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File metadata and controls

145 lines (129 loc) · 5.41 KB

#<NB-Menu># A polymer component for creating recursive menus from JSON.


##To Get Started## Install with bower:
bower install nb-menu
Import the html file
<link rel="import" href="bower_components/nb-menu/nb-menu.html">
and start using it!
Look below at Adding Content to the Menu for information on how to set the items

##Why not use polymers stock core-menu?## <nb-menu> is smart. It creates a menu based on JSON that you give to it. <nb-menu> doesn't just create recursive menus with little effort though...

##Published Attributes## There are 4 published attributes on <nb-menu>

  • selectedIndex -- This states the initial selected item. Default is null (polymer default)
  • selectedItem -- The item that is currently selected. Default is -1 (nothing selected)
  • items -- The JSON of items to construct the menu from. Default is []
  • adjustForDepth -- Adjusts the menu when the depth is more then 2 so that the items stay in view. Useful for use with the . Default is true

##Adding Content to the Menu## if your <nb-menu> has an id of menu like this: <nb-menu id="menu"></nb-menu> you can set the content of it like this

document.getElementById('menu').items = [
                                                "label": "item 1",
                                                "action": "alert('hello from item 1')",
                                                "icon": "arrow-back",
												"toggleDrawer": true,
                                                "children": [
                                                        "label": "item 1-1",
                                                        "action": "console.log('you clicked item 1-1')",
                                                        "icon": "assignment-ind",
														"toggleDrawer": true

##JSON Format## The JSON can have 5 properties

name Description
label Sets the Text for the button
icon The name of one of the icons in or one that is included in your project before importing
children An array of items
toggleDrawer Boolean, whether clicking on this item should toggle the <core-drawer-panel>
action A typical way to store the action of the button. This is just for use in the event handler
Any custom property in the JSON will be accessible in the event listener for the item

##Handling Events## The Menu emits a `selectionChanged' whenever the selection changes This can be listened to by doing a simple

document.getElementById('menu').addEventListener('selectionChanged', function(event){
	console.log('Menu Selection Changed');

###Getting an action from the clicked item### The event.details object contains two properties

Property Description
isSelected if isSelected is true then the item is being selected, if its false it is being de-selected
item The event.details.item is the element that is selected
json The json that the menu created the element with. Can also be retrieved by JSON.parse(event.details.item.dataset.json)

###Complex example###

document.getElementById('menu').addEventListener('selectionChanged', function(event){
		var item = event.detail.json;
			console.log(item.label + " selected. Action is " + item.action)
			//Do the action

			//Or......if you are using angular this is useful, In a service you can do something like...
			if ($scope[action]){

			console.log(item.label + " De-selected. Action is " + item.action)
			//Do the action


Separate Actions for Select and Deselect

Heck if you wanted to you could have separate actions for deselection and selection Set the action property of an item to something like

"action": {
	"select":"alert('Item 1 Selected')",
	"deselect": "alert('Item 1 Deselected')"

Then check to see if the action property is an object, if it is do the respective action

	console.log(item.label + " selected. Action is " + item.action)
	//Do the action
	if (typeof item.action == "object"){

	console.log(item.label + " De-selected. Action is " + item.action)
	//Do the action
	if (typeof item.action == "object"){

##Issues or suggestions?## Create an issue on github or email me at