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Known Issues

AMC#015: THOR License not valid yet (timezone difference)

Introduced Version Fixed Version
<= 2.16.3 N/A

There is currently a bug in the ASGARD Management Center which can can cause problems during THOR license generation. This happens if the following conditions are given:

  • An asset which is located in a different timezone to your ASGARD Management Center
  • The difference between the two timezones is greater than 8 hours.

If this is the case for a few assets of yours, you will encounter the following error in your THOR scan:

REASON: license not valid yet

AMC#015: Workaround

The current workaround is to avoid issuing THOR licenses on your ASGARD Management Center during a specific time window. We take the time difference between your asset and your Management Center and subtract 8 hours. The resulting time is the time window, beginning at 00:00 AM local time of your Management Center, from which you should avoid issuing licenses. Below are two examples:

  • ASGARD Management Center timezone: UTC +11
  • Asset timezone: UTC -3

This results in a time difference of 14 hours. We subtract 8 hours from that and are left with 6 hours. That means you should avoid issuing new licenses during the following time:

00:00 AM until 06:00 AM of the ASGARD Management Center local time.

If you have the following scenario, you will not encounter the problem:

  • ASGARD Management Center timezone: UTC +2
  • Asset timezone: UTC -3

The timezone difference is smaller than 8.

AMC#014: Edge Browser with translation, "removeChild" error

Introduced Version Fixed Version

Microsoft's Edge Browser is changing DOM objects on web pages, when the translator is activated. This leads to the following error on some of our pages:

removeChild Error with Edge translation

removeChild Error with Edge translation

Since this is an issue with Microsoft Edge, we can not fix this. You have to disable the translation tool of Edge to make the pages functional.

AMC#013: Master ASGARD custom IOCs in Scheduled Group Scan

Introduced Version Fixed Version
<= 2.15.3 2.15.5

Due to a bug in the handling of scheduled group scans in your Master ASGARD, you will face an issue, were custom IOCs are not updated. This means that you would use an old version of your custom IOCs for this specific scheduled group scan, even if they have changed since the scheduled group scan was created. This scenario happens if the following conditions are given:

  • Scheduled Group Scan on your Master ASGARD for one specific ASGARD
  • Your Custom IOCs changed after the scheduled group scan was created (compiled)

This led to the Master ASGARD not pushing the Custom IOC changes to the specific ASGARD (which you created the scheduled group scan for), after your IOCs have changed and your IOC Ruleset was compiled.

From version 2.15.5, you will receive the following warning, if you have a scheduled group scan active with this bug:


Warning: Due to a bug in the Master ASGARD, some scheduled group scans might not be affected by custom signature updates. We highly recommend to stop and recreate the group scans with the following ids: 59

AMC#013: Fix

After you installed the version 2.15.5 or newer in your Master ASGARD and all connected ASGARDs, make sure to fix any scheduled group scan which are being reported by the above warning.

To do this, go to Scan Control > Scheduled Group Scans and activate the ID column. Search for the specific scan with the reported ID.

Master ASGARD AMC#013

Copy your THOR Flags and disable the scheduled group scan. You can now recreate the scheduled group scan with the exact settings and your target ASGARD. Afterwards, you can activate the scheduled group scan again, this time no warnings will appear. From this point onwards, any changes to your IOCs and IOC Rulesets within your Master ASGARD will also be reflected on the ASGARD from your new scheduled group scan.

Repeat this step for any scheduled group scans which show in the warning message of your Master ASGARD. Newly created scheduled group scans do not have this bug.

AMC#012: Missing asgard2-agent.yaml

Introduced Version Fixed Version
asgard2-agent (1.6.5) Planned end of April 2023

Due to a bug in the installer of our ASGARD Agent, there is a possibility that the configuration file (asgard2-agent.yaml) gets renamed but not replaced by a more current version. This usually happens if the agent installer is being run a second time, after the agent is already installed. In some rare cases this can also happen when the agent is being updated via your ASGARD. All together, this leaves the agent in an undesirable state, which will cause no tasks/jobs to be executed due to the missing config file (task will be in Pending state or return an error).

