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MSBT editing in Python using MSYT

PyMsyt is a Python library wrapping the MSYT project in Rust. It uses a custom fork built as both a library and application. PyMsyt supports reading and writing MSBT files in binary, YAML, and JSON formats. Basic documentation:


Class pymsyt.Msbt

Class representing an MSBT file. This is just a thin wrapper over the Msyt type from the Rust MSYT project providing a few convenient methods for Python use. Note that manipulating the contents of an MSBT in code can only be done staightforwardly by converting with to_dict() and from_dict(). This class cannot be directly instantiated. Instead, create it through static parsing methods. Example use:

from pymsyt import Msbt
data = open("ArmorHead.msbt", "rb").read()
msbt = Msbt.from_binary(data)
msyt_text = msbt.to_yaml() # Convert MSBT to MSYT YAML
json_text = msbt.to_json() # Convert MSBT to JSON
msbt_dict = msbt.to_dict() # Convert to an editable Python dictionary
for entry, contents in msbt_dict["entries"].items() # Iterate MSBT text entries
    print(f"{entry} = {contents}")
msbt_dict["entries"]["Armor_999_Head"] = { # Adding a new text entry
    "contents": [{"text":"Some new helmet"}]
open("ArmorHead.msbt", "wb").write( # Saving modified file

Methods defined here:

to_binary(big_endian: bool) -> bytes

Serializes this MSBT file to bytes.

to_dict() -> dict

Converts the MSBT contents to a Python dict.

to_json() -> str

Generates a JSON representation of this MSBT file.

to_yaml() -> str

Generates a YAML representation of this MSBT file.

from_binary(data: BytesLike) -> Msbt

Parses an MSBT file from a byteslike object

from_dict(dict: dict) -> Msbt

Parses an MSBT file from a Python dictionary.

from_json(json: str) -> Msbt

Parses an MSBT file from a JSON representation.

from_yaml(yaml: str) -> Msbt

Parses an MSBT file from a YAML representation.

Class pymsyt.MsytError

Generic exception thrown for all errors with this library.