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You will find here the Frequently Asked Questions, as well as some other use-case examples that are not part of the User Guide.

How to get the top-N recommendations for each user

Here is an example where we retrieve the top-10 items with highest rating prediction for each user in the MovieLens-100k dataset. We first train an SVD algorithm on the whole dataset, and then predict all the ratings for the pairs (user, item) that are not in the training set. We then retrieve the top-10 prediction for each user.

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/
    :caption: From file ``examples/``
    :lines: 8-

How to compute precision@k and recall@k

Here is an example where we compute Precision@k and Recall@k for each user:

\text{Precision@k} = \frac{ | \{ \text{Recommended items that are relevant} \} | }{ | \{ \text{Recommended items} \} | } \text{Recall@k} = \frac{ | \{ \text{Recommended items that are relevant} \} | }{ | \{ \text{Relevant items} \} | }

An item is considered relevant if its true rating r_{ui} is greater than a given threshold. An item is considered recommended if its estimated rating \hat{r}_{ui} is greater than the threshold, and if it is among the k highest estimated ratings.

Note that in the edge cases where division by zero occurs, Precision@k and Recall@k values are undefined. As a convention, we set their values to 0 in such cases.

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/
    :caption: From file ``examples/``
    :lines: 5-

How to get the k nearest neighbors of a user (or item)

You can use the :meth:`get_neighbors() <surprise.prediction_algorithms.algo_base.AlgoBase.get_neighbors>` methods of the algorithm object. This is only relevant for algorithms that use a similarity measure, such as the :ref:`k-NN algorithms <pred_package_knn_inpired>`.

Here is an example where we retrieve the 10 nearest neighbors of the movie Toy Story from the MovieLens-100k dataset. The output is:

The 10 nearest neighbors of Toy Story are:
Beauty and the Beast (1991)
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
That Thing You Do! (1996)
Lion King, The (1994)
Craft, The (1996)
Liar Liar (1997)
Aladdin (1992)
Cool Hand Luke (1967)
Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day (1968)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)

There's a lot of boilerplate because of the conversions between movie names and their raw/inner ids (see :ref:`this note <raw_inner_note>`), but it all boils down to the use of :meth:`get_neighbors() <surprise.prediction_algorithms.algo_base.AlgoBase.get_neighbors>`:

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/
    :caption: From file ``examples/``
    :lines: 9-

Naturally, the same can be done for users with minor modifications.

How to serialize an algorithm

Prediction algorithms can be serialized and loaded back using the :func:`dump() <surprise.dump.dump>` and :func:`load() <surprise.dump.load>` functions. Here is a small example where the SVD algorithm is trained on a dataset and serialized. It is then reloaded and can be used again for making predictions:

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/
    :caption: From file ``examples/``
    :lines: 7-

Algorithms can be serialized along with their predictions, so that can be further analyzed or compared with other algorithms, using pandas dataframes. Some examples are given in the two following notebooks:

How to build my own prediction algorithm

There's a whole guide :ref:`here<building_custom_algo>`.

What are raw and inner ids

Users and items have a raw id and an inner id. Some methods will use/return a raw id (e.g. the :meth:`predict() <surprise.prediction_algorithms.algo_base.AlgoBase.predict>` method), while some other will use/return an inner id.

Raw ids are ids as defined in a rating file or in a pandas dataframe. They can be strings or numbers. Note though that if the ratings were read from a file which is the standard scenario, they are represented as strings. This is important to know if you're using e.g. :meth:`predict() <surprise.prediction_algorithms.algo_base.AlgoBase.predict>` or other methods that accept raw ids as parameters.

On trainset creation, each raw id is mapped to a unique integer called inner id, which is a lot more suitable for Surprise to manipulate. Conversions between raw and inner ids can be done using the :meth:`to_inner_uid() <surprise.Trainset.to_inner_uid>`, :meth:`to_inner_iid() <surprise.Trainset.to_inner_iid>`, :meth:`to_raw_uid() <surprise.Trainset.to_raw_uid>`, and :meth:`to_raw_iid() <surprise.Trainset.to_raw_iid>` methods of the :class:`trainset <surprise.Trainset>`.

Can I use my own dataset with Surprise, and can it be a pandas dataframe

Yes, and yes. See the :ref:`user guide <load_custom>`.

How to tune an algorithm parameters

You can tune the parameters of an algorithm with the :class:`GridSearchCV <>` class as described :ref:`here <tuning_algorithm_parameters>`. After the tuning, you may want to have an :ref:`unbiased estimate of your algorithm performances <unbiased_estimate_after_tuning>`.

How to get accuracy measures on the training set

You can use the :meth:`build_testset() <surprise.Trainset.build_testset()>` method of the :class:`Trainset <surprise.Trainset>` object to build a testset that can be then used with the :meth:`test() <surprise.prediction_algorithms.algo_base.AlgoBase.test>` method:

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/
    :caption: From file ``examples/``
    :lines: 7-21

Check out the example file for more usage examples.

How to save some data for unbiased accuracy estimation

If your goal is to tune the parameters of an algorithm, you may want to spare a bit of data to have an unbiased estimation of its performances. For instance you may want to split your data into two sets A and B. A is used for parameter tuning using grid search, and B is used for unbiased estimation. This can be done as follows:

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/
    :caption: From file ``examples/``
    :lines: 8-

How to have reproducible experiments

Some algorithms randomly initialize their parameters (sometimes with numpy), and the cross-validation folds are also randomly generated. If you need to reproduce your experiments multiple times, you just have to set the seed of the RNG at the beginning of your program:

import random
import numpy as np

my_seed = 0

Where are datasets stored and how to change it?

By default, datasets downloaded by Surprise will be saved in the '~/.surprise_data' directory. This is also where dump files will be stored. You can change the default directory by setting the 'SURPRISE_DATA_FOLDER' environment variable.

Can Surprise support content-based data or implicit ratings?

No: this is out of scope for surprise. Surprise was designed for explicit ratings.