You will find errors in the agent log (C:\Windows\System32\asgard2-agent\log\agent.log) and also observe that the installer directory only contains asgard2-agent.yaml.old and not the correct asgard2-agent.yaml config file.

 2023/03/29 23:34:26 ASGARD_THOR: Error: could not load config: open C:\Windows\System32\asgard2-agent\asgard2-agent.yaml: The system cannot find the file specified.
 2023/03/29 23:34:26 ASGARD_AGENT: Error: task 1350 done with error: exit status 1

Another indicator is the asgard2-agent-install.log file located at C:\Windows\System32\asgard2-agent\. This almost always means the installer was executed multiple times. See the two highlighted lines below, a normal install would only contain the first line. Re-running the installer will produce lines 2 and 3, which indicate that the agent might be in the faulty state.

2023/03/30 16:13:14 installer arguments: asgard2-agent.exe -install
2023/03/30 16:13:14 could not open dst file C:\Windows\System32\asgard2-agent\asgard2-agent-service.exe: open C:\Windows\System32\asgard2-agent\asgard2-agent-service.exe: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
2023/03/30 16:13:14 could not copy files from executable path . to install path C:\Windows\System32\asgard2-agent: open C:\Windows\System32\asgard2-agent\asgard2-agent-service.exe: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

AMC#012: Workaround

To get the agent up and running again, you need to rename the config file to its original name and restart the asgard2-agent service. We wrote a little batch script you can use, alternatively you can write your own and deploy it. Administrative rights on the endpoint are needed.


IF EXIST "C:\Windows\System32\asgard2-agent\asgard2-agent.yaml" GOTO noFix
IF EXIST "C:\Windows\System32\asgard2-agent\asgard2-agent.yaml.old" GOTO fixConfig

echo config file exists, nothing to do
GOTO commonExit

echo stopping asgard2-agent service
sc stop asgard2-agent
timeout /t 5

echo config file in renamed state, fixing
copy "C:\Windows\System32\asgard2-agent\asgard2-agent.yaml.old" "C:\Windows\System32\asgard2-agent\asgard2-agent.yaml"
timeout /t 2

echo starting asgard2-agent service
sc start asgard2-agent
timeout /t 5

echo service should be in state RUNNING
sc query asgard2-agent | findstr STATE

GOTO commonExit



If you are seeing a second asset with the same hostname in your ASGARD, the issue was most likely caused by re-installing the agent over an already installed agent. Try to avoid running the installer a second time on systems which already have an agent installed. You can find information when the installer was being run in the installer log C:\Windows\System32\asgard2-agent\asgard2-agent-install.log.

AMC#011: Context Deadline Exceeded

Introduced Version Fixed Version
N/A Ongoing

When debugging GRPC connectivity issues between your components (for example Management Center to Analysis Cockpit), you might encounter an error similar to the following one:

 "MESSAGE":"could not dial grpc",
 "error":"context deadline exceeded",

AMC#011: Workaround

There is no workaround for this type of error. The error usually occurs because one of the following things are preventing proper communication between your components:

  • Firewall is using TLS Inspection
  • Proxy is using TLS Inspection
  • DNS Issues


Your components expect specific certificates from each other when communicating. If a device is trying to inspect TLS traffic, the certificate will change and you receive the above error.

