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Slices, Maps and Structs


A slice is a growable sequence of values of a single specified type

s := make([]string, 0)
s = append(s, "hello")

s1 := []string{"a", "b", "c"}
  • slices are reference types
s1 := []string{"a", "b", "c"}

s2 := s1[0:2]
s1[0] = "d"
fmt.Println(s2) // d, b


A map is a data type that associates a value of one data type to a value of another data type

  • (Java hashmap, Python dict, Javascript Object, Ruby hash)
  • key cannot be: slice, map, function, type that contains slice, map or function
m := make(map[string]int)
m["hi"] = 1
  • to check if a value is in the map:
if v, ok := m["hi"]; ok {
    fmt.Println("hi key in m:", v)
  • iterate a map:
for k, v := range m2 {
    fmt.Println(k, v)
  • delete a value with ``delete(m, "hello")```
  • maps are reference types


  • structs are not objects
  • no inheritance for structs
type Foo struct {
	A int
	B string
type Baz struct {
	D string
	Foo // embedded struct

f := Foo{}

f1 := Foo{1, "Hello"} // not common

f2 := Foo{
    b: "Hi",

f2.A = 100

b := Baz{D: "Hi", Foo: f1}
  • struct fields whose names start with capital letters are visible outside of their package
  • struct fields whose names start with capital letters are also visible outside of their packages
  • structs are value type, so they are copied