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Niclas Olofsson edited this page Jan 25, 2015 · 26 revisions

Welcome to the MiNET wiki!

Random notes from developing:

Die and Respawn:

Air bubbles count 300 world-ticks (50ms). After that, it counts down health 20 world ticks, and then it kills the player.

For air ticks, the server sends nothing at this time. It is handled by the client. After air is out, it sends SetHealth messages every world-tick to the players. It also broadcast an EntityEvent to all players to indicate that the player is hurting.

When health is down to 0 or below, it will send a final EntityEvent with a die event ID, and then broadcast Remove player.

On respawn it sends the following sequence.``
C: Respawn``
S: MovePlayer (to player)``
S: SetHealth (to player)``
S: AdventureSettings (to player)``
S: ContainerSetContent items (to player)``
S: ContainerSetContent armour (to player)``
S: AddPlayer (broadcast)``
S: PlayerEquipment (broadcast)``
S: PlayerArmorEquipment (broadcast)``
For each spawned player sends:``
  S: AddPlayer (broadcast)``
  S: PlayerEquipment (broadcast)``
  S: PlayerArmorEquipment (broadcast)``

And then game is on again.