To help you figuring out what is causing the problem, you can try the following. You can use openssl on your source system to see which certificate is presented by the destination host (change the host and port values as needed).

nextron@asgard2:~$ openssl s_client -host cockpit3.domain.local -port 7443
depth=0 O = Nextron Systems GmbH, CN = cockpit3.domain.local
verify error:num=20:unable to get local issuer certificate
verify return:1
depth=0 O = Nextron Systems GmbH, CN = cockpit3.domain.local
verify error:num=21:unable to verify the first certificate
verify return:1
write W BLOCK
Certificate chain
 0 s:O = Nextron Systems GmbH, CN = cockpit3.domain.local
   i:O = Nextron Systems GmbH, CN = Analysis Cockpit 3
Server certificate

The marked lines show you the certificate which is presented by the destination host. If this certificate is different from the one you installed, then the problem might be a device trying to do TLS Inspection.

We are currently working on improving the presented error message, to give a better understanding what might be the issue at hand.

AMC#010: High number of duplicate assets

Introduced Version Fixed Version

In some edge cases within restricted endpoint configurations, you can encounter a problem which causes some agents to send a lot of asset requests. This is mostly caused by hardened systems, where the asgard agent is not able to write to its own configuration file. One example is SELinux prohibiting write access to the needed YAML file.

AMC#010: Workaround

The asgard-agent process needs write access to the configuration file.

Make sure the following condition is present to avoid multiple asset requests from the same endpoint:

Process File Permissions
/var/lib/asgard2-agent/asgard2-agent /var/lib/asgard2-agent/asgard2-agent.yaml Read/Write

Make sure to disable Automatically accept all Asset Requests in the :ref:`usage/administration:advanced` Settings in the meantime, to avoid cleaning up after the changes to the endpoints have been made.

AMC#009: agent-access.log is not being rotated

Introduced Version Fixed Version
<= 2.14.6 >2.14.6

The file /var/lib/nextron/asgard2/log/agent-access.log is not included in the logrotate configuration. This could cause a full disk after a certain period of time, due to the file growing bigger and not being rotated.

AMC#009: Workaround

To fix that problem you have to connect via ssh to your ASGARD Management Center and edit the following file (as root user):

user@unix:~$ ssh nextron@asgard
nextron@asgard:~$ sudoedit /etc/logrotate.d/asgard
[sudo] password for nextron:

You will see the contents of the asgard logrotate file. The entry on the bottom of the file will be the one you need to change. Please make sure to only change the following highlighted line:

/etc/nextron/asgard2/log/agent-access.log {
    rotate 14
    maxsize 10G
        pkill -SIGHUP rsyslogd >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
/var/lib/nextron/asgard2/logs/agent-access.log {
    rotate 14
    maxsize 10G
        pkill -SIGHUP rsyslogd >/dev/null 2>&1 || true

You can save the file by pressing CTRL + O (you will be asked what File Name to write to, you can just press Enter here). Exit the file by pressing CTRL + X.

Since the logrotate job will run every day at a certain time, the changes will take affect with the next run. If you need to rotate the file immediately, run the following command:

nextron@asgard:~$ sudo logrotate -v /etc/logrotate.d/asgard

You should see in your output something along the lines of the following:

rotating pattern: /var/lib/nextron/asgard2/log/agent-access.log  after 1 days (14 rotations)
empty log files are not rotated, log files >= 10737418240 are rotated earlier, old logs are removed
considering log /var/lib/nextron/asgard2/log/agent-access.log
  Now: 2023-02-13 10:10
  Last rotated at 2023-02-13 10:00
  log does not need rotating (log has been already rotated)

AMC#008: Show Asset Timeline Fails

Introduced Version Fixed Version
<= 2.14.6 >2.14.6

After clicking on the asset timeline, the following error appears:

could not get client stats ID:7 ERROR: no agentlog could be opened

AMC#008: Workaround

To fix that problem you have to connect via ssh to your ASGARD Management Center and run the following commands.

user@unix:~$ ssh nextron@asgard
nextron@asgard:~$ sudo touch /var/lib/nextron/asgard2/log/agent.log
[sudo] password for nextron:
nextron@asgard:~$ sudo chown asgard2: /var/lib/nextron/asgard2/log/agent.log

AMC#007: Sigma Rule Update Fails

Introduced Signature Set Fixed Signature Set
23.1.5-122954 23.1.9-153938 or newer

The signature set released on the 06.01.2023 contains a rule with an author field which is too long for the database field we use in AMC.

Updating the ruleset results in an error message:

could not use new blob ERROR: Error 1406: Data too long for column 'author' at row 1

AMC#007: Workaround

Search for rule title Malicious PowerShell Commandlets, click on Update, and deny the problematic update for this single rule by selecting Keep current version. You can now update the rest of the ruleset using the Update All Rules button.

This will disable/skip the current update of the rule. As soon as a new update is available, the rule will be shown again in the Rule Updates view.


Denying an update for a rule will only deny the current rule update. Any future updates to this rule will be available again.

AMC#006: Nested LDAP Groups not working

Introduced Version Fixed Version
2.0.0 Open

Using nested groups in your LDAP/AD will result in no users because the query will fail.

AMC#006: Workaround

Change your LDAP GroupFilter to the following:


AMC#005: Basename Missing Operand after SSH Login

Introduced Version Fixed Version
2.0.0 >=2.14.5

After logging into ASGARD Management Center via SSH right after installing the base system, the following message can appear:

basename: missing operand
Try 'basename --help' for more information

It is caused by a unhandled condition in the MOTD (message of the day) script that evaluates the version of the scanners and signatures. After installing ASGARD it takes some minutes to retrieve and install all scanners from the update servers.

The issue is known and can be ignored.

AMC#005: Workaround

No workaround required. The issue solves itself after the download of the scanner and signature packages.

AMC#004: RPM Packages do not have a compatible architecture

Introduced Version Fixed Version
  Under investigation

Some Linux systems return this error message when installing the RPM packages of the ASGARD agents.

Depsolve Error occured: \n Problem: conflicting requests\n  - package asgard2-agent-1-1.0.0.amd64 does not have a compatible architecture.

The issue is known and can be ignored. The installation completes successfully regardless of this error message.

AMC#004: Workaround 1

No workaround required. Regardless of the message the package installation completes successfully.

You can avoid the error messages using this command:

user@host:~$ sudo yum install --forcearch amd64 ./asgard2-agent-linux-amd64.rpm

For an unattended installation (no user interaction) use:

user@host:~$ sudo yum install -y --forcearch amd64 ./asgard2-agent-linux-amd64.rpm

AMC#004: Workaround 2

You can build a new RPM package and use it for automated installations.

Log into the Asgard server which should be used by the clients to connect to and execute the following steps:

nextron@asgard:~$ sudo -u asgard2 -s # Open a shell with the access rights of the asgard2 user
asgard2@asgard:~$ rpmbuild --target x86_64 --buildroot /var/lib/nextron/asgard2/templates/rpm/BUILDROOT/x86_64 -bb /var/lib/nextron/asgard2/templates/rpm/SPECS/asgard2-agent-amd64.spec

Use the following file instead of the RPM from the Agent Download section in the Asgard UI:


When using scp to transfer the file from the server, you will need to copy the file to a directory that is accessible by the nextron user. You also need to change the file permissions. One possibility to achieve this is to use the following commands:

asgard2@asgard:~$ exit # close the session of the asgard2 user if still open
nextron@asgard:~$ sudo cp /var/lib/nextron/asgard2/templates/rpm/x86_64/asgard2-agent-1-1.0.0.x86_64.rpm /home/nextron/
nextron@asgard:~$ sudo chown nextron:nextron /home/nextron/asgard2-agent-1-1.0.0.x86_64.rpm

The resulting RPM should no longer cause the described "unsupported architecture" error message when it is used with yum or dnf.

AMC#004: Workaround 3

There are rare cases where the package installation should be automated and the command line flags are not an option. In this cases it is possible to perform the ASGARD agent installation manually. This requires to collect some files from ASGARD and move them to the asset that should be connected.

# For 64-bit systems

# For 32-bit systems

# For all systems

These files have to be located on the target asset as follows

# Preparation if it is a first time installation
mkdir -p /var/lib/asgard2-agent/

# For 64-bit systems
mv asgard2-agent-amd64 /usr/sbin/asgard2-agent-service
mv client-amd64 /var/lib/asgard2-agent/asgard2-agent

# For 32-bit systems
mv asgard2-agent-386 /usr/sbin/asgard2-agent-service
mv client-386 /var/lib/asgard2-agent/asgard2-agent

# For all systems
mv ca.pem /var/lib/asgard2-agent/ca.pem
mv client.yaml /var/lib/asgard2-agent/asgard2-agent.yaml

# Make sure access rights in the file system are secure
chown -R root:root /var/lib/asgard2-agent
chmod -R g-rwx /var/lib/asgard2-agent
chmod -R o-rwx /var/lib/asgard2-agent

Afterwards the installation is done by running:

user@host:~$ sudo /var/lib/asgard2-agent/asgard2-agent -install

To uninstall the ASGARD agent without using the RPM package the following steps can be used:

user@host:~# sudo /var/lib/asgard2-agent/asgard2-agent -uninstall
user@host:~# sudo rm /usr/sbin/asgard2-agent-service
user@host:~# sudo rm -Rf /var/lib/asgard2-agent/

AMC#003: Error on newly installed Management Center

Introduced Version Fixed Version
2.11.11 Open

You just installed an ASGARD Management Center and get error messages such as

Error: Something went wrong
c is null


Error: Something went wrong
Cannot read properties of null (reading 'forEach')

This happens if you want to initiate THOR scans or access THOR scan settings before ASGARD was able to download the THOR packages from our update servers.

AMC#003: Workaround

Make sure ASGARD is able to access our update servers (see System Status: Connectivity Test or System Status > Diagnostics and that you have imported a valid license (see Licensing).

You can either wait for ASGARD to download the THOR packages automatically (check at Updates > THOR and Signatures) or initiate a download of THOR packages and signatures manually by clicking the "Manually Check for Updates" button at Updates > THOR and Signatures.

AMC#002: Aurora False Positive Filters Cleared After Saving

Introduced Version Fixed Version
<2.14.5 >=2.14.5

If the global Aurora false positive filter at Service Control > Aurora > False Positive Filters is used, the text box is empty/cleared after saving and refreshing the page.

AMC#002: Workaround

If the false positive tuning you want to achieve is only affecting one rule, the best place to tune it is a single rule false positive tuning at Service Control > Sigma > Rules and choosing the "Edit false positives filters of this rule" action.

If you need global false positive filter, you can edit the file /var/lib/nextron/asgard2/products/aurora-config/false-positives.cfg directly via the ASGARD command line. In order for the changes to take effect it is important NOT to click the Service Control > Aurora > False Positive Filters > Save button.

Instead go to Service Control > Aurora > Configurations and edit the configuration of the assets that need the false positive filter. To do so just open the configuration using the edit action and saving without any modifications using the "Save Configuration and Restart Aurora Agents" button. This will use the false positive filter defined in the file via CLI and restarts the assets to use the new configuration.

AMC#001: API Documentation Curl Examples Not Working

Introduced Version Fixed Version
2.12.8 >=2.13.5

The API documentation is not showing the API key in example queries as it should and did.

AMC#001: Workaround

You need to manually add -H 'Authorization: <your-API-key>' to your queries.

Example with API endpoint /playbooks/search:

Non-working curl example:

user@host:~$ curl -X 'GET' \
  'https://asgard.local:8443/api/v1/playbooks/search?limit=1' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'

Working curl example:

user@host:~$ curl -X 'GET' \
  'https://asgard.local:8443/api/v1/playbooks/search?limit=1' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: <your-API-key>'

You also need the --insecure curl flag, if you are using the self-signed certificate that ASGARD shipped with.