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This component is used to benchmark the system and to profile models.

It can perform a benchmark of the system or it can be used to profile a single model. A benchmark can be implemented extending the base Benchmark class.

Benchmark Class


  • init the benchmark with a parameters file containing information about how to run the benchmark

Profiling parameters

  • endpoints_benchmark: the endpoints of the dispatchers
  • endpoint_profiler: the TF Serving endpoint for profiling the model
  • bench_folder: the folder where are the data for benchmarking and profiling
  • validation_folder: the folder where are the data for validation
  • repeat_measure: the number of times needed to repeat the response time measure
  • warm_up_times: the number of requests needed to warm up the model


  • start a benchmark with profiler.run_benchmark(): it will profile the system using the data into the folder specified in the parameters file
  • before_benchmark() is called before the benchmark is started
  • after_benchmark() is called after the benchmark is completed


  • start a profiling with profiler.run_profiling(): it will profile the model using the data into the folder specified in the parameters file
  • before_profiling() is called before the profiling is started
  • after_profiling() is called after the profiling is completed


  • start a validation with profiler.validate(): it will validate the model using the data into the folder given in the parameters file
  • before_validate() is called before the validation is started
  • after_validate() is called after the validation is completed
  • show_data() is called before submitting the request, e.g. to show the input data
  • show_response() is called after receiving the response, e.g. to show the output data

Profiler class

The profiler class provides some useful functions:

  • before_profiling: executed before profiling is started, e.g.:
    • load the requests data,
    • perform some pre profile works
    • warm up the model, etc.
  • after_profiling: executed after profiling is done, e.g.:
    • save profiling data.
    • elaborate response data,
    • save response, etc.
  • load_requests_from_file: used to load test requests from a file
  • warm_up_model: used to perform some requests in order to warm-up the model

Class attributes

  • self.bench_data: it is the list of requests used to profile the model
  • self.validate_data: it is the list of requests used to validate the model

Each entry in the lists is a dict with the following fields:

  • "data": the raw data read
  • "request: the data converted in a ready to be submitted request

ImageNet Benchmark

It is a specialized benchmark used with imagenet models such as AlexNet, GooLeNet, VGG16.