suffix K/M/G recognized, used to calculate seed_cutoff/seed_cutfiles/blocksize and average depth, it can be omitted when manually setting seed_cutoff.

seed_depth = 45

expected seed depth, used to calculate seed_cutoff, co-use with genome_size, you can try to set it 30-45 to get a better assembly result. (default: 45)

seed_cutoff = 0

minimum seed length, <=0 means calculate it automatically using bin/seq_stat <seq_stat>.

seed_cutfiles = 5

split seed reads into seed_cutfiles subfiles. (default: pa_correction)

blocksize = 10g

block size for parallel running, split non-seed reads into small files, the maximum size of each file is blocksize. (default: 10g)

pa_correction = 3

number of corrected tasks used to run in parallel, each corrected task requires ~TOTAL_INPUT_BASES/4 bytes of memory usage, overwrite parallel_jobs only for this step. (default: 3)

minimap2_options_raw = -t 10

minimap2 options, used to find overlaps between raw reads, see minimap2-nd <minimap2-nd> for details.

sort_options = -m 40g -t 10

sort options, see ovl_sort <ovl_sort> for details.

correction_options = -p 10

correction options, see following:

-p, --process, set the number of processes used for correcting. (default: 10)
-b, --blacklist, disable the filter step and increase more corrected data.
-s, --split, split the corrected seed with un-corrected regions. (default: False)
-fast, 0.5-1 times faster mode with a little lower accuracy. (default: False)
-dbuf, disable caching 2bit files and reduce ~TOTAL_INPUT_BASES/4 bytes of memory usage. (default:False)
-max_lq_length, maximum length of a continuous low quality region in a corrected seed, larger max_lq_length will produce more corrected data with lower accuracy. (default: auto [pb/1k, ont/10k])

Assembly options

minimap2_options_cns = -t 8 -k17 -w17

minimap2 options, used to find overlaps between corrected reads.

minimap2_options_map = -t 10

minimap2 options, used to map reads back to the assembly.

nextgraph_options = -a 1

nextgraph options, see nextgraph <nextgraph> for